Keep the eye contact


New Member
Feb 3, 2007
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I hope my little advise is helpful. These is one of the little basic things that you keep forgetting. You never look away: keep looking at her eyes until you assert dominance.

The other day I was just passing in the car with my old man, and I saw some girl sitting in the sidewalk. I looked at her until she looked at me. Then she locked her eyes into me, and I kept watching until she turned her face away, like "Ha, I won't look away until you do!".

I didn't look at her anymore since I wasn't going to stop. But then my old man said "Hey, did you saw that girl?! Didn't read her lips?" I played naive and said "Dad, how am I supposed to read lips. I'm not deaf or anything". The he said "The girl was looking at you and then said "That guy is so hot!!". And I said to myself "I knew it :)"

So, in conclusion, fellas: you never look away. Just look at the eyes of that beautiful stranger, completely expressionless, until she turns her sight away. Some shiver, some nearly trip, most get caught like a deer looking into headlights. It's very powerful.

Also, remember this:
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Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
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ummm....i know the importance of keeping eye contact while in a CONVERSATION....but what you did sounded like you were just staring her down?


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
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I think its pretty good advice. At least when establishing dominance. I've noticed that when I'm sitting in the cafe at my school and my eyes wander around at some dude accidentally and he looks at me and if I look away to quick it makes me feel less dominate. Its like I'm trying to avoid conflict.

But I don't know. I think that with girls, if you keep eye contact for a long time, then you should approach.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
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Eye contact is great.

But, having eye contact with a woman that already thinks you are 'sooo hot' isn't exactly a tip.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
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I've been thinking of making a post on EC....It's actually huge, like HUGE, for pre-convo attraction.

Just a quick tip: Alot of people, as stated above, will look away quickly if you catch them looking at you. This is submissive. Do not do this. Look people in the eyes as if each and every one of them is your friend. Think about it...When you see your friend walking along, you don't look away quickly when he looks at you, do you? So why in the hell would you avert your gaze as fast as possible for a stranger? Because subconsciously you want--again as stated above--to avoid potential conflict.

Treat every girl you find attractive, as if you were her friend. Hold eye contact, smile, talk, socialize, whatever.

If you do this to people you just met, it demonstrates extreme confidence and gives them a sense of comfortability...Those two factors are paramount in attraction.

Here's afew quick reminders about E.C.:

1. Don't look away quickly if a girl catches you staring at her. DO NOT. Keep looking at her, mabye move your gaze from her rack to her eyes, but KEEP EYE CONTACT. And smile, of course.

2. Another reason to not look away quickly...People always know when somebody has just been looking at them. You get it all the time, right? You look over at somebody and for a fraction of a second you catch them looking at you, just before they conspicuously shift their gaze to something far less captivating.

3. Give eye contact to every girl you find attractive, and smile. I didn't used to do this, but it helps alot. If one of these girls finds YOU attractive, she'll feel alot more comfortable, and YOU might just be the one getting approached by HER. (note: this one was personal for me, I don't get approached very often--if at all--and she was a hottie. One thing I did differently with her over other girls is give her mad EYE CONTACT. It can make or break your game bro.

4. Again, treat everyone you see/are attracted to, as if they are already your friends, and you'll be surprised how easy the task of making friends will become.


That's my two cents for tonight...It reminded me of some stuff too.



New Member
Feb 13, 2007
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I have been trying to make eye contact with as many women as possible, either at school, on the street, or at the grocery store. I have found that there are women who are not willing to look at me, but maybe that is because I am constantly moving and can not lock eyes on a chick for long periods of time. Maybe they are preoccupied with something in their lives. Or perhaps they are stuck up. I don't know why they fail to notice me.

There are some however, who have locked eyes with me, but their expressions vary. Some, like this girl I passed today infront of a church, do smile. Others have given me a kind of surprised and interested look.

I just try and make eye contact with as many women as I can, until I find one who will give me some kind of positive reaction such as the above mentioned girl near the church.