Keep It Simple Stupid


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2000
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Society is overwhelming our lives with complexity and we are just letting ourselves get taken along for the ride. This doesn’t mean that you have to suffer through the current level of complexity. The expression "Keep it simple, stupid"(K.I.S.S), emphasize the fact that simplicity is important. The principle is meant to convey the idea that the simplest or most obvious explanation of several competing ones is the one that should be preferred until it is proven wrong. Or as William of Ockham (an English philosopher) put it:
What can be done with fewer [assumptions] is done in vain with more.
The Dalai Lama once said that
simplicity is the key to happiness in the modern world.
The basic principle is the same: If your explanations, constructs, or theories get real complicated, they are probably wrong. This is especially likely if you have to keep asking yourself “what if” questions, where each new piece of information requires modifications that make things still more complicated. Take for example the 3 second rule. The rule simply states that you will probably have a better chance of gaining a woman’s interest if you start a conversation with her within the first 3 seconds of meeting her. I don’t think anyone can prove this wrong, nonetheless how many people like to use complex social mating rituals based on some self help psycho’s latest book only to become the girls "friend" because you didn’t have to gonads to walk up to her and start a convo when you first had the chance.

The KISS principle isn’t geared for a specific context it is a generic idea that can be used effectively in any situation in your life. Nevertheless in an effort to get my point across I will give you an examples of the KISS principle in action that will apply to a lot of the aspiring D.J’s on this site.

A classic example is when a romantic relationship is obviously over, but you don't want to cope with that idea. You think to yourself “This relationship isn’t over, all I need to do is communicate more and take her out to dinner and read her mind, all I need to do is conform to her idea of an ideal man and the problems will disappear” you can continue explaining away problems or convincing yourself that they can be resolved even as problem after problem piles up as proof that the real answer is simple: The relationship isn't working.
Now any rational person would think that a person is being illogical by staying in a bad relationship, the K.I.S.S principle is simple ,but I never said it was easy. What you would need to do is catch yourself in your convoluted state of denial and then determine the simplest route to making you happy (getting out of the relationship), which is easier said than done.

Another good example of the KISS principle is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” . Example: you would like that hot girl to come over and ask you out, but she seems reluctant to do so. As someone who wants to personify the D.J lifestyle and apply the K.I.S.S principle you should at least talk to the girl because you would think it was nice if she approched you with romantic interest. Alright I twisted that one around but there is no doubt that this is simple and it is easy if you just shed some preconceived notions about getting rejected.
I myself haven’t even covered the tip of the iceberg when it comes to applying KISS principles in my life. Thus far I have found that by reframing my goals in life into a more abstract level I can easily deal with problems that I once thought were much to complicated to even consider dealing with. For example I was all into pickup “techniques” like speed seduction and trying to use trivial changes in body language as a measure of a woman’s interest in me. However now I have a strategy that is simple yet quite effective: meet, Talk, get number, meet again,and screw. At first you may find what I am saying is oversimplified, but when dealing with issues of a personal matter I find the simpler I can get my ideas the better. Moreover I don’t care how I happen to reach my goals I just try to get there using the simplest route possible and if I cannot get to one of my goals within a reasonable amount of time I start over on another girl err I mean goal.

Using the kiss principle in your life will require planning at first and will probably cause minor turmoil in your usual thought process. However, in the long run, the net effect of the principle will be beneficial since much more can be accomplished with simplicity than complexity.

If anyone else has some good examples of K.I.S.S principles in action I would be happy to read them.

P.S meet, talk, get phone number, meet again, and screw.

"The Edge... There is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. The others --- the living --- are those who pushed their control as far as they felt they could handle it, and then pulled back, or slowed down, or did whatever they had to when it came time to choose between Now and Later." Hunter S. Thompson

Dr. Pimp

Don Juan
Feb 19, 2002
Reaction score
First off I’d like to say you wrote a nice post pointing out the importance of simplicity not only in getting women but also in life. I look forward to seeing more tips from you NJ.

“For example I was all into pickup “techniques” like speed seduction and trying to use trivial changes in body language as a measure of a woman’s interest in me. However now I have a strategy that is simple yet quite effective: meet, Talk, get number, meet again,and screw.”

What made you discontinue the use of SS and these other “techniques” you talk about? Did they not give you the results you had wanted or did you find better ways of determining, raising and keeping interest level? Well your strategy sounds good, but there are many aspects that also need to be addressed before you’re able to get from point A to B to C and so forth. Identifying the destinations are great, now you must define your path or plan, all in a KISS fashion of course.


[This message has been edited by Dr. Pimp (edited 02-19-2002).]


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by Dr. Pimp

What made you discontinue the use of SS and these other “techniques” you talk about? Did they not give you the results you had wanted or did you find better ways of determining, raising and keeping interest level?
Hello Good Doctor and thank you for your reply.

SS didn't work for me because I couldn't incorporate it into my personality. SS may work but at what price? The price of being a big fake, which I am not and wouldn't advise anyone to be.

Technique is nothing without soul and individuality. I am quite familiar with Ross Jeffries techniques and they really seem to work for him and others but they could never work for me. Reciting scripts is not my idea of picking up women but I guess if your a real edge junky or a sad sack with women it would be something to pursue. However if you want to hear people who are SS junkies and love technique and patterns and all than visit I think ... on the NNTP client of your choice.

My method of getting ,monitoring and keeping interest is simple. Firstly since I always ask for the number within 15 to 30 minutes or meeting a girl. I like then I can usually tell if they are interested by whether they give me a phone number or walk away or tell me I am a loser or whatever. Asking a person for there home phone number is a great way to tell if they are interested in you and is alot easier than reading bodies. The thing is if she doesn't give me her home phone number than she isn't interested enough in me and therefore not worth anymore pursuit.

[This message has been edited by new_juan (edited 02-19-2002).]