Don't know if I've mentioned supps before to you. There are some basics that are a very good idea- especially if you don't eat a lot of fruit and veggies and also because you drink. You also mentioned in log that you have a sleep issue, this suggests nutritional problems.
I see the same base level supps recommended everywhere. IA has a "base level" recommendation which he says is stuff that you must get. From here:
1 mega-dose multi-vitamin and full spectrum mineral packs
2000 mgs vit C a day
300% calcium/magnesium/zinc a day
4-10 grams of fish oil
I personally don't know if his cal/mag/zinc is a touch high, but he has trained thousands of people so I'm sure he has good reason to recommend that much. I personally like going with around double the RDA. This is very similar to what Warboss had me on although his cal/zinc/mag were closer to rda/double rda. You have to take into consideration how much the multi would give you of each of these three, and then make them up the full amount seperatley.
All of this can start to get costly, which is another reason to maybe aim for rda/double rda- you'll still be covering bases. From what I've read rda is generally considered low by a lot of people, and that is for the general population. Lifter's require more, which is why I think double rda is a good idea. See what works for you. You have to remember as well that your diet shouldn't be completley shi*, on the contrary it should be as good as possible, and it should provide a lot of nutrients, particularly zinc from beef. However I've found that magnesium is potentially one of the biggest issues in the modern diet. We used to get a lot more in our diet from water/vegetables, but levels are declining because of farming practices and water filtration. It is used in 300+ reactions in the body and is critical for optimum function. Poliquin says 100% of his athletes are deficient when they first come to him. From what I have read I think magnesium is a no brainer for many people.
A good multi is the beverley international super pak, it's IA's first recommendation. His second is the NOW Adam multi.
For the cal/mag/zinc you want forms ending in ate. Citrate seems to be the most economical.
I'd really try and afford this stuff. If you can afford the booze, you can afford this stuff- that's my argument anyway. Another supp that is fairly cheap and might be a good idea if you find it hard to gain weight/digest food is betaine hydrochloride. If you have digestion problems (alcohol will raise your risk) then you might absorb your vitamins poorly.
Some other stuff you can then start to think about is vitamin e, green tea, b vitamins, creatine. The list can go on and on if your budget is big enough.
For sleep though zinc and magnesium comes highly recommended from a lot of people.
Hope this helps,
Ps- Epsom salts are a great recovery after your workouts. You put 400-600g in a bath and go in for at least 15 minutes. They are magnesium sulfate, so it helps to boost your magnesium levels. Sulfate is good to. I've heard they are excellent for relaxing and sleep. Had my first one today, it was great.