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Kavi Bronze Age Collapse Infamy Thread


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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I posted about this in a another thread but I need to make its own thread so I can put it out here and feel better. I need people to know this.

I come from an ancient lineage the lineage of Barak. I KNOW im in this mythical ancient story.

My DNA is weird. My family is from South Asia but when I got my dna from 23andme and ran my own calcs on it comparing different pops like if i compare south asian, middle eastern and euro and myself it shows that everyone else is closer to each other and i am further away. Like evryone is more closely related and im just different.

But the major thing i wanted to say is about the BRONZE AGE COLLAPSE.

This was a major destruction and warfare that happened to the Mediterranean.

Historians say they dont know why or how it happened but it is connected to Sea Peoples.

But it was my family that made this happen from our base in Gujarat India.

We gave boats and arms to the populace and made a civil war and made our enemies disappear. We gave the same boats to vikings afterwards.

Now for this we were much maligned in the Christian and Islamic faith as they were both created by our enemies. But we created Abraham and Judaism from which both these originate.

Now because the western elites and academia mostly descend from this roman anglo western powers they have written evrything so now i have to tell my side of the story.

These mfers tried to say we lost becuase we destroyed. When our rivals ended up on top and had lots of fun the romans and English from the time of rome to now, they got to write history uncontested but now im gonna set the record straight.

PERDITION: "I destroy I lose"- This roman christian concept refers to Kavi Barak they made him lucifer it refers to our destruction of Bronze Age Mediterranean.

"I saw the saw Satan fall out of the sky like LIGHTNING"

Barak means Lightning in Hebrew and the above bible quote references Satan as Barak via Lightning which the romans knew the meaning of Barak in Hebrew.

How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, "I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit. Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate: "Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble, the man who made the world a wilderness, who overthrew its cities and would not let his captives go home?"[59]
For the unnamed "king of Babylon",[60] a wide range of identifications have been proposed.

The unnamed Kings of Babylon is us Barak tribe.

In Islam too we were much maligned and made into Satan (Fire). It is said that Fire didnt bow to Adam so he was cast out.

Now im gonna tell you why Fire didnt bow to adam. This is because adam is made if clay-mud and nothing can be made of Clay without Fire. The name Barak means Fire and the story goes man was made from clay, hence it was Barak tribe that made man from clay mud, as he is the fire. So the original story hints that we made mankind from the earth, with fire. That is the true meaninf of man was made from clay.

Wankers Jesus and Mo both were allies they were our enemies and they wrote ****ed up lies about us.

They said PRIDE was our downfall. Idk wtf these mfers are saying but it dont make sense.

We actually named the word pride because Br sounds become pr or pl in some languages. We have many names with Pr Pl like Prometheus etc. What's wrong with having Pride?

These mfers were having so much fun since the time of rome when they dominated and we were down and they got to rule the world even the English kings the trash used our names Britain, our colours Red and Blue and the Kaviani Banner all while lying and maligning us in their books. They had so much fun from then to now getting rich having big kingdoms and no rivals.

What i want the world to know. We didnt lose because qw destroyed. We lost because sh1t happens.


So the trash of romans and their friends english and this idea of Roman civilization as being important is just a lie propagated by English and roman alliance. Actually greeks and wider germanic/euro is not part of that, they were not all from that order. It is just anglo and roman.

Infact in Italy and in the land of rome there are many many cities with our name testament to how long we were involved in building civilization around the meditarean way before the romans were even there many our names become Pr, Pl but even V like Valencia, i mean so many places in italy like bologna are named after us even in latin many things have our name as we were there doing things way before when the roman ancestors were as warriors in the nort and built nothing.

Anyway they need to stop lying, it was no disaster as without the bronze age collapse real civilization would not have developed. The mycenaens and hittites and the rest were on the wrong track and so we destroyed them and then we helped develop classical greek civilization based on decentralised towns and cities and thats where classical greek civilization and euro civilization originates. We destroyed the mycenaeans and hittites and it benefitted the world so they need to stop lying the b1tches.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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And on top of it is written even prior to this loss and suffering that Prometheus was chained in a mountain and had an eagle eat his liver everyday idk why our whole story seems to be about loss and suffering. I know we wrote that prometheus story but idk how come we keep losing and suffering this sh1t has been going on for ages while our enemies and rivals mfers are just having fun.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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My whole life was just this loss and suffering and then i find the same ****ing thing written in literature history.

I mean how was u feel if in your story u been down for like 2k years and then made into a devil in xtianity and islam, see your names and colours evrywhere used by your enemies/rivals.

I got all this sh1t in my head its all crazy. I had to put it out there.

All this academic historical stuff is bs the kings of europe, freemasons, the church they all know the truth.

This is why freemasons respect Babylon and apparantly also 'worship' Lucifer because they know the truth of the story. Apparantly freemasonry goes back to Babylon but i think we gave knwledge to them so it can be continued.

Anyway now we are going into a new world and wars will become uncommon and maybe we will go down as the baddest lineage of all time after we humilated big nations in the bronze age.

Our destruction of mycenae and hittites was the most brutal takedown in the history of wars. It will never be topped. This is why it is said that the Fire is too PROUD and **** it im still proud and they the romans were just lying because the romans and anglo kings knew they would never be able reach this height so they made us into a demon destoyer but didnt say that it was our actions that BIRthed the Classical Greek civilization.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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We made evrything in this world then our L (loss) was so deep the whole story was forgotten. All my.tribe became Muslim. We cudnt do sh1t or go anywhere in those 2k years.

All my relatives are muslim they didnt even know that the devil in their beloved religion is their own tribe. Imagine believing a religion that calls your own tribe and lineage as the devil.

I feel bad for my ancestors they just had to sit there and take the humiliation and Ls after flying so high and seeing romans and english having so much fun and gloating and gettinf rich.

And all the stuff we did in the past, science, knowledge, building farms, cities, boats, trading, international stuff they cudnt do anything they just had to stay in their village and be food muslims.

Now my tribe doesnt get any of this but my relatives on my fathers side some are lost in the world i look at them and im like 'u dont get it, your a muslim, u dont get it, u dont get why your down, u dont get what they said about us.

This whole story is ****ed up. I dont even get how can it be so bad i mean there js that Prometheus myth of being locked in a cave but if that wasnt true we can actually see the same sh1t when xtianjty and islam put us down and we became nothing as it said in the bible But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit

Reason for post: I think this is the biggest L of all time.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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Also i want people to know im afriad/nervous about English secret services or Palace Kings special secrer service or whatever.

How i know all this story is that i was interested in ancient history for a long time and thats how i found out all this. When i was born my family didnt know anything so i learnt this all myself from reading stuff it all started with this topic Indo European.

A few years ago i had come to a theory that Germanic ie Norse ancient language and culture had specific similarities to Iranian so I made a 1hr long YT video. It was just academic, a hobby thing, i didn't know then the story went deeper and involves current powers in this way.

Anyway 1 day after posting the video i got a call from sum1 saying "Hello is this x (my real name). Im calling from a Youtube Agency do u want to join us we saw ur video would like to work with you" I said sure but how did you get my number and name and he quickyly shrugged the question off "we have systems for that" then he said he will call.me back. When i tried to call that number back it didnt go through to anything. Google it shows up some random office in central london. This guys phone demeanour was super professional and on point no way can he be some small business yt agent. Ofcourse didnt get a call back. How the f did he get my gov name and phone number from yt of hes not some secret agent. I knw that was a secret agent, who wants to make me into a youtuber when im just making academic history videos getting just very few views on a niche topic.

I know it was some mi5 sh1t trying to.intimidate me or sumsh1t tbh idk why they called. Back then and in that video i didn't know any of this stuff. Maybe they knew if i kept up my research i wud discover the real history but idk why they care.

Since then i been paranoid about the English secret services if they are watching me or what. Later as i learnt the full story that phone call made more sense.

Pure intimidation phone call trying to let me know they knw my name and number. **** them its all trash the secret services are a law unto themselves in the world.

I still worry the english service will take me our some sh1t. Just putting it out there incase anything happens to me.

This establishment is vile they can never continue like this into the future but im still afraid they could try to take me out if i do anything so they can hold on to power the establishment related to anglo roman power is seriously ****ed up they have no morals or limits they wud do anything to preserve themselves they are sick.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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The world doesn't begin at the phucking Bronze Age OP. Go back to at least Sumeria. And yes, ET's are involved.

The MI6 isn't too concerned with bronze age regurgitant merchants methinks..

But as constructive advice OP, at least get a past-life regression analysis or two done before investing anymore time or thought into this.

At this point you're more Barack than Barak.

Or is it Borat? :rofl:
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Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
Reaction score
That was a funny story.
You might have potential as a fantasy/fiction writer.

Haha nah its for real though. Sorry guys you probs dont care about this, but I think its good to put this out there cos it makes me nervous and tight keeping it to myself.

As I said we used this Barak name or variants as a kind of brand. In some languages B becomes P, or F or even V. Then R can also become L.

The BRK name is mostly associated with Fire, the story goes we introduced Fire to the world. Historically Fire was introduced for habitual use many 100s of thousands years ago.

Some ancient Sanskrit hymn referring to Fire:The Bhrgus established thee among mankind for men, like as a treasure, beauteous, easy to invoke;

Brighu just becomes Prometheus in Greek as B->P.

Even the words for Fire come from BR, as B can become P/F and also burning, blazing. The other word for Fire Ignite is related to aag, agni, angiras.

We made the Hebrew religion and set up the Jews initially. Their whole set up was done by us. Baruch/Barak is the highest name and concept in their religion. I'm way smarter than any Jew, or anyone I've met, and tbh better looking too!) When Jews pray they say Baruch Hashem which to them they think it means "Blessed is the Name of God" but it really just means "Baruch is the Name". This is because BRK name is most widespread in the world. Even country names like Britain, Belgium, Burkina Faso. We also invented Bricks, Bronze, Bridges and gave all those things our name. We put our name everywhere. In Latin, though they became our enemies, our names takes the P form so stuff like Premier, First, Parthenon. Other P names are like Persia. We were associated with the Gods Ouranos (Greek), Varuna (Hindu) and Baal (ME), infact those three are the same, they represent "Lord of Heaven".

Luke 10:18 - And He (Jesus) said unto them, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven."

In Hebrew Barak means Lightning, Jesus is referring to Barak when he mentions Lightning.
Barak (Hebrew: בָּרָק Bārāq, "lightning"), is a masculine name of Hebrew origin.

Again, as Lucifer:How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, "I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit. Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate: "Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble, the man who made the world a wilderness, who overthrew its cities and would not let his captives go home?"[59]

Morning Star Venus because we were associated with Venus. According to Hindu mythology, Venus is the son of Maharishi Bhrigu from his wife Puloma. When he talks about ascending to heaven, it is because on our story we always tried to get to heaven, like Prometheus who went to heaven to get Fire, or the greatest Irianian King Kavi Usan who attempted to "raise his thrown to heaven" as it written in Shahname. Or the myth of Bridget who was born with A Tower of Flames reaching to Heaven.

This is what im saying, these Xtian theology points the finger at us and they know all our names and stories and marks.

Then in Islam its the same, they make Fire into Satan. Fire is us. In Persia we made Zoroastrianism and there we had the Fire respected and also there was a god Ahura BERzheti, so proving we made it. But in Islam they made Fire into Satan.

But also pre Islamic Arabs knew a myth of a Buraq flying horse who could go to Heaven, so Muhammed had to say Buraq to took him to Heaven so ppl would accept this religion, but on the side he takes the piss out of Buraq:

The Encyclopaedia of Islam, referring to the writings of Al-Damiri (d.1405), considers al-burāq to be a derivative and adjective of Arabic: برق barq "lightning/emitted lightning" or various general meanings stemming from the verb: "to beam, flash, gleam, glimmer, glisten, glitter, radiate, shimmer, shine, sparkle, twinkle".[3] The name is thought to refer to the creature's lightning-like speed.[4] According to Encyclopædia Iranica, "Boraq" is the Arabized form of "Middle Persian *barāg or *bārag, 'a riding beast, mount' (New Pers. bāra)".[5] According to Emran El-Badawi, the word can be etymologically associated both with a "riding animal" and the "morning star"

morning star venus, as mentioned by Jesus. Now look how Mo talks about Buraq...

Then he [Gabriel] brought the Buraq, handsome-faced and bridled, a tall, white beast, bigger than the donkey but smaller than the mule. He could place his hooves at the farthest boundary of his gaze. He had long ears. Whenever he faced a mountain his hind legs would extend, and whenever he went downhill his front legs would extend. He had two wings on his thighs which lent strength to his legs. He bucked when Muhammad came to mount him. The angel Gabriel put his hand on his mane and said: "Are you not ashamed, O Buraq? By Allah, no-one has ridden you in all creation more dear to Allah than he is." Hearing this he was so ashamed that he sweated until he became soaked, and he stood still so that the Prophet mounted him.

You can see how they take the piss out of Buraq, saying Gabriel (his name is against us) brought Buraq to Mo, Buraq was shaking and sweating, ashamed, mo mounted him, all of this is a veiled put down, basically saying they used and abused Buraq (Barak) that is Mo, and his backers.

Man I can go on and on this story is messed up...


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
Reaction score
The world doesn't begin at the phucking Bronze Age OP. Go back to at least Sumeria. And yes, ET's are involved.

The MI6 isn't too concerned with bronze age regurgitant merchants methinks..

But as constructive advice OP, at least get a past-life regression analysis or two done before investing anymore time or thought into this.

At this point you're more Barack than Barak.

Or is it Borat? :rofl:
Im sorry i kinda need ppl to know my story even if they think its bs cos I genuinely believe it makes things easer for me. Better out than in eh


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Im sorry i kinda need ppl to know my story even if they think its bs cos I genuinely believe it makes things easer for me. Better out than in eh
Circumspection, man. Got to read more than whatever you've read so far. You're limiting your knowledge. You have no idea we're about to undergo a 3D/5D reality split, do you? Of course you don't. Way too entangled in your own grandiosity OP.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
Reaction score
Is it just me or there’s advertisements on your post that are not clickable? Wtf? IMG_9163.jpeg


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
You been smoking that peyote again bro and dancing in the moonlight howling at wolves?

You should probably lock your phone up while you are out there so you can't post stuff like this.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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Haha laugh all u want guys its all funny haha but u dont know how it feels when u got the prophet mo saying how his gonna rape you and writing that sh1t in world literature and i have to sit their and take and more my f'ing BIRth name is actually Barak and there is a mythical story behind that too...

You dont knw what its like to be against the world and the biggest powers call u satan