I posted about this in a another thread but I need to make its own thread so I can put it out here and feel better. I need people to know this.
I come from an ancient lineage the lineage of Barak. I KNOW im in this mythical ancient story.
My DNA is weird. My family is from South Asia but when I got my dna from 23andme and ran my own calcs on it comparing different pops like if i compare south asian, middle eastern and euro and myself it shows that everyone else is closer to each other and i am further away. Like evryone is more closely related and im just different.
But the major thing i wanted to say is about the BRONZE AGE COLLAPSE.
This was a major destruction and warfare that happened to the Mediterranean.
Historians say they dont know why or how it happened but it is connected to Sea Peoples.
But it was my family that made this happen from our base in Gujarat India.
We gave boats and arms to the populace and made a civil war and made our enemies disappear. We gave the same boats to vikings afterwards.
Now for this we were much maligned in the Christian and Islamic faith as they were both created by our enemies. But we created Abraham and Judaism from which both these originate.
Now because the western elites and academia mostly descend from this roman anglo western powers they have written evrything so now i have to tell my side of the story.
These mfers tried to say we lost becuase we destroyed. When our rivals ended up on top and had lots of fun the romans and English from the time of rome to now, they got to write history uncontested but now im gonna set the record straight.
PERDITION: "I destroy I lose"- This roman christian concept refers to Kavi Barak they made him lucifer it refers to our destruction of Bronze Age Mediterranean.
"I saw the saw Satan fall out of the sky like LIGHTNING"
Barak means Lightning in Hebrew and the above bible quote references Satan as Barak via Lightning which the romans knew the meaning of Barak in Hebrew.
The unnamed Kings of Babylon is us Barak tribe.
In Islam too we were much maligned and made into Satan (Fire). It is said that Fire didnt bow to Adam so he was cast out.
Now im gonna tell you why Fire didnt bow to adam. This is because adam is made if clay-mud and nothing can be made of Clay without Fire. The name Barak means Fire and the story goes man was made from clay, hence it was Barak tribe that made man from clay mud, as he is the fire. So the original story hints that we made mankind from the earth, with fire. That is the true meaninf of man was made from clay.
Wankers Jesus and Mo both were allies they were our enemies and they wrote ****ed up lies about us.
They said PRIDE was our downfall. Idk wtf these mfers are saying but it dont make sense.
We actually named the word pride because Br sounds become pr or pl in some languages. We have many names with Pr Pl like Prometheus etc. What's wrong with having Pride?
These mfers were having so much fun since the time of rome when they dominated and we were down and they got to rule the world even the English kings the trash used our names Britain, our colours Red and Blue and the Kaviani Banner all while lying and maligning us in their books. They had so much fun from then to now getting rich having big kingdoms and no rivals.
What i want the world to know. We didnt lose because qw destroyed. We lost because sh1t happens.
So the trash of romans and their friends english and this idea of Roman civilization as being important is just a lie propagated by English and roman alliance. Actually greeks and wider germanic/euro is not part of that, they were not all from that order. It is just anglo and roman.
Infact in Italy and in the land of rome there are many many cities with our name testament to how long we were involved in building civilization around the meditarean way before the romans were even there many our names become Pr, Pl but even V like Valencia, i mean so many places in italy like bologna are named after us even in latin many things have our name as we were there doing things way before when the roman ancestors were as warriors in the nort and built nothing.
Anyway they need to stop lying, it was no disaster as without the bronze age collapse real civilization would not have developed. The mycenaens and hittites and the rest were on the wrong track and so we destroyed them and then we helped develop classical greek civilization based on decentralised towns and cities and thats where classical greek civilization and euro civilization originates. We destroyed the mycenaeans and hittites and it benefitted the world so they need to stop lying the b1tches.

I come from an ancient lineage the lineage of Barak. I KNOW im in this mythical ancient story.

My DNA is weird. My family is from South Asia but when I got my dna from 23andme and ran my own calcs on it comparing different pops like if i compare south asian, middle eastern and euro and myself it shows that everyone else is closer to each other and i am further away. Like evryone is more closely related and im just different.
But the major thing i wanted to say is about the BRONZE AGE COLLAPSE.
This was a major destruction and warfare that happened to the Mediterranean.
Historians say they dont know why or how it happened but it is connected to Sea Peoples.
But it was my family that made this happen from our base in Gujarat India.
We gave boats and arms to the populace and made a civil war and made our enemies disappear. We gave the same boats to vikings afterwards.
Now for this we were much maligned in the Christian and Islamic faith as they were both created by our enemies. But we created Abraham and Judaism from which both these originate.
Now because the western elites and academia mostly descend from this roman anglo western powers they have written evrything so now i have to tell my side of the story.
These mfers tried to say we lost becuase we destroyed. When our rivals ended up on top and had lots of fun the romans and English from the time of rome to now, they got to write history uncontested but now im gonna set the record straight.
PERDITION: "I destroy I lose"- This roman christian concept refers to Kavi Barak they made him lucifer it refers to our destruction of Bronze Age Mediterranean.
"I saw the saw Satan fall out of the sky like LIGHTNING"
Barak (name) - Wikipedia

Barak means Lightning in Hebrew and the above bible quote references Satan as Barak via Lightning which the romans knew the meaning of Barak in Hebrew.
For the unnamed "king of Babylon",[60] a wide range of identifications have been proposed.How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, "I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit. Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate: "Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble, the man who made the world a wilderness, who overthrew its cities and would not let his captives go home?"[59]
The unnamed Kings of Babylon is us Barak tribe.
In Islam too we were much maligned and made into Satan (Fire). It is said that Fire didnt bow to Adam so he was cast out.
Now im gonna tell you why Fire didnt bow to adam. This is because adam is made if clay-mud and nothing can be made of Clay without Fire. The name Barak means Fire and the story goes man was made from clay, hence it was Barak tribe that made man from clay mud, as he is the fire. So the original story hints that we made mankind from the earth, with fire. That is the true meaninf of man was made from clay.
Wankers Jesus and Mo both were allies they were our enemies and they wrote ****ed up lies about us.
They said PRIDE was our downfall. Idk wtf these mfers are saying but it dont make sense.
We actually named the word pride because Br sounds become pr or pl in some languages. We have many names with Pr Pl like Prometheus etc. What's wrong with having Pride?
These mfers were having so much fun since the time of rome when they dominated and we were down and they got to rule the world even the English kings the trash used our names Britain, our colours Red and Blue and the Kaviani Banner all while lying and maligning us in their books. They had so much fun from then to now getting rich having big kingdoms and no rivals.
What i want the world to know. We didnt lose because qw destroyed. We lost because sh1t happens.
So the trash of romans and their friends english and this idea of Roman civilization as being important is just a lie propagated by English and roman alliance. Actually greeks and wider germanic/euro is not part of that, they were not all from that order. It is just anglo and roman.
Infact in Italy and in the land of rome there are many many cities with our name testament to how long we were involved in building civilization around the meditarean way before the romans were even there many our names become Pr, Pl but even V like Valencia, i mean so many places in italy like bologna are named after us even in latin many things have our name as we were there doing things way before when the roman ancestors were as warriors in the nort and built nothing.
Anyway they need to stop lying, it was no disaster as without the bronze age collapse real civilization would not have developed. The mycenaens and hittites and the rest were on the wrong track and so we destroyed them and then we helped develop classical greek civilization based on decentralised towns and cities and thats where classical greek civilization and euro civilization originates. We destroyed the mycenaeans and hittites and it benefitted the world so they need to stop lying the b1tches.