Karma of the Turboslut


Aug 19, 2007
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I’m wondering how many of you have witnessed the long-term results of the turboslut.

I believe in “karma” or “as ye sow, so shall ye reap”. It’s been proven to be true in my own experience, and from observing others. We ultimately “get what we put in.” I believe that all damage we cause others eventually comes back to haunt us sometime, and in some way, in the future, whether it translates into a monetary, social, emotional or physical equiavalent...

It happens.

Now, take the turboslut. She sleeps with 90% of guys she meets. Old, young. Attractive, ugly. Black, white. Rich, poor. Available, unavailable. She doesn’t’ discrimate -- if they got a d1ck.

But she always has an agenda...

In the main, she derives her pleasure from breaking up friendships, relationships, marriages and families. It makes her feel special. “It’s all because of me,” she exclaims. “It must be because I’m so special!”

Ever met the type?

We’re talking about geniuinely evil women here. And by evil, I mean those types who take a sadistic pleasure in watching other people’s relationships self-destructive with her as the inciting incident. She loves to sleep with someone, knowing that when someone else finds out, it will bend them out shape and create massive drama between others.

But what becomes of a turboslut, living such a lifestyle? What are the end results?

In the short-term, it can be fun for her; creating drama and having people orbit around her with heated emotions. But what of the long-term?

What ultimately happens to the turboslut who -- in their teens, 20s and 30s -- sleeps with 1000-2000 men, single, taken, married. Not to mention the repercussions of these actions. The spurs of jealous, angry lovers and friends whom she offended?

Do they get murdered? End up on the street? Commit suicide? Marry chumps? What?

Any older members here seen the story out to completion? Would love to hear it!
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speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
I haven't met many turbo sl*ts, but I've met A LOT of narcissistic, entitled b*tches who live for the drama that they cause. They don't always do it with sex, though, as your post demonstrates, at least not exclusively. They do it with money, manipulation, status, and other weapons of mass destruction. Some are probably sociopaths, some are borderline. But it's definitely all about them, all the time. They have to be the center of attention, the boss. If they aren't, they create a negative situation until they are.

It is amazing, simply amazing, the rationalization, hypocrisy and manipulation that people like this can use. I asked one of these girls one time (family member)......"Are you serious? I mean, for real?" They never have an answer, and most of the time, they are too far gone. That's the sociopath.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Most of them end up marrying beta provider types who put up with their sh*t. "Karma" is a comfortable self-delusion, born of a desire to believe that the world is fair. It does not exist in real life.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Danger said:
I was drawing a distinction between "turbo slut" and your average ordinary slut though.
Yeah. Women like this.....
DoubleBarrel said:
Now, take the turboslut. She sleeps with 90% of guys she meets. Old, young. Attractive, ugly. Black, white. Rich, poor. Available, unavailable. She doesn’t’ discrimate -- if they got a d1ck.
.....typically don't end up on the good end of life.

I think we're talking the difference in a turbo sl*t, who usually ends up in a crackhouse or on a stripper pole, and the selective sl*t, who moonlights as classy but will f*ck every guy who makes her p*ssy tingle. And the better looking she is, the higher status or more DJ guy she chooses, thus narrowing down the field. Or more 'selective'.

Being manipulative to get what you want is independent from sluttiness IMO. Or at least just indirectly tied, at best. Neither are quality women, that's for sure.

I do believe in karma, though, but I have a sneaky suspicion I'm more religious than most guys here. I don't base it on that, but it's just what I've experienced in my life. Sh*t-ball people usually end up on their knees before it's all said and done.


New Member
May 11, 2014
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they arent stuck together... they thrive off of each other, feeding each other the lies they want to hear, its just a giant, grotesque circle jerk of narcissism and helping each other put their head farther up their own ass for fear they might get a peak of reality.