Pearl is just parroting RP content and presenting it to females like Kevin Samuels used to. She is going against the current feminist rhetoric which will get a lot of views and followers. Her follower count verses Rollo‘s is laughable. Funny how women’s voices are heard while men’s are ignored even when the subject matter is the same. See how long it takes the Femi-Nazis to get her cancelled for not pushing their agenda.
Her interview with Andrew Tate and Brittany Renner was entertaining. The star of the episode was “Auntie”, who accepts the biological differences between men and women and operates accordingly. She has average looks at best. She doesn‘t seem to wear makeup so she looks quite plain. If we took away “beauty products” for one day, the majority of women would drop 5 points off the top anyway.
Here are a few examples for a reality check.
Tyra Banks - Looks like the Crypt Keeper
Carry Underwood - Looks like an average mom trying to squeeze in a workout after morning drop off.
Cardie B - Looks like an 80’s crack hoe looking for some rock
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