Ok guys, she's leaving today for a long time. Definately a good thing as you guys have stated she's bringing out some weird **** from me.
I did some more jealous **** the other night that I feel like sharing so I can come back and read it in the future. A bunch of her friends were calling/texting me telling me to come to a party where she was. I figured I could say my good-byes, have a few drinks, then head home and hit the sack.
Upon getting there I see her and we sort of ignore each other for a while. Eventually her and I leave to go get a chair. She asks me, "why do you hate me?" I reply, "what do you mean?" She says, "Well you told me to never call you again. I didn't do anything with that guy" I said, "look, I don't care who you ****, I just don't like when you hook up with them right infront of my face I find it disrespectful."
We took off back to the party, where we made some small talk and I was starting to enjoy myself at this party. Some person yells out that there is another bigger party going on farther out in the country. Everyone starts packing up their drinks and what not and starts leaving. My ex comes up to me and asks me what I'm doing. Since I have to work this morning I'm adament on staying there and heading home in a bit.
She walks away for a while then comes back to tell me she's heading the party and says, "well I guess I'll see you in 6 months". I said, "yeah, well see-ya". She wanders around for a while and says bye to me again. I walk up to her this time and say, "I would of liked to visit with you more tonight". She goes, "I know, but it's my last night". I told her I understand and let her head out.
My bud and I waited another 5 minutes or so and we took off aswell as only 3 people were left at the party. They were all out by the driveway getting ready to leave and she tells me to not let any of her friends drive home drunk as everyone in her vehicle drunkedly drives to the next party. I didnt' feel like it was my responsibility so I grudgingly called her bud up and since she wasn't cooperating I hang up after a little bit. My ex gets pissed for some odd reason and takes off in the car.
This is where I do some more jealous/stupid ****
I text her friend and ask her if she's alright to drive the truck home, she replies that she is. I then send her another text asking what's up my ex's ass. She replies that she doesn't know. To be honest I was kind of pissed that I drove out to a party on the encouragement of her friends just to see my ex for 10 minutes who then heads to another party. So I let my emotions take the best of me and I shoot her another text. Basically I said, "if you see my ex tomorrow tell her not to waste her time contacting me in the future, I don't have patience for her lush ****". (as a college girl that's all she does now). She replies, "ok whatever you say man, lol wow." I knew I went overboard with this and replied, "I was just disappointed, ignore that". "ok whatever you say man".
I quit digging my hole after that. But although I'm getting some AFC tendencies, and making myself look like a pyscho I'm sure I still have some attachment to her mainly due to sex (before we had sex this week I had planned to not see her at all while she was up). I'm going to let it dissolve and cut contact from her for good, it's obvious it would be for the best.
I'm going to go put my best foot forward with this other broad, and if it works it works.