Just need some quick tips.


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I started talking to a girl that is a friend of one of my good friend's girlfriend. She is hot, and more like the intellectual type of girl (We both go to the same university). I don't talk to her on the net of on the phone, I mean, right now I don't really care about her, but she look like a interesting girl and I may be in if it was to be more than friends, but I don't want her as a friend.

She is in a 2 year relationship with a guy, but she doesn't seem to be happy with him anymore. (he is getting fat, is boring, and have no ambitions... well thats what everybody trying to convince me to go for it said to me hehe)

The girl dating my friend, who like I said is a good friend of her, said that I made a good impression (on her, and on the rest of their girlfriends btw) the few time that I saw her and that she frequently asked question about me and stuff, so she said that I may have chances. Plus, recently, she always seems to be looking for me at school probably, because she doesn't know a lot of ppl since its her first year of college. She now eat at the places where I do, asked me to share her locker, and other stuff...

Is it realistic to think that I have chances, and if so, I need some advice on what I should do because I've never experienced a situation like this before, so if some ppl did, and/or know what would be the best things that I should try, whitout getting her to like me as a friend, feel free to talk...!

Thanks all!


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
yeah beware of the friend angle.....sounds to me like she already has you labeled as "an intriguing friend"......don't let this stop you though i may be completly wrong. ;) ....heres what u should do:
KINO it up with her.....flirt so as to make your relationship with her have some sexual bearing......the LJBF is a very slippery slope...damn near impossible to get out from...that should be ur biggest concern...so try to maintain yourself...stay mysterious flirt..touch...tickle..play...laugh...take her out just give her an excuse to escape from that boring BF of hers....stand your ground and stay strong. Show her the excitement..do everything that is necessary to show her that ur not like her BF you are fun and witty....after some alone time with her ask her if she would like to kiss you. pause. If she says nothing simply say lets find out and move in and gently kiss her...let her respond to this...if her reply is yes to the kiss then you are in....if she says no simply shrug and mention how she looked like she had something on her mind.....either way you wont really know where you stand until you make a move...dont wait a couple of weeeks to make a move...get her away....show her you're the man she needs to sweep her off her feeet not that worthless BF of hers....you shouldnt wait any longer than three dates to make a move...otherwise you will fall victim of the LJBF crap.



Don Juan
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Alright, thank, that's what I thought.!

anyone else?


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
Originally posted by LiveStrong
yeah beware of the friend angle.....sounds to me like she already has you labeled as "an intriguing friend"......don't let this stop you though i may be completly wrong. ;) ....heres what u should do:
KINO it up with her.....flirt so as to make your relationship with her have some sexual bearing......the LJBF is a very slippery slope...damn near impossible to get out from...that should be ur biggest concern...so try to maintain yourself...stay mysterious flirt..touch...tickle..play...laugh...take her out just give her an excuse to escape from that boring BF of hers....stand your ground and stay strong. Show her the excitement..do everything that is necessary to show her that ur not like her BF you are fun and witty....after some alone time with her ask her if she would like to kiss you. pause. If she says nothing simply say lets find out and move in and gently kiss her...let her respond to this...if her reply is yes to the kiss then you are in....if she says no simply shrug and mention how she looked like she had something on her mind.....either way you wont really know where you stand until you make a move...dont wait a couple of weeeks to make a move...get her away....show her you're the man she needs to sweep her off her feeet not that worthless BF of hers....you shouldnt wait any longer than three dates to make a move...otherwise you will fall victim of the LJBF crap.


Dont think you need anymore advice. I think thats a good plan. Will work.

Dont wait to long.
Dont be too "nice".



Don Juan
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
An update of the situation (long)

Due to some lack of time, I started applying that strategy you gave me only in late may... and for the most part it worked well. I was sucessful at keeping the control of the dates, and at staying mysterious... and Kino worked well. Anyway here's how it went. We went out to a club with a bunch of friends, she was there, we talked and danced together and had a good fun, at the end of the night she left with me and I took her home (actually, it was her boyfriend home lol). That night we talked about going out somewhere after school the next week, but since she had me taking her back to her boyfriend place, i figured that she was not interested and decided not to call her back.

But she called me a couple of days after to ask if it was still working. I told myself why not and said yes. So we met up and had a couple of beer, that night was fun but she was a little too "friendly" so I tought that she was probably not interested in more so I decided not to call her back.

One week after she send me a text message asking me too call her if I wanted to do something with her the following night, witch I did. I tought, if she wants to see me again, maybe theres is something going on. So I decided to try to sedeced her. We had a really good time that night, I used KINO a lot, we had deep conversation, about how hard it was for her to break up with her boyfriend and that she didn't know what to do. even if we didn't talk about "us", I felt the was something going on.
The night after she sent me a text message saying "sorry if what I said last night wasn't clear, I when I'm with you I loose my senses"...

So we met up the week after. She said to me that she told her boyfriend that it was over (he obviously didn't accept it and made a bunch of promises about changing and etc... she told me he even cried...). The same night we talked a lot about what we were looking for in each other, what we felt for each other, etc... She clearly said that she was had something for me, that she could see me as more than a friend... but that she was confused. It was kinda romantic, her sitting on me on a bench by the river, caressing, walking hands in hands, etc.
As for the kiss, the first try was a miss, cause she say "no I can't, it wouldnt be okay". But the rest of the night was great... and she was the one who kissed me when I brought her home. I told her to take her time and to do the things she had to do (clear up her mind).

The week after, we met in the evening, and in a total shock she told me that she was giving a second chance to her boyfriend... that since it was the first the first time they had problems in her couple, she couldn't just break up like that. Since her boyfriend and her work at the same place, I assume they see each other nearly everyday, so by giving her time to think I assume I gave him time to see her and to beg her to stay with him.
But, she told me she was still really interested in me and she also said "I shouldn't tell you that but, you know, maybe it still won't work out with him..." I left a little sad but the next day I realised I didn't really care, that it was going to be a cool summer and that theres was plenty of others girls to meet.

Recently, a girl friend of mine who wasn't aware of what had happened with her recently and teased about me... She even called me and said "i think you really something going on with [the girl], you could see the sparkles in her eyes when I was talking about you" ...

So, I think that's an interesting situation, I mean, I'm interested in that girl but I'm not in love or depressed because she didn't leave him for me. But the fact that her couple is still weak and that I'm pretty sure she got feelings for me doesn't make me want to cut tie with her.
So what should I do? It is just that "she's not ready" to leave him?


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
you waited too long

you should have kissed her right then and there, no more waiting for her to break up with her bf crap, no more deep conversation crap, you kiss her, and if you can even fvck her, she's in the bag, she won't even consider the possibility of dumping her bf, coz she knows she WILL do it over you

i dont think it's still too late yet, you still had the more control over the two of you in the relationship, but it's already slipping away since you have been too nice and became afc by caring too much about what she will do with her bf

be a man about it, tell her you have had enough waiting and games, if she wont break it up for you then you leave her for good


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Just a lil update! I finally got it.

After a couple of month without seen her, we started to see each other again, well indirectly, because I was dating one of her friend (not really serious relationship...just physical). One time we were at the club for her birthday and we started talking, she told me nothing really changed with her boyfriend and that she still had something for me ....
A week after that me and her friend ended our relationship, and 2 weeks after that she dumped her bf (who she had been with four almost 4 years).

She told she want to be with me but she also want to take it slow.. but still we've been acting like a couple since she broke up with him.

Its been nearly one year since my first post about this but the wait was worth it!


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
thats good..

Thats story really is nostalgic...

It happened to me...Both ways...

Just don't act AFCish and everything will work out fine..