5.5 inch is normal, like many people here already said. Apparently the correct way to measure a penis is to have it erect, then hold it parallel to the floor while standing tall, and measure it till the bone. I don’t know if everybody does it like that, but that’s how they do it in medical studies.
Well, my penis size is about the same size as the OP and I never EVER had a girl comment about it, stopped talking to me after she saw it, or any sort of thing like that. Like it wasn’t even her concern. My GF doesn’t even want to do certain positions because it goes into deep and it hurts her. So I don’t know why it should be much larger. Same goes with other girls.
And even if you watch porn and see the guys with the extremely big d*cks f*cking a girl the penis rarely gets into it till the base. It just moves in and out a few centimeters.
Here’s a Wikipedia site about penis size:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_penis_size 5.5 inch is very normal. If you want to add up a few inches, chances are you hurt your girl. But you can try it anyway by "Jelqing".
PS. Interestingly: A few years ago I read a dutch Men’s Health magazine, that was almost completely about penises in all its sizes and shapes. Funny thing was that for an article it interviewed women and men about penises and what they preferred. Almost all men wanted to have a bigger penis than they had, but most women preferred a penis size that was slightly smaller than the average penis length measured.