Like I said, I have a problem with typing/spelling and not taking the time out to sound out words... something I have been doing or have had a problem with since I was in Jr High. There's alot of things I don't go on record on this board because it's personal.. Like for instance I was born with Sickle Cell, and have had problems with it since birth.
I don't go into details about it becasue, just like my spelling problem, it's not a big deal and frankly it's not worth dicussing.
For anyone to assume that I can't spell and that when I sit down and actually TRY I can't spell, is reaching. For the record however, for the first 4 months of our business, my business partner did go over all of my documents to make sure I wasn't mispelling words... once he understood that I could take care of it, it wasn't any longer a problem.
I don't have to prove to anyone here how smart I am... For the record, I don't consider myself a genius or anything like that.. I have taken 2 IQ Tests, one I scored a 128 and the other I scored a 136.. both I believe are above average, but nothing to bragg about.
However, I do think that I work harder and have more drive than most people to do good.
Like I said, I don't have to try to impress people on a message board that I have never met.. the only reason I still come here is to give advice like to people who were young and confused (Even though I am still rather young myself) like I was 2-3 years ago.
As for me not owning my own company, i'm not even going to attempt to answer that, as it is a waste of time.
As for the quiz... I swear I was about to put if you are not american and christian don't bother taking it... however, I am not christian and I know the answers to thoose questions, therefore I assumed it wouldn't be a stretch to think that other people might as well.
As for the DOI, no we are not a part of Britain... Canada legelly is however. The DOI was signed to declare our independence from Britain, making everyone who signed the DOI guilty of treason to Britain. They had no choice but to go to war, otherwise they would face trail and certain death back overseas.
By luck, or better yet, lack of judgement by the British army IMHO, we won that war.
Later on we got greedy and attempted to take Canada from GB but got turned back by the British Army.. .actually more like a stalemate