You never realize the importance of cardio until...
You move a friend over a period of 8 hours from 1 house to another.
Or play flag football for 50 minutes straight, taking on minimal breaks, and sprinting all out with guys who can run in the mid 4's.
Or walk a golf course for 18 holes on a 90 degree day, over hills, lugging a 20+ pound bag.
NOT doing cardio is probably a guaranteed pass to the grave early. While lifting provides a better physique, decreases your chances of puling a muscle doing some mundane task, and increases bone density, cardio improves your quality of life. Period. All tasks revolve around our daily endurance, and most people can't tackle what the average man should do. They're TRAINED to be desk jockeys, not SPARTANS.
It should be done at least 3 days a week, and just doing it is better than anything. There's no 1 perfect program. Just walk, run, vary the intensity, or exercise and do it. Variety is better than some consistent program you won't follow because it's boring. And view it like your lifting constant progress. I think walking is just the icing on the cake. I like walking if it's unseasonably warm near the water, or if I'm doing something, but walking to call that cardio is really ok for the elderly, but if you have the capacity, go for a light job for 20 or more. At such young ages, there's no reason you shouldn't, and the effect on muscle catabolism is minimal when compared to the benefit you'll gain now and over the years.
I always hated running, even though I tried track in high school, and I know why. I had no endurance and stamina, so my chest burned like a fuel pit. Now I'm better, but obviously not 'content.'