Given the history that I actually visited an escort on December 5, 2014 at 11:00 pm, named Bianca, who came from Brazil two months before I visited her, and had a nervous break-down onset (ie what I guess it would be scientifically called without getting into a religious discussion about spirits) the following morning on December 6, 2014, things like this is suspect. Sometime in December, 2014, during, I also had a dream where I saw the same face of Bianca, knock on my car door window, I pulled down the window, she asked me the same question, "would I like to have a good time?", and I freaked out and yelled. This same TYPE of dream happened before in December, 2014. This has happened again here, but I didn't actually visit an escort this time. Why would I get a dream like that then? It doesn't make any sense.