Just got her number....


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
There's this chick I added on myspace who sent me a pic. comment a few weeks ago, saying I was cute after I sent her a message. Since then I sent her 2 brief messages (a little desperate, of course) but she never got back to me. I just reasoned it as she probably doesn't have time to respond to all the schmucks who contact her and I just happen to be in the mix. Tonight I see she's on aol and I've never seen her on before (got her sn from her page)....so I sent her a message and of course, she was clueless as to who I was but I just said something amusing like "This is Rico, the latin lover...blah blah blah" and got her laughing. Sent her the link and she seemed happy that it was me. Had a really good conversation with her and basically told her what she wanted to hear while not being untruthful....used my way with words well, took the information she gave in her answers to my questions and subtly, yet not so subtly conveyed that I'm what she's looking for with some humor and she seemed to respond very well. The conversation flowed into the last question I asked her,"so do you have a nice voice?" She responds "oh yes." I told her that people say my voice is one of my better qualities too. Then I say I'm getting tired but I'd like to hear that voice very soon and ask her if she has a number I can reach her at. She readily gave it to me without any resistance. I was kind of shocked even though it was a nice convo.

This chick, as far as looks at least, is my dream girl/ideal beauty and seems to have a pleasant personality. I felt charming, sexual, and very sure of myself when I was chatting with her and she seemed really happy/bubbly with a sense of humor which was refreshing. I told her I'd make sure she heard my voice really soon. I was just a little surprised though and definitely want to get this girl out of her panties/bikini soon (she says she has a pool). I was direct and yet subtle at the same time and tapped into the source of what got me laid before when I was chatting online with girls. I think I should've saved the convo. and printed it because I think these conversations would reveal to me what it is I'm saying and how I'm communicating that elicits this desired response. I'm trying not to think she's better looking than me but she is gorgeous and as attractive as I do feel I am, I think it would be quite an ego boost to get with a young, vibrant chick since most of the younger chicks I've talked to weren't particularly good looking and most of the older women were. So I want to continue this seductive behavior....anyone got any suggestions or anything to add? I really want to make the most of this although I have been talking to other chicks so it isn't my only option.


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
Floridaboy23 said:
There's this chick I added on myspace who sent me a pic. comment a few weeks ago, saying I was cute after I sent her a message. Since then I sent her 2 brief messages (a little desperate, of course) but she never got back to me. I just reasoned it as she probably doesn't have time to respond to all the schmucks who contact her and I just happen to be in the mix. Tonight I see she's on aol and I've never seen her on before (got her sn from her page)....so I sent her a message and of course, she was clueless as to who I was but I just said something amusing like "This is Rico, the latin lover...blah blah blah" and got her laughing. Sent her the link and she seemed happy that it was me. Had a really good conversation with her and basically told her what she wanted to hear while not being untruthful....used my way with words well, took the information she gave in her answers to my questions and subtly, yet not so subtly conveyed that I'm what she's looking for with some humor and she seemed to respond very well. The conversation flowed into the last question I asked her,"so do you have a nice voice?" She responds "oh yes." I told her that people say my voice is one of my better qualities too. Then I say I'm getting tired but I'd like to hear that voice very soon and ask her if she has a number I can reach her at. She readily gave it to me without any resistance. I was kind of shocked even though it was a nice convo.

This chick, as far as looks at least, is my dream girl/ideal beauty and seems to have a pleasant personality. I felt charming, sexual, and very sure of myself when I was chatting with her and she seemed really happy/bubbly with a sense of humor which was refreshing. I told her I'd make sure she heard my voice really soon. I was just a little surprised though and definitely want to get this girl out of her panties/bikini soon (she says she has a pool). I was direct and yet subtle at the same time and tapped into the source of what got me laid before when I was chatting online with girls. I think I should've saved the convo. and printed it because I think these conversations would reveal to me what it is I'm saying and how I'm communicating that elicits this desired response. I'm trying not to think she's better looking than me but she is gorgeous and as attractive as I do feel I am, I think it would be quite an ego boost to get with a young, vibrant chick since most of the younger chicks I've talked to weren't particularly good looking and most of the older women were. So I want to continue this seductive behavior....anyone got any suggestions or anything to add? I really want to make the most of this although I have been talking to other chicks so it isn't my only option.
Bro, wow.. This is a girl online. Chances are that number is fake, and if it isn't, then her pictures probably are. Then again, it could be who she says she is, but this is the Internet, and a lot of strange types like places like myspace.

Don't take things too seriously. You have talked to this chick only a few times "online." You could very well go and call her, but I wouldn't really recommend it personally.

You are probably a good looking dude, so what's to stop you from pulling some girls you meet in person? You just need some courage... You won't really improve by sitting in front of your computer talking to hotties you meet online on myspace. You WILL improve by going out and learning from REAL LIFE SITUATIONS which you put yourself in with girls.

My advice is, don't take this girl too seriously. You just saw a couple pics online... You're better off going for someone you've met in person, than meeting this chick and finding out that she's not exactly who she says she is. From what I hear, a lot of the myspace chicks are AW's... Don't give her too much attention, because it just might be what this girl is looking for.

Take it easy!

- Neon


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2006
Reaction score
short and sweet

If I were you I'd wait 3 if not 4 days to call her. And keep it short and sweet... Then let her IM you...


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
thanks for the replies....and she's definitely the real thing....she has too many friends who leave her comments about things they did together recently. She's just a normal chick who happens to be really hot and that's the attitude I'm trying to keep about all girls who just, by chance, happen to have stunning looks.
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
What exactly is this "source" that you tap into to get laid with internet girls, I wonder?

and please explain further how you were direct yet subtle at the same time, this sounds strange, but I'd like to hear this method.

This girl you're talking about, she must be into you to some degree if she talked to you on the phone... if you really want to wait 4-5 days to call her like that guy said above ^^^, well go for it, but I personally can't stand waiting even a minute.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Granted, this was just an online conversation but it's hard to explain but say I ask a question about her and she responds to that with a good amount of info to go off of....I just say something that reflects my best characteristics/humor/and yet pretty much mirror what she said, conveying that I'm the type of guy she wants. I can't really remember the exact words she or I said but here's basically one of the question/answer from the conversation that I remember clearly.

Me: So what do you look for in a guy?
Her: I like a guy to be good looking, who's funny, a little bit sweet but isn't going to tip-toe around me when we're arguing....down on his knees saying, "sorry, sorry, sorry". I know it's weird. lol blah blah blah (her response was a slightly longer)
Me: Interesting. I like the weirdness though....it means you must have something unique to offer. I like to think I'm attractive with a sense of humor, can be sensitive to what a girl wants and needs but I'm also assertive so I'm not going to be pushed over. Don't expect to get me down on my knees that easy. :- )

But I wasn't just repeating the qualities she mentioned....I demonstrated those qualities in the conversation. Basically, it's the ability to tell her things she really wants to hear and yet with sincerity. I also said some things that were amusing....since she was talking about laying out by the pool and how she'd like to be a swimsuit model. I said something about,"Yeah, I keep waiting for someone to see me in my lime green speedo and give me that big break." Could be considered cheesy but I said a few other things that I could tell she was amused by and kept her talking. They're bold and not as risky as you think if you seem to have an subtle, seductive energy. So I guess the "source" is to feel sexual and charming and to project an energy through words that has variety....confidence, humor, a touch of sensitivity, a dash of ****iness in the humor, relating to what she says so it seems like you're too good to be true. It's no new technique....it's just that when I get into a particular mode, the way I communicate can't help but intrigue them. I wish I would've saved the conversation because it might've been valuable not only to me but to explicate better to others what I've found to work. It's like being modest and sincere, ****y and amusing with a little spontaneity thrown in there to keep her excited.

I haven't talked to her on the phone yet....but I'm pretty sure it's not a fake number. I haven't gotten many fake numbers in my life (one or two maybe). I'll probably call her tomorrow or Friday.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
another thing I remember is I told her that people seem to think I have a way with words after she asked me what I wanted to do in life. She responded,"yeah, I'll definitely have to agree with that." Then I said something like,"But I'm equally good at expressing myself without them." Another thing that would lead me to believe that she's truly interested is that she responded quickly with the number and when I said I'd be talking to her soon...she said,"I look forward to it." Next time I have a conversation like that, I'll be sure to save it and post some of it on here.
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
"It's like being modest and sincere, ****y and amusing with a little spontaneity thrown in there to keep her excited."

Believe it or not, I really think you're pretty much on the right track, I like your mackin' style. Not boring, a bit challenging, not creepy, clearly confident and relaxed, quite entertaining, funny and not emotionally instable, I think you've got it all man. I bet you'll have her riding your c*ck in no time


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks for the encouraging words, man. I'm just not always that consistent in exuding that combination of qualities....but I'm working on it. Trying to eliminate all my past hang-ups and work some real magic that I can tune into at any time I desire. I tried to call the girl earlier (blocked my number) but she didn't answer, however, at least I verified it WAS her phone. I thought of a quick plan of a few things I could say and just get into the mode of being charming and god-like, said a few things to myself just to warm up my voice tonality. I may try back later or just call her tomorrow and not block my number....maybe that's why she didn't answer. But I do feel like I should strike while the iron is hot....'cause it could be hotter than I think. Gonna try to keep the conversation to about 10 minutes or so, not any longer. See what she's up to for the weekend and so forth and be the one to end the conversation....telling her I'll call her back sometime. But I'd like to make a plan with her if she seems down for that.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
chatting on the internet is very much diffrent and much more fluent than phone talk and talking in real life, so just be careful about how you think you will go

everybody knows that though


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
yeah, I may not be talking to her at all since she's just updated her profile saying she has a bf with obviously old pictures of them at her senior prom (probably a year old). So they CANNOT be together....I think she just either got freaked out when she called me back and heard my dad's voice on my cell phone greeting and decided to make me think she suddenly has a bf or she's just tired of all the schmucks in general who leave her messages/comments all day. lol I thought this would be easier but instead, I'm kind of in suspense and have a bad feeling which I'm trying to replace with a good feeling. I left her a message on her profile saying it was my dad in case she was wondering. (refer to other thread "something REALLY WEIRD just happened". I've been talking to other chicks, just got off the phone with one in fact but this one is a real hottie (my ideal chick as far as looks and seemed to have a nice personality to match when I im'd her the other night/got her number). So hopefully we'll still talk but with this drastic profile change (and an obviously fake boyfriend thrown in there)...I'm hoping I wasn't the reason.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
but then again, there's no way she could've positively known that was me calling anyway since when she called back it wasn't me on the greeting. I'm electing to believe she did it due to all the desperate horndogs constantly bombarding her with mail/comments. I'm just paranoid that she was suspicious that it was me and probably overanalyzing as I'm trying to stop doing in my life.