the_stig said:
We've only been dating a few weeks but got close fast. Extremely high IL in me. I saw a few red flags that she was an AW but ignored them, stupidly. We texted often and I slept with her on the third date. Everything seemed too smooth and easy.. I notice a subtle change after spending the night Tuesday, she was acting cold last night but said it was just a stressful week. Now I just got a long text saying she wants to take a step back, doesn't know who or what she wants, let's be friends, etc. Quick! How should I respond? I was thinking of just saying it would be best if we cut ties and move on, or no response at all might drive her nuts. We're late 20s. Thoughts?
she seems like she genuilly doesn't want to be with you right now, she is confused, seems honest. Maybe there is another guy involved and stuff.
dont write that melodramatic thing about cuttng ties, she would read that be like "pff why does he need to make it that dramatic, can't he just let it be smooth, i told him i was confused and needed a step back, i dont need to deal with this right now." and you dont want her to think that. just say fair enough and move on. Leave her alone, she might realize she misses you later maybe. keep your dignity and dont write that cutting ties thing.
well actually what i said was just a developement of what iceberg said in a nutshell: "The path to getting her back is the same path to getting over her."
do not be dramatic, be light but act like you got the hint and don't try to put on a brave face either. I'd just say " fair enough..."
read what you wrote her after, are you a troll?
cause now you make it look like youre so cool and go out with tons of girls and that she is jealous and tried to create a drama to get your attention.
sounds too perfect of a story, making yourself look like a perfect don juan, pretending you dont know what going on.
plus you dont even follow the advices...