Just got blown off...


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
So I just moved to a new state. I currently know almost no one. So I found this app called meet me, where you can meet new people. I started up a message conversation with this girl. She works for the IRS and tells me she's a workaholic. I work long hours so I get that. Anyway, after an hour phone conversation, I invite her to have a cup of coffee for hour or so. You know for a "sanity check." She agrees and we make plans for yesterday at three pm (because she works until noon.) A half hour before we are supposed to meet up she texts me and asks for a raincheck, because she is still at work. I ask her when she was thinking, and she says she's off tomorrow.

I figure at this point she must at least be passably interested otherwise she wouldn't be asking for a raincheck. So I say ok, I'm off Sunday as well, and i work alot, so i understand, so how about at noon. She said that would be great, and thanks for understanding. I arrive about ten minutes early today, and I txt her to let her know I had arrived. Then I wait until 12:30. I got nor response back, so I left. And I haven't heard anything back from her. I'm kind of surprised that I was blown off without even so much as an excuse. Especially when she had told me for ten minutes how she hates playing games. (I can't say I should be surprised. Women lie.) my big question is what to do now. Should I just chalk it up as, "she's not worth my time?" Which I'm very tempted to do. Should I just go with "all beautiful women do this at one time or another and that dealing with it is all part of the game?" And if so, how should I deal with this?

I thought about no contact for a few days then calling her up acting like nothing happened. And when she inevitably starts to talk about it just play it off, like I'm too busy to care,(ie just went to plan "B"). What do you guys think? As always thanks in advance for the advice.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
My Answer is Next
Why do you want to waste your time on a girl who flakes on her. there are lots of chicks out there. That no contact thing works on girls if you were in a relationship with them before or you know them atleast.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hi Will,

As hard as this will sound ... You have no choice but to move on. Women do this all the time.

Instead of judging them for lack of accountability or getting mad and bitter ... I suggest you use your time for other prospects.

If you can't find a girl ; or have zero prospects, shelve the idea for a while and use your time on something else, like a serious hobby, work, body building, reading, watching a show.

Enjoy life. You are healthy, and you have enough wealth to get by. I am assuming all this because you have the luxury to come here and complain about a no-show date.

Good luck,


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Kind of confusing that she would be even mark herself as available and put herself out there on some app to score dates and just not even bother to show up.

Whatever the cause, just be glad you didn't become attached and get into a relationship and have her pull this on you later.

Sounds like a flake to me. RUN.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2013
Reaction score
From my short stint in online dating, this seems pretty normal. You arent a real person to them until you actually meet. Until then you are easily blown off. Just meet some the old fashioned way, by walking up and talking.


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
Online people are flakey. Men and women online say they dont play games and then do that. They dont ever have to see you in real life so theres no incentive to be nice. Narcissism is the new social style today for both genders.
If you continue to do online dating expect this to happen alot and dont take it personally.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Will_IR said:
So I just moved to a new state. I currently know almost no one. So I found this app called meet me, where you can meet new people. I started up a message conversation with this girl. She works for the IRS and tells me she's a workaholic. I work long hours so I get that. Anyway, after an hour phone conversation, I invite her to have a cup of coffee for hour or so. You know for a "sanity check." She agrees and we make plans for yesterday at three pm (because she works until noon.) A half hour before we are supposed to meet up she texts me and asks for a raincheck, because she is still at work. I ask her when she was thinking, and she says she's off tomorrow.

I figure at this point she must at least be passably interested otherwise she wouldn't be asking for a raincheck. So I say ok, I'm off Sunday as well, and i work alot, so i understand, so how about at noon. She said that would be great, and thanks for understanding. I arrive about ten minutes early today, and I txt her to let her know I had arrived. Then I wait until 12:30. I got nor response back, so I left. And I haven't heard anything back from her. I'm kind of surprised that I was blown off without even so much as an excuse. Especially when she had told me for ten minutes how she hates playing games. (I can't say I should be surprised. Women lie.) my big question is what to do now. Should I just chalk it up as, "she's not worth my time?" Which I'm very tempted to do. Should I just go with "all beautiful women do this at one time or another and that dealing with it is all part of the game?" And if so, how should I deal with this?

I thought about no contact for a few days then calling her up acting like nothing happened. And when she inevitably starts to talk about it just play it off, like I'm too busy to care,(ie just went to plan "B"). What do you guys think? As always thanks in advance for the advice.

It could be a few things.

She could possibly not be the person in the pictures. An uly chick posing as a cuter one. You can Tineye the pictures she used to see if they come up elsewhere. If so you've been catfished.

She could just be a flakey whack-O.

She could have shown up if you'd told her what you looked like, decided you didn't look good enough and drove off.

She could be a chick playing jokes on dudes with her friends. There are people who do that for fun. Get a burn phone or a Google voice number so it isn't her actual real phone number. Talk to dudes and post the video on Youtube. People have done that for laughs and views on Youtube.

I'd Google Image search and tineye her pics. She could possibly not be the person or is just a weird chick who could even be in a relationship and is testing the waters.

Don't worry about it and move on.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Don't worry about it. You never met her, you don't even know her. What do you care? Sucks you wasted 30 minutes but that's about it. Next.