Just go out, have fun and you get better results...


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
' Just got home from guys night out and the club and it was a blast...some highlights:

- had two girls come up to me and initiate conversation and try and give me their numbers, first one I didn't take, second one I did because she was right...

- walking down the stairs and just started talking with these 2 black girls behind me after the one asked if we had a cigarette...my friend started talking the one and she told him within 2 minutes that she was from Miami visiting some friends, she thought he was hot and asked if he wanted "to bone" tonight...meanwhile I started talking to the friend and hit her with the "White Chocolate" line and she was loving it, kept touching me and told me she could have used a muscular guy like me to help when some drunk dude was hitting on her...we ended up leaving from there before we went down another path

- walking to another club a few blocks away we were talking to groups of girls walking by and saying dumb sh!t, then I suddenly feel a hand on my ass and a hard squeeze. I stop and turn around and this group of 4 girls is there laughing and the one just said "I
just had to do that because it looked so nice from back here, we have been walking behind
you the whole time..." my friend asked how she liked it and she said "it was the tightest add I ever felt! Oh my God you have to feel this!" And her friends all came up and squeezed my ass...then we took turns grabbing their asses...I swear something as in the air tonight...

-started talking to another group of girls waiting in line for the bathroom and one told me her nickname was "panda" because of the tattoo she had on her shoulder I asked about. I told her I have a nickname too and she asked what it was and I told her "The Punisher" and they both cracked up laughing...

I am sure some more things that I am forgetting about happened, that's what sticks out in my mind, but the bottom line is just go out, have fun and just talk to people...you don't even need to try and hit on them...just start a conversation and if they like you they will make sure to continue it, if not at least you are being seen asbeing social and other people will approach you...when you go out and have fun you attract others to you...I am pretty sure if we weren't saying stupid things to every group of girls walking by and laughing on the way to the other club that whole ass grabbing incident would never have happened...have fun and the results will take care of themselves...

the tighest

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Couldnt agree more.

A guy having fun is to a girl what a girl flirting back is to a guy, it simply multiply his attractivness.

Also if a guy drop the "seriousness shield", the girl is more likely to drop the "good girl shield".

In order to reach that status I suggest to surround yourself with positive guys who share that same aura, help yourself with some alchool and avoid any factor who could
put you in a bad mood prior to going out (like being outcome dependant or ask out a girl which you know in advance will be surely a flake or a headache), just focus on your
group of guys going out and screw whatever doesnt follow your waves.

It worked for me, it would work for any other guy in the average spectrum.

Fly By Night

Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
Nice man, I got to focus on having more fun. Some nights I go out not expecting anything to happen and those nights end up with women because I was not so dead-set on getting them.


New Member
Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
this is a great post and i totally agree with it! a lot of guys forget to just simply go out and enjoy themselves. they get caught up on the technicalities of game and then forget to relax and have fun, making the game more of a chore.

the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs of this blog post exemplifies how much having fun can make a difference in clubs:



Senior Don Juan
Apr 28, 2003
Reaction score
i need new friends

like 5 years ago, seriously it tough when your young, sucsessful and live life on your terms to find good guys to hang with that dont turn into frenemies


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
bradd80 said:
haha good one i'm gonna have to use this
If they keep asking about it, I go on to tell them them

"Yeah, its like the MMA, I am gonna make you tap out early in round 2, but unfortunately for you there is no ref to step in and make me stop..."

I always give fair warning to them before I unleash the beast...


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
bradd80 said:
haha good one i'm gonna have to use this
If they keep asking about it, I go on to tell them them

"Yeah, its like the MMA, I am gonna make you tap out early in round 2, but unfortunately for you there is no ref to step in and make me stop..."

I always give fair warning to them before I unleash the beast...one of the biggest turn offs for me is a chick that begs you to stop every few minutes after like 15 minutes...I make sure they know in no uncertain terms they are going to be put to the test if they step in that bedroom with me and as of right now I'm still undefeated...hahaha


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
A friend flaked out on me last night. I was excited to go with him too, but ended up going alone. I was on fire

I could have said the dumbest sh!t with a grin on my face and chick would dig it. The positive aura is key to any approach.

First approach: 2 cuties
"Hey, what's wrong with this picture? You aren't getting hit on, what is it I don't know?"
Ended up taking the blonde's lighter and continued to walk out. She chased me down and brushed herself on my chest. Small talk with a cigarette and gave my iPhone along with the swipe code. She used my phone to call hers, rubbed up on her said I had to go hang out with my friends (that I haven't met before tonight)

Kept me in a positive state and ended up 5/5 last night with the iPhone swipe code close. I could feel the envy and tension from many guys there lmao.

Positive energy will generate a positive response