Just finished my first big job and got PAID


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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It's crazy how life works sometimes.

Few weeks ago. Despite having a foot injury I decided to go to "my spot" near the water ,just out of town. Haven't been there in ages but needed to clear my head.

I meet thwo guys who are chilling there too, little barbecue and such. I forgot my lighter so we start a convo. I tell them I'm a painter and that's how it all started.

He asked if I could paint a door in his house. Despite this dude having a WELL pain job and I'm just starting painting for a year so still low pay, we connect on a personal level. He tells me someone in his family needs a painter and needs the entire house painted and thus I got me first big job renovation and painting a house by myself.

It was" hella " work. After my regular job I went directly to own job and weekends I put in 16 hours easily. But my clients were extremely satisfied with the job.

Now I know a dude like me can be a great solution to people needing painting short term. But. This was a lucky shot tbh. Gotta somehow get more leads and fill up my agenda with more jobs.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Seems to me it's getting harder and harder to find people who are capable and willing to work. I would think you should be able to do very well if you can get the word out.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
Seems to me it's getting harder and harder to find people who are capable and willing to work. I would think you should be able to do very well if you can get the word out.
thanks for the motivating words. Didn't even think about it like that. Might use this as some sort of slogan.

However, I just saw a few videos about men not willing to grind because women don't see them. It never made sense to me.

Most women in my life actually slowed me the EFF down and felt like a heavy extra burden on my(mental) shoulders. I only meet a new woman every now and then, but eff that. At this point relationships last two months and as soon as they act up I'm out, even though I know it might take months before I get some coochie again.

So the route is like; makes more money, has less patience with toxic women, reads them better and better, gets more jacked. Seems like the more I apply this, the more often SOME women notice me and aggressively chase me.

Why on earth would you let a woman you haven't even met yet and who'll most probably bring you down, decide your motivation ?

Some homeboys are forcing the issue by going passport bro. Instead of saying eff all this bs let's just make as much cash as possible instead of spending valuable energy time and money on bringing in women from poor countries. And dudes have zero game as well...


Sep 10, 2014
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Great job!

The ultimate goal should to be to find sources of passive income you can generate where you are making money without having to actively trade dollars for hours worked.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Some homeboys are forcing the issue by going passport bro. Instead of saying eff all this bs let's just make as much cash as possible instead of spending valuable energy time and money on bringing in women from poor countries. And dudes have zero game as well...
It never made sense to me how guys got mad at women, so as a result they decided to get revenge by being poor and unsuccessful. I agree with you, why not make some cash? It's good to see someone willing to work.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Gamisch,
The key words in your post,"...and got payed..."Your work and your relationship with,particularly,the Lady of the house is the key to starting out...I mentored a little business with my less successful Son for a couple of years,basically "Patch'n'Paint"...We would basically do sagging ceilings,cracked walls,cornices,popping nail heads...ALWAYS 20%deposit for materials before starting,that way you can only lose your labour...another "drop" at a predetermined point,say Plastering finished...we avoided,Lawyers,Accountants and Army Officers...We did a good job and frequently worked our way down a Street,in newer areas the same builder using the same methods and Tradesmen resulted in the same delapidations at the same time...again the Women and "Keeping up with the Joneses"is your key.