I think at the end of the day that's why I got married. I mean, I had a hell of a 3 year run lol from 21 to 24, it was nice to have control over something that i was controlled by, but chasing and managing women is a full time job, and I'm too ambitous in life to do that. Eventually it just got old, I got tired of the BS, going through all the date stops and ****, the entire game just got kinda stale.
I mean think about it. most of us come here becuase we can't get laid. or better stated, we can't get laid by the women we want to get laid by. So you work and you fianlly rearch a point where you are beddign women that you would jack off to years ago, and you are controlling the terms of the dates and not being cointrolled by them... that's GREAT. but once the thrill of your new "toy" wears off what are you going to do?
I mean, i was at a point in my game, where the **** was just too easy. I don't say that to be arrogant or a jackass but, i had obeliberated any fear I had of any woman whatsoever. White, asian, hispanic, HB whatever you want to grade em. I went to Del mar opening day a few months before I met my wife and got 7 numbers in one day. 7. and every last one of them were at least 7's. By the end of that year i could cound the days i slept alone on one hand. literarlly a different girl every week.
i had been on so many dates, like a good defensive corndator, i knew what was coming and I knew what to do about it to get the result I eventrually wanted. the "game" just was too easy once you know the rules and aren't afraid to play by them and get some experience.
sounds nice. and I mean, it's better than not having any options, but in all honestly my self esteem was probably lower in that time than it was when i was fat and broke waiting for my luck to turn around with my first business when I was 20. I learned something about myself in trhat time, that all the ***** in the world can't make you happy. only you can make you happy.
here i am sleeping with dimes every night, living in del mar 3 blocks from the beach, ****ing miserable as all hell.
Learning the game is kinda like learning martial arts. I took karate growing up from like the age of 7 until i was in high school and just couldn't do it anymore. was pretty serious about it. got up to a brown belt with a black stripe. when I was little and i first got into it i got in a few fights in elementry school. i thought i was the **** lol. there was this kid who was way bigger than me (my mom enrolled me in karate becuse i was extremely tiny as a child. i didn't hit 100 pounds utnil jr high) who found out quick quickly he was ****ign with the wrong one after he tired to steal my lunch money i nthe 5th grade lol. so you go around "yeah i' mbad i can do this" but as you, or at least as I started to grow and i KNEW what I could do, it's a good skill set to have... knowing I can defend myself (within reason) when need be. Also knowing (when I got jumped late last year for my car) when to not use it and just take your beating.... you don't have to always use it.
just beucase you have the abilty to game the **** out of women, doesn't mean you are destined to live a life of gaming the **** out of women for the rest of your life. It's a skill set I am happy to have. I know that i'm not going ot have an issue moving on if i get a divorce. But i came to the conclusion that my life wasn't very fufilling. i wasn't accomplishing antyhing but ****ing. that's not me. never will be me. I like sex, i like sex alot, but not more than i like achiving goals. i'm too ambious to live a live doing nothing but chasing women.
I mean, I am not trying to get all pilosphcial on you guys or anything, but at the of the day, it's just all varitions on the same thing. they all have the same body parts (i hope lol), some are nicer than others. they all act the same with some having different varations. not only that, **** maping out my "date plan" living in del mar required some military precision lol. **** it's not THAT big. there are only so manythings nyou can do. more than once i've been caught out with another plate.
with that said, like a guy who worked his ass off to get a business going and is now a millionare, even if he doesn't have to start blowing money.. he's entitled to a few things he's always wanted, just beucase he's earned it. once you get to this point, you are kinda obligated to spin the **** out of plates for a few years, just so you can get it out your system. so I am not bashing it at all. just so you can learn what your real value is to the opposite sex.
when i met my now wife, and we had our first date, and i got to talking to her, within 30 mintues of our date i knew she was different, and not only that, she kinda re lit the "me" spark that makes me me.
even then, i didn't go all aFC on her, i used my newly found skill set to get what i wanted.. her. and not just her. that's just halof the battle. Her.. on my terms. not a "oh i'm happy you chose me" her a "I am the man in this relationship, but this is the perfect companion for me" her. even when i Knew I had her, i made her go though all the **** test i made every other woman go through. and she did it. but i came to the conclusion i would be perfectl,y happy ****ing her for the rest of my life. probably happoier honestly than i would ****ign random women all the time.
NOw I simply take solice in things like, knowing why my wife is attracted to me and what makes our relationship tick, and how to make sure it doesnt' stop ticking. things like, being able to spot women for what they are, being able to harmlessly flirt the woman at the gym, and knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that if i am by chance single i can get a few dates out of her. basically knowing i'm not powerless anymore. that at the end of the day is all it's all ab out. i could give a **** about how many nothes i have on the bed post or how many dates i've been on this week.