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Just broke up :-) and :-(


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2001
Reaction score
Hi all,

Long story, I hope you take the time to read it :)

Just broke up - am I happy or sad - I don't know......

If you search by my username and look at my posts, you'll see that I met a nice girl back in October/November of last year.

It was nicely going at first, each date, once a week, was better than the last, till after about 6 or 7 dates, we were basically girlfriend and boyfriend.

It was my first relationship, late at 26, she was older, 28. It seemed good, we both really liked each other. I was happy about the pace of things, maybe a little surprised at how close we were already. We had already exchanged things, e.g. I needed some plates, she needed a CD player, we were freely swapping our possessions, not gifts for an occasion but because we wanted to share. I don't know if this is something more prevalent in the 25+ age relationship compared to the younger or not?

Things have been going well, but there was some external factors to influence the relationship, namely my having to move out of my apartment and look for a new one, and her looking for a job that took about one and a half months.

Now, over the last couple of months, I noticed a few things about her that were not to my liking - a phrase or sentence, or something she did, something quite instinctive to her, but that went against the grain of my own principles and way of life. Nothing bad per se, but just incompatible. There are also other more personal aspects that I won't discuss here that too, I found incompatible in our relationship.

I try not to look too far ahead, and on a first date you don't evaluate whether someone is good for marriage (perhaps subconsciously you do to some extent), but nevertheless these things raised question marks over our future together.

It's very easy, especially early in a relationship to bury any objections, and gloss over any question marks that may be lurking, just not question them.

But over time, during conversation, I would pull her up on some of these comments that would annoy me or that I fundamentally disagreed with. Like I said, it's so easy to ignore them, but there comes a time or occasion where you have to say something and I did.

We briefly talked about that there were a few obstacles about a month ago, but we didn't see it as a big deal and enjoy the moment and not be so concerned about the big picture this early in the relationship, in fact we both agreed that 6 or 9 months was a better time to be evaluating such things.

In the meantime, more recently, I hold my hands up and admit that I had been neglecting her slightly. Now, I am not talking about full on neglect, I am talking about woman "maintenance" that one must do. I'll come onto this more in a second.

The simple reason being that these little character traits that I did not find compatible with my own (not bad, just incompatible) started to mount up into something more significant. I questioned whether this was the kind of woman that I want to spend a long time with and, yes, possible some day marry. I concluded that she was not. So my desire to do this "woman maintenance a.k.a. paying her lots of attention" waned slightly of its own accord, I freely admit. Nevertheless, we were still talking daily on the phone for usually an hour which I consider to be quite a lot.

So 2 days ago, we talk - planning for a trip abroad that we have not done. She made a casual comment and instead of taking it, I questionned her on it, burrowed further. She admitted that she was a little worried where things were going. All this time, we have been honest about many things, but not so much about us and our relationship and where it is going. After much burrowing, she basically admitted that I had not been paying her enough attention i.e. "woman maintenance" e.g. I did not bring over any wine anymore when she was cooking, I had not gone ahead and planned and taken her places that I said I would do.

I freely admit this, and I know that women are looking for guys who wil confidently take care of them, take them places, organise everything. My efforts to do this waned as I lost my attraction to her.

Back to the phone call.....I did not say sorry - in fact I did not want to say sorry. I explained that it was due to the upheaval in our lives recently and also my job has been very frenetic, I've had a lot of problems with my apartment, I've been working weekends etc., we have still been seeing each other twice a week which I think is a lot considering we are at least an hour away from each other, and we had been going out for 3 months. She also claimed that I had not supported her during her time of being out of work and job searching. First of all, earlier she had thanked me for support during this period (?!?!?) and secondly, I think this is total bull**** from her - I gave her advice, I found her ads, I helped pay the bills, I talked whenever she wanted, I got her confidence back when she felt she was going to not get a job - I supported her big time during this period! I was insulted that she said this, and I think I told her so.

She also talked about how I had "changed" since about 3 months ago??!? wtf!?!? Admittedly, more recently I had gotten a bit lazier as I have admitted above, but I had never "changed"! One night, I had called her slightly drunk and been a little sentimental and gave her more insight into my views about wanting to make it out of my situation and become more prosperous. I was not depressed but I did speak in melancholic tones. Now, I know a woman wants a man to be strong, but if she wants an open relationship she has to be prepared for the man to occasionally need her support too! The next day she said I was "sad" and Jekyll and Hyde character! I dismissed it has drunken talk, but the next day I had to take her up on that comment and say that that was me, and if she didn't like it, well that was her problem that she must deal with herself, I won't be anyone else.


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2001
Reaction score
Back to the convo a couple days ago - she talked about how maybe what she was looking for in a man was something slightly different. We talked about ideals and how not every couple is exactly alike - in every relationship there is a level of healthy compromise.

Anyway, we discussed again that there were a few obstacles but that we would keep going for a few months, go on this trip (which she thought would be a test?) together and evaluate things further down the line.

I was honest in this conversation, and I was not specific about those things I thought brought incompatibilities, because I did not want to hurt her because fundamentally, many of them are not bad things, they are just against my own grain. The whole conversation was quite honest, on my part AND her part. We ended nicely, with out usual talk about how her day had been, I think we ended nicely, it was good to talk open and honestly. Noone wants to talk serious all the time, but on occasion it is needed and I felt it was refreshing. We had admitted to each other that we really enjoy spending time with each other, and I really miss her after immediately seeing her, but that after a couple of days, despite talking to her on the phone daily, we did each other question the relationship - she admitted this to me as I did to her. We finished the convo and I was to book the tickets for our trip.

That night I wondered where we were going and how much of a future we had left. It did occur to me that it might not be worth booking the trip in a month and a half's time, because we might not even be together anymore. Nevertheless, I was going to organise the time off work and do it.

Next morning at 7.30a.m. I get a txt message to say "don't book the tickets yet if you haven't, we'll talk tonight". I replied back "ok".

I thought this was a little funny, maybe there had been a change of plan or idea.

Over the course of the day, I had a feeling that a break-up was on the cards. I spoke with a good friend of mine that I met up with and talked about all the above, and came to the conclusion that even if she did not want to break up, I would initiate it. I really enjoy being with her, I am very fond of her. I don't LOVE her yet, but I do like her a lot and am fond of her, but I knew that ultimately, whilst we shared a lot in common (I have perhaps not emphasised this enough yet-I don't like to dwell on the negatives-but we did have a lot in common actually), there were too many inconsistencies and differences, and it was better to break up now rather than 3 months down the road. In fact, the day earlier she had been frank and had said that it was not "worth it" to continue a relationship that was not going to go anywhere and I agreed.

I got a call from her later than night (last night), and she said, rather bizarrely, "I don't want to see you anymore for 6 months" and started crying. I must admit I was a bit taken back, I thought a break-up was on the cards, but I still thought that it would be up to me to initiate it. I simply said "I agree". I explained that I thought that we were incompatible and better to break up now rather than later.

There was hurt in her voice, but more to the point, there was anger in her voice. She even said "I shouldn't have been so nice to you"?? wtf!!??!?

I told her I was hurt by her comments, that I had never intended any harm to her, I was always honest with her, and that I wanted to end this amicably and hopefully be friends. Nevertheless she was still angry. When she repeated it, I even said in the heat of the emotion "don't make me out to be the bad guy, you're not miss perfect y'know". Usually I reserve myself and don't make such comments but I felt I had to in this case.

I just don't get it - we talked open and honestly the day before (I know some of you guys, maybe the younger ones, don't believe in being completely open and honest but I think it is a necessary foundation to a good long term relationship) and if anything, she was more critical of _my_ character (not my actions, but my character/personality-things I cannot change).

I told her that I will miss her and understand that she wants to be cut-off for some time. Sometimes, you never can talk to someone you were with again. I feel that it is a shame that this might happen though. Or even if this is the case, to do it in this manner, it hurt me. Nevertheless, I was still a gentleman and did not resort to her tactics.

So that is it. I spent last night thinking about her. I don't want her back - I know this is for the best, but I did spend the good part of 5 months with her often. It does feel like a piece of me is gone, it feels really weird, this is the first time I have broken up with someone. It's going to take me a month or two myself to get over this. I'm not happy that we can't at least meet up once more again in person to exchange things (I don't care about that) and have a 10 minute chat before leaving each other to get on with our lives again.

It's ironic that she is upset, because she is the one who initiated the breakup when we were just honest about things. I was ready to give it a chance, a small one, but she did not want that. I think she expected me to fight to keep the relationship and was maybe surprised when I did not want to and agreed that a breakup was a good thing.

One thing I am definately not doing is phoning her up - there is no way that I am going to initiate the next contact with her - she can phone me. After that nasty breakup, I am not going to be the lapdog sheepishly saying "hello". No way "Jose".

Now, I am a bunch of emotions, torn between missing those times we had together, missing that nice person that she is,angry that she broke it off in the manner that she did, sudden and with hurt, and knowing that it is really for the best for the future.

That's partly why I'm writing this, think of it as a kind of therapy!

But more importantly, I would like to hear from you older DJs what you think of the above. Can you relate to the above, did something similar happen to you, any of the above. Do you think things turned out for the better. Do you think I did wrong? Would you haev done things any other way? Would you have seen the warning signs earlier and done any different?

I guess you learn from all relationships, I know that there is no way I am going back to this one in future.

For the future, I am going to take things more slowly, even though the dates progressed nicely, we got too wrapped up in each other in no time. Before no time, she was phoning me daily, we were holding hands all the time and acting as if we were a couple having gone out for a year already. I wish that breakups weren't so difficult but I guess that only a minority of breakups are amicable.

Well, I look forward to your replies.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
sf ca
I am going through something very very similar right now so it was interesting to read your remarks. Keep this in mind. Your ego may be bruised but this is what you wanted, deep down. So you got the result you were looking for just in a surprising way. So realize your feelings go with the territory. There were some great things about your relationship and that's what you are missing. But over and over again you expressed your doubts. So live with and move on. Its tough to give up something that was there for you. But you are looking at the long term and what's best for both of you. Good luck. You're doing fine. Now resist the urge to get back together. Be strong.


Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
Hmmmm, heres how I read this. You are going to regret this very very soon. You mentioned that you are not very experienced when it comes to relationships, I am. And I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that you will NEVER EVER find a woman that you are 100% compatible with, or that you will agree with everything she does. I think your lack of experience showed here. You expected it to be loving happy bliss, and in reality relationships are hard work, but when they are right, very rewarding. And it sounded like before you started to get hung up on these little things she did that irritated you, you both were pretty happy.

As far as what she did, i think she made a premeptive strike. Sounds to me like she DID NOT want to break up, but sensed that you were about to with her, and wanted to test you. So she initiated it hoping that you would try and talk her out of it, which you didnt. You are going to have to accept the fact that in any relationship you get in that most women will do things to irritate you, and will complain and nag about things that youll will find trivial. But you have to accept that as far as being in a relationship, just like they put up with certain things men do that irritate them.

I really think you should think twice about this, and after a day or two if you feel yourself missing her, perhaps have a talk and see what you can do to salvage ths situation.

Good luck.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 13, 2004
Reaction score
Where to start...I went through a breakup a couple months ago. Sounds similar to what you described...we clicked instantly, things got better and better, I had never been more comfortable with a woman and was thinking she could be the "one", and then it was over within two weeks for a very trivial reason (just read my previous posts for information).

The good news and truth...life goes on. It sucks the first few weeks...just last weekend you were spending all day and night together, now you're alone...the little things around your house, a song on the radio, some little trinket reminds you of her. It stings at first. Each time it gets less and less, and eventually you're back to normal and ready to meet someone else.

I think with older women...all or most their friends are married, they're feeling left out...and basically they're not going to waste time on a relationship that's not "going anywhere." And while most everything you find on here is great at helping create the initial sparks and attraction (and much easier to do in practice), in the long run there needs to be more substance. You have to do the "maintaining." I think you said it yourself...you stopped bringing wine, planning things, etc.. If you noticed it, then she probably noticed it even more. Maybe as you said you just weren't as attracted...it happens, the sparks wear off and if there isn't something deeper to the relationship it's just going to fade away. Maybe it was a case that you were attracted to each other at first and had the initial spark, but long term there wasn't enough besides that to keep it going.

Another minor thing, she said you weren't supportive, but you said you did try to support her. If you buy into any of the John Grey Mars/Venus stuff, then "support" to women isn't trying to fix or help her problems, it's listening and providing emotional support. Men naturally see a problem, think of a solution, and fix it. We don't sit around with our friends and cry and hug each other about it. Women are just different. Something to keep in mind regarding that.

As far as the things she said or did that didn't sit well with you...it's going to happen. If it's a healthy relationship, you'll let the little things slide because the good makes up for them...and she should be doing that with you as well! If it's a matter of principles however, and you're not willing to give her up in spite of them, then it's not a healthy place to be.

If you were raised in a perfect family, you know what a perfect relationship is like. If like the majority of people you weren't, then it's trial and error. Sometimes you just have to go through a few to find out what you want and what you can't accept in them. Sometimes a great relationship ends for no good reason (which I thought my last was). It makes no sense and you can't realize why she gave up something that seemed so important to the two of you...and you're never going to have an answer. But from experience, I know each woman I've been involved with has gotten better and better. I know it probably seems right now like there could never be someone like that...but in time it will.

Anyway, I found airing my thoughts on here good therapy, regardless if anyone responded or not. As far as where to go from here regarding her....if you want an ego boost, never ever talk to her again (chances are, she'll be calling you very soon...either to string you along, for emotional support, or because she genuinely regrets ending it...who knows). Or, you could throw a hail mary and try to salvage it. I choose the latter, and though it did no good and resulted in more rejection, I at least feel I did all I could for the relationship and have closure.


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2001
Reaction score
Hey guys, thanks for your comments.

Over the last day I have been thinking about her a fair bit, I know it's just my emotions though, remembering the good times, it does feel different to suddenly feel alone again.

I am trying to think rationally though - the easy thing to do would be to try and make it up to her slowly but surely - but I'm not so sure that is the right thing.

It has been going through my head about the reasons I wanted to break up.

It is interesting to see the totally different comments that you guys have made as well.

I understand that you can never find someone 100% compatible in life, noone is perfect. Nevertheless, the things that I did not like (irritation and moaning is par for the course and I expect that from any woman!), I started to see around a couple months ago, so I have had doubts for some time. And they were not merely opinions, I can accept that many couples even have different political opinions for instance, but there were other things and other actions that I did not like. These things were not trivial - if they were just trivial then I would not have had the bad gut feeling that I would have at times.

The reason I was happy before these things started to make a difference, is because I just ignored them, but ignoring something only works for so long. The gut feeling was not good, so I do stand by the decision in my head to not continue this.

It did cross my mind that she tested me when we last spoke, but she was already crying so I'm not so sure that it was a test, I suppose it could have been, but the crying leads me to think she may have already made her mind up....I do not know.

Like I said OP, I accept that women will nag and complain, this was a different thing. I think that we went too fast in the early stages. I also think that I am possibly guilty of trying to fall for a girl just to test myself and ssee if I could have a relationship. Perhaps she was never my type in the first place. Having been with her a lot lately, there's no doubt that she grew on me, like anyone would, but I did wonder at times, why I had gotten involved with her in the first place.

Yeah on the Mars/Venus stuff, we were talking every day for an hour, correction, she was talking to me and I listened....a lot. I know it's not enough to just listen, but I honestly did think I was supporting her - she obviously feels that I did not - time to get that book out from the library.

And yes, I feel I do need closure. I need to ask her why she wanted to break it off - did she want to, was it just a test and I took the bait only because it was offered? I may well have given it more time had she not offered me the bait. I'll phone her in time, to go over and chat to her - even if its only ten minutes, I need closure because I'm confused, and I'm sure she does too. I think I should let the dust settle first though -

when do you think is a good time - 2 weeks, a month maybe?

Also, do you think it weird that she wanted to break up after that single conversation? We did not even really discuss it or argue it out?

Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by optimist prime
Hmmmm, heres how I read this. You are going to regret this very very soon. You mentioned that you are not very experienced when it comes to relationships, I am. And I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that you will NEVER EVER find a woman that you are 100% compatible with, or that you will agree with everything she does. I think your lack of experience showed here. You expected it to be loving happy bliss, and in reality relationships are hard work, but when they are right, very rewarding. And it sounded like before you started to get hung up on these little things she did that irritated you, you both were pretty happy.

As far as what she did, i think she made a premeptive strike. Sounds to me like she DID NOT want to break up, but sensed that you were about to with her, and wanted to test you. So she initiated it hoping that you would try and talk her out of it, which you didnt. You are going to have to accept the fact that in any relationship you get in that most women will do things to irritate you, and will complain and nag about things that youll will find trivial. But you have to accept that as far as being in a relationship, just like they put up with certain things men do that irritate them.

I really think you should think twice about this, and after a day or two if you feel yourself missing her, perhaps have a talk and see what you can do to salvage ths situation.

Good luck.
Great post O.P. I got the sense she was testing him and wanted to see if he will "rescue" the relationship by putting more into it and saving it, so to speak. Wannabe_DonJuan, I can totally relate to the parts where you talk about a few flags and mannerisms that make you feel uneasy, but as O.P. said, no woman is perfect.

Maybe you should try to do something different with her and to see if the relationship is worthwhile salvaging.


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2001
Reaction score
If she was testing me, which I think we all agree seems to be quite likely, then by my not trying to rescue the relationship, in her eyes it probably means there is no point to the relationship.

Would you agree with this?


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
sf ca

as for why she broke it off...to tell the truth, she realized that you wanted out. She came to understood it deep down. In fact, their freinds can sense when you are not fully engaged by observing your behaviour around her. I know because it happened to me. If you go out with her close freinds or family, they will give her feedback; essentially telling her that you are not into this. She is filing all that away and she can also read it in your actions. So it was probably a long time coming and she just wanted to preempt you. You really don't need a reason. You have been providinng many resons along the way through the hints of your actions. Women know when you are fully engaged and when you aren't. It makes them ambivelant, and often they will delay the inevitable, hoping to see a change arise. But the trip actually brought things to a head for you guys as they often do.




Don Juan
Nov 6, 2001
Reaction score
Thanks for that Mike.

This whole thing was just messy and I'm annoyed that she didn't want to discuss it. I hate when girls just say "I don't want to talk to you anymore". Not even a chance to discuss it!

I miss the good times with her, but I know that the gut feeling I had for a good two months was more than just being a little picky about my women. I questioned whether I could ever love her. What hurts is the suddenness of breaking up - it's something I have never experienced before - one second your share many things with someone, the next the connection is totally broken - a strange new experience for me, and not a nice one.

I just need better closure than this - I'll probably send her an email in a couple of weeks, see if she wants to meet up so we can at least explain each other. One thing that I have been with her is honest and open with communication - she has not been and just brooded over our conversation and made her mind up.

If she doesn't want to talk/meet up, well f**k her! Life goes on!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
In your head
I know some of you guys, maybe the younger ones, don't believe in being completely open and honest but I think it is a necessary foundation to a good long term relationship
I'm going to keep this short

Frankly she lost her interest in you, she wasn't attracted anymore

Been open and honest is great but not at the expense of attraction

Somethings need to be said some don't

Stop bothering her and look back at your posts and compare that to the definition of an attractive man. Your answer lies there.

A LTR takes work, you need a great girl to begin with. Maintaining both her and your interest levels is the road to success,



Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
You guys are watching too much Oprah - only that can explain these emotion-filled posts.

"Open and Honest" usually equals disaster. DON'T LISTEN TO OPRAH!! This is not what women want.

Women want a strong, exciting and dangerous man... be that man! Don't be a "relationship wussy" type!

Why do I bother wasting my time, if I cure one AFC thousands will rise in his place :(



Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I don't have too much to say regarding this breakup. However, it does sound like it was kinda sudden that she dropped you so quickly. Either she was too high maintenance and you weren't giving her the amount of maintenance she wanted, or there's something lurking in the background that you're not aware of (her friends, another guy, etc.)

The possibilities are endless, and women will NEVER let you know what the true motivation was. If you go to her for closure and aren't satisfied with her reason, you'll continue to try and get closure from her until you're frustrated beyond belief. Forget trying to get closure. Don't contact her again. It's better to accept that this 5hit happens and leave it at that instead of trying to get the real answer from someone who doesn't want to hurt your feelings.

It's going to feel empty because you have a lot of time on your hands now, and you're gonna feel like you started a project that you can't finish. Trust me, time away from her will help fill the gaps that she left.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
In your head
I don't have too much to say regarding this breakup. However, it does sound like it was kinda sudden that she dropped you so quickly.
Woman in relationships don't drop you by way of an overnight process, they would usually have cooked on it for quite some time, or by way of a third party.

This specific situation was ripe for all kind of breakup possibilities



Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Woman in relationships don't drop you by way of an overnight process, they would usually have cooked on it for quite some time, or by way of a third party.
Very true Kaine, and I wouldn't doubt that's exactly what has happened. However, it usually seems the norm for women to drag out the end of a relationship for an exceedingly long period of time until there is absolutely nothing left of the relationship to speak of. That's why I'm guessing there was someone else involved with her decision to end it.