Just a thought about guys who say ugly guys can get hot chicks.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2010
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There are lots of very hot women with ugly dudes.

You'll find that alot of models are dating ugly dudes.

But take note of this, usually the ugly dudes are alpha males: strong personality, loud, bad ass, ****y and arrogant, rich or funny.

You never (or rarely, for those who take my words literally) see a 10 with an ugly dude who is a pu$$y little b!tch or a shy nerd.

And the reason for that, for us men, looks account for one slice of the attraction pie and the others are confidence, social status, financial status, lifestyle etc.

Looks aren't the be-all and end-all but you have to have something else going for you.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
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England, baby!
realtalk said:
There are lots of very hot women with ugly dudes.

You'll find that alot of models are dating ugly dudes.

But take note of this, usually the ugly dudes are alpha males: strong personality, loud, bad ass, ****y and arrogant, rich or funny.

You never (or rarely, for those who take my words literally) see a 10 with an ugly dude who is a pu$$y little b!tch or a shy nerd.

And the reason for that, for us men, looks account for one slice of the attraction pie and the others are confidence, social status, financial status, lifestyle etc.

Looks aren't the be-all and end-all but you have to have something else going for you.
its the alpha qualities that give the high value, this is what newbies and those in denial find hard to accept

o yeh and loks are retardedly subjective, i always laugh when someone goes "a HB 9.5" "HB7.5" etc... thats a very exact mark... and would be different for every one...totally pointless online validation seeking


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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o yeh and loks are retardedly subjective, i always laugh when someone goes "a HB 9.5" "HB7.5" etc... thats a very exact mark... and would be different for every one
I agree to some extent. But there's always that one girl that it seems like all the guys want. Some of this may be due to her ability to flirt/lead guys on/wrap men around her finger. But she has to have the looks to back it up or it doesn't work.

It's true there is some variation according to taste. Different guys may look for different things in a woman. But generally speaking, an attractive woman is an attractive woman, and most guys will recognize her as such.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Huginn said:
How long do you plan to continue with this charade JASA? This lurker is getting sick of your bull****.
It's not MY B.S. I'm just quoting the experts. Oh, and Luis Alvarez officially endorses evolution i.e., agrees that females do not look for facial symmetry in a mate.

Also how about actually reading The Descent of Man written by him before using the good name of Charles Darwin to support yourself you cretin?
Relax. I'm sure you have the ability to communicate your argument against science without including childish personal attacks. I've always wanted to read the Descent of Man but I'm very busy nowadays. I do however know that he makes no mention of females using the facial symmetry of males as criteria for choosing a mate.

What I find VERY interesting is that nobody on your pro-AFC/anti-DJ side will post a picture of themselves to illustrate where their extensive experience on this subject is derived from. It always boils down to hearsay, usually from isolated incidents at drunken parties. You, evidently, are no exception and are left at the mercy of 150 years of hard data and research.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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usually the ugly dudes are alpha males: strong personality, loud, bad ass, ****y and arrogant, rich or funny.
Something else to think about: Maybe there are things about the woman that drive her value down. Like she may have a large number of kids, STDs, or she may just be batsh!t crazy.

I've noticed this in my own life when guys I knew who didn't seem to have much going for them were able to land a very physically attractive woman. The thing was, few other guys were willing to put up with her BS because she was a total nut job.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2010
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zekko said:
Something else to think about: Maybe there are things about the woman that drive her value down. Like she may have a large number of kids, STDs, or she may just be batsh!t crazy.

I've noticed this in my own life when guys I knew who didn't seem to have much going for them were able to land a very physically attractive woman. The thing was, few other guys were willing to put up with her BS because she was a total nut job.
That's a really good point and something I tend to forget.

I guess we sometimes put hot women on a pedestal and forget they have their own problems and insecurities.