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Juggler Workshop Review & Lay Report (VERY LONG)


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Originally posted by ELITE_WOMANIZER_II
sex PDX wrote:

"I don't approach women with immediate intent to have sex with them. I approach them with SERIOUS DOUBT as to whether I would find them all that satisfying to actually have sex with."

give me a break. This is just your way of rationalizing the fact that a girl may be into you enough to talk to you, and give her your number, but not interested in having sex with you. This is you way of rationalizing the rejection from a girl who doesnt want to have sex with you becuase your game isnt exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.

This is what you tell yourself when you approach a girl, becuase you know the chance she doesnt want to have sex with you looms ahead, becuase you are unsure of your own abilitiy. You know that just becuase she gives you her number, you know that doesnt mean shes gonna have sex with you.

Besides, this board teaches people to rationalize rejections with "she failed to recognize you were good material; since she failed to realize that, she doesnt meet your standards, so just move on, and find a girl who does meet your standards". THis is a concept that i see spread around on this board alot. And thats basically what your doing. Using this concept when you say you want to find out if shes worth having sex with.

occording to this concept, a woman being interested in you constitutes when a girl meets a man's standards. And when shes not interested in the guy, it means she is below the standard. RATIONALIZATION, thats all it is, and thats all your doing when you lie to yourself, and say "oh, she doesnt meet my standards for having sex". What you really mean is "I can tell shes not into me sexually, so im just gona lie to myself, and say 'Im not interested in sex' just to make myself feel better.

number 2, you admitted that you tried 2 women with the intent to have sex with, failed one, and succeeded the other. So occording to this, at best, your success was 50%. Though, the reality is, you failed on all those other women, you just lied to yourself in saying "i didnt want sex from them"

You couldnt get se from those other women if you wanted to. with that said, you add those women into the equation, and it goes like this.....had sex with one woman, failed on a big handful of others. Lets face it, you only laid one girl, but you PU attempted many many many others. So that doesnt look to good at all.

number 4, you said all the women were for practic huh, Oh, its funny how all the woman you failed to lay, you call them "practice", but when you lay that one girl you refer to it as "the real deal attempt". Sounds like more rationalizing to me for your rejections. weither it was practice or not, you skills dont look too good. WHAT IF THOSE WOMEN WERE FOR REAL? you still would have failed to have sex with them. you still would have only laid that one girl. Its not like when its the "real deal" your success rate goes up. weither it really was for practice or not, you still failed on all of them, and only layed on girl. ONE GIRL, THATS IT.

at the end of the day, your success rate was low. And painting the picture that jugglers advice helped you is pointless and false. having sex with one girl out of many attempts arent skills to brag about. If you have sex with more than half of those women, then I would see credibilty in juggler's/your skills.

number 5, wheres your crediblility in what you say? you just now come out and say "I admit, I wanted to have sex with that one girl, but I got rejected hard" you also admit to not mentioning this event in the main post. It makes me wonder HOW MANY OTHER WOMEN HAVE YOU FAILED TO MENTION IN YOUR MAIN POST? once again, you lose credibility in what you say, keeping important information from the readers of your post. Who knows what other peices of information you are keeping from us. You keep information from us to make yourself look good. YOUR INTENT WAS TO PAINT A PICTURE THAT JUGGLER'S SKILLS AND YOUR SKILLS ARE AWESOME. but its basically a false image your painting. The only reason why you come out and admit that rejection, is becuase I pressed you for it. Had I not done that, it still would have been a secret to the readers of this post.

So what else are you lying about? what other peices of information ar you keeping from us? what other women did you really want to have sex with, got rejected, and have not yet told about? again, you just lose credibility, and come across as a liar. Im very sure in your reply to this, you will once again release even more information that was kept secret from the readers in an attempt to restore your credibility. And of course, it will be information about the flaws, fualts, and failures of this big report you have posted, stuff you dont feel comfortable of people knowing. of course, you know im right, I can see through the deceit in your "stories". ANd im just showing the readers the reality. So please dont try to tell lies and keep stuff secret from us, just to protect your image.

number 6, I do make conributions to this board. about 90% of my posts are correcting the mistakes of others(this post is an acception;the 10% acception). some guy thought waiting 7 days to call would benefit him, I had to corrrect him. I thoink correcting someone on their mistakes constitutes as a contribution, dont you? I thought so. So you know as well as I do that its a lie that I make no contributions what so ever.

The purpose of this post is to make the people see the truth in your posts. You posted this big story, trying to make it seem like the new **** you learned from juggler is gold, and hes some kind of god. My contribution is that im showing the readers the truth, so they wont be deceived by your exaggerated stories. Im protecting them from your lies. I want them to see the truth for what it really is. THat the methods of juggler's are VERY FLAWED. and that it wont bring them success like your making it seem.

Im showing them the truth. thats my contribution.

Why dont you come down to ATL sexPDX, youll get creamed, Ive read your stuff, And it is lame. And will not work on the women down here. I dont know where your at, but something tells me the women over their are easy as hell.

Nice of you to take the time to write all that sh1t, gomer. I just got back from working the room at Starbucks where I got two phone numbers. I am going to eat some pizza now. :)


Master of the Universe

Senior Don Juan
Jan 17, 2002
Reaction score
Hey SexPDX,

Excellent FR! I'm definitely going to be taking one of Juggler's future workshops!

As for Elite Womanizer... man, I really want to ignore that kid, but his views are so out there, that it blows my mind.

Okay, EW, first of all let's handle your accusation of PDX's chick being lacking in looks - I saw the pic... definitely high quality!

Second, anyone who scores, or tries to score, with every chick he sees has some issues dude... serious ones. PDX talked with over a hundred chicks... even if every single one of them wanted to bone him, there is not enough time in the day for him to oblige them all.

Besides, if all your interactions with women are based on only trying to get in their pants, then that's one hell of an ugly way to go through life.

Sheees dude, what happened to just having a friendly conversation with someone... just because she happens to be attractive doesn't mean that you should be prejeduced against her and not treat her like a human.

You're viewing this whole thing as either she rejects you or you have sex with her. That's NOT how it is.

You talk with her, and if you're enjoying her company, and you're sexually attracted to her, then you try to seduce, otherwise you move on to the next girl.

A view that you need to f-close every girl you're talking to reaks of desperation. If you try to close every girl you speak with, then either you rarily ever speak to girls, or you have some issues.

In addition, I never once read where PDX writes that a chick was a bytch or anything, in fact he seems to have only good things to say about the guys and girls he interacted with.

Also, I don't see him writing that the girls weren't good enough for him, so he dropped them. All he did was strike up a genuine and enjoyable conversation, and in some cases he felt that attraction to them and attempted to close. One succeeded, and the other didn't. How many guys do you know who close 50% of those they attempt (please don't tell me you're the same guy who claimed a 90% success rate).

Master of the Universe

P.S. Why don't you write up some of your FRs, I'd like to read them.

P.P.S. So you're in Atlanta huh? I'll be there soon, and I would love to see you in action. Send me a PM with your contact info, and if you're as good as you say you are, I will be the first one to herald you as the new DJ/PUA God.
Jan 18, 2003
Reaction score
ok, heres something else we can talk about.

you say you got two numbers eh. Thats nice. so how many women did you have to try before you finally got your first number? your second number?

Im extremely sure you failed to get some women's numbers in that starbucks tonight. But of course, once again, your gonna keep that information from the readers. you only mention the two numbers you got. once agian, using deception to make yourself look good.

come on, dont hide the reality. dont try to cover up the truth. I can just see you ignoring this post to save your reputation and to prevent further destruction of your credibilty. Of course you dont want to admit to me that you failed on 5 women at that starbucks before you got the first number. I know the strategy your gonna use, youll just IGNORE ME and this post. You dont have the balls or honesty to come out and say "yes, i ****ed up on 5 women before I got the first number at that starbucks tonight" lol, how pathetic. How dishonest.

Also, heres a chance to prove yourself. So far, you got those two womens numbers, Id like to see an honest update on that, Lets see if you can lay those two women. lol. You proably wont even get past a date, if that, with your no game skills. Lets put your credibility to the test. try and Lay those two women. And dont even think about commming on here with "they failed to reach my standards so i didnt lay them".

ok, now im gonna go eat some pizza :)



Master Don Juan
May 23, 2002
Reaction score
IMO, "Elite Womanizer" You don't sound like you'd be as successful as him, despite your name :D.

While your busy dwelling he's busy moving on to the next woman increasing volume, therefore increasing the chance at getting laid.

I mean if your dwelling on someone else's failures so much and so busy pointing out flaws, you must be rather insecure yourself. It's kinda self explanitory really and until I see real evidence posted as such that points to the opposite, I'll stick by my statement.


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC

I just glanced at a few parts of your post, but did you say you went to a club with Juggler in Vancouver? If so, which one? and what night?


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Guys, I know I am troll-feeding, but I am having some fun with it at this point which is my only motivation for responding here. :) He'll get banned soon anyway....

Originally posted by Master of the Universe
P.P.S. So you're in Atlanta huh? I'll be there soon, and I would love to see you in action. Send me a PM with your contact info, and if you're as good as you say you are, I will be the first one to herald you as the new DJ/PUA God.
Yeah, MotU, it's time for someone to see this jibber-jabber work a room. I wasn't going to ask you to subject yourself to that, MotU, but if you are willing then that sounds good.

EW, if you are going to try to tear down someone's credibility make sure you have some yourself. You have contributed nothing. Your posts are copied out of science textbooks. You have never written anything about actual seduction that I have seen nor have you written any FR's. Also, who has met you? Juggler, David Shade, Jake Steed, Stormwolf and a slew of others have all met me and believe me to be an honest poster having sat across a table from me and spent time with me in the field. No offense to anyone who chooses to stay anonymous but I think the debit of credibility is at YOUR END if credibility is the issue here.

Your intense focus on percentage rates is complete bullsh1t. It confirms just how little game you have. Your ideas about percentage rates are WOOD. I think you can use a seduction lesson, Timber!

Dude, I get EVERY phone number I ask for. In fact most of the time I don't even have to ask. Here is why, little boy: if closing is not the easiest part of the interaction then you are not there yet. You don't have the rapport and attraction skills. Those are the goal, not the number or the lay. Those are things that flow directly from you having created the kind of rapport you need for that to happen.

If you think you can show MotU how to work a room, meet him and do it. Do that and I will not push for your ban.



Don Juan
Jun 6, 2002
Reaction score
Vienna, Austria, Europe
Bible stuff.

In fact it is awesome. Why? Because it's natural, it's about living life. SexPDX talks to a lot PEOPLE in general, while having fun and feeling alive. Then he meets a good looking classy woman he likes, and gets her.

This is awesome. This what most readers here want to learn.

Bungo Pony

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2001
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
SexPDX, this was an absolutely amazing post. I must say I learn a lot more from experiences rather than tips. This is a way I can compare to my traits and how I do. One thing that I find interesting is that quite a few women connect with me quite quickly. I'm not completely sure how I do it, but I'm not going to fix it if it's not broke.

As for Elite Womanizer, I've ignored all his posts. The same 5hit's going to come up that has in the past. He's just fishing for some attention.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
Reaction score
He DOES have a point..

I know he's a hater, but he DOES have a point. Can you post the *real* success rate that you had on your approaches? I mean, I realize that you say you're qualifying them.. but I find that hard to believe. I think that there were a lot more that you would've loved to screw but got rejected. Even the best players get rejected more than you stated in your FR. Give us the *REAL* scoop! Keep it REAL!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 30, 2002
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA USA
I live in atlanta too and I can honestly say that you will get laughed at using SS techniques. At least 85% of the women here are 8's and up and have top notch game. I've lived all over the US and this is the most challenging city I've lived in. If they even sense a pick up here, they will shoot you down immediatly. It takes a completely different approach. I'm not knockin your game PDX and I think your on top of your sh!t but SS won't work here unless you try on some ugs or redneck chicks.

Hey MOTU, Drop me a line when your in Atlanta and we'll go out and chill sometime. You'll definitely see what I mean. peace-->


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Guys, this is CRAZY! 90% of what is posted here is sh1t, AFC sh1t. I write something helpful and look what happens.

Originally posted by Sire
I live in atlanta too and I can honestly say that you will get laughed at using SS techniques.
Dude, what I am using here is not SS. This is my personal application of Juggler Method. In Juggler Method YOU are the source of material. What you say comes from you and there are no pattern themes, embedded commands or any other forms of concious NLP.

Seriously, guys. I can take criticism from the best of them but it would really be nice to have some criticism from people who know what they are talking about. Strangely enough over at mASF, where there is a much higher concentration of people who have read the RIGHT materials and DO know what they are talking about, nobody is hatin on my post.

I know a lot of people here appreciate my contributions and I am glad to help you guys since this is where I started but if this kind of crap is what I have to contend with from people who don't know SS from Juggler from Gunwitch who STILL want to clown I might just come to the conclusion that some people here are just bound and determined to chase off anyone who can help them and just confine my public posting to mASF where there are many more people than just me who will jump your sh1t for opening your c*cksucker without any regard for what is coming out of it.

I admit, I talked to many women I did not have sex with. Some of them were just for practice of things like amplification, getting them to stop going the opposite direction on the street in the way Juggler suggested which was different than I did prior to the workshop. If your sight is dead set on getting it on with EVERY chick you walk up to, you are a NEWBIE and an RTFM read-the-DJ-Bible A-F-C!

If you know what you are talking about and want to engage in some discussion, lets do this. Also, some feedback on the actual TECHNIQUES rather than taking me to task over my score or rate would be nice. I learned a new way of doing things and I laid a great girl AND I am doing okay back home so far. I am happy with that.



Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sire
I live in atlanta too and I can honestly say that you will get laughed at using SS techniques. At least 85% of the women here are 8's and up and have top notch game. I've lived all over the US and this is the most challenging city I've lived in. If they even sense a pick up here, they will shoot you down immediatly. It takes a completely different approach. I'm not knockin your game PDX and I think your on top of your sh!t but SS won't work here unless you try on some ugs or redneck chicks.

Hey MOTU, Drop me a line when your in Atlanta and we'll go out and chill sometime. You'll definitely see what I mean. peace-->
Sire, PDX didn't use SS techniques, so why would he be laughed at for something he won't be using? I've never been to Atlanta myself, but I know some PUAs who have, and I didn't hear any complaints from them.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Re: He DOES have a point..

Originally posted by vectorz
I mean, I realize that you say you're qualifying them.. but I find that hard to believe.
Okay, vectorz, I get the feeling you have read SOME of the right stuff. I did not say exactly that I am "qualifying" them. That would be more of a Swinggcat or a DeAngelo frame. I am trying to build WIDE (not deep) rapport. The ability to close stems directly from that.

Originally posted by vectorz

I think that there were a lot more that you would've loved to screw but got rejected.
Never got REJECTED. You don't get this method entirely. The idea is to build rapport and attraction to where SHE is sarging YOU. If you can do that, there is no rejection.

This is why I am saying that people got the game wrong with respect to this MO. Every close you attempt you should KNOW you are going to get.

If I was going after numbers I could have had tons of them. I wasn't doing that. I was going for strong attraction and deep rapport and mutual intent of future contact using new techniques.

Getting number I don't know will go anywhere? I am past that phase. Besides, I already have tens of thousands of phone numbers like that. They are in the public phone book. I live 600 miles away from where I was sarging and I did many approachs on the street and the beach in Kitzalno. I could have gotten phone numbers just for drill and been successful many times but that would not having been using the method. It would just result in numbers I would have ended up throwing away.



Senior Don Juan
Sep 30, 2002
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA USA
Originally posted by SexPDX
Guys, this is CRAZY! 90% of what is posted here is sh1t, AFC sh1t. I write something helpful and look what happens.

Dude, what I am using here is not SS. This is my personal application of Juggler Method. In Juggler Method YOU are the source of material. What you say comes from you and there are no pattern themes, embedded commands or any other forms of concious NLP.

Seriously, guys. I can take criticism from the best of them but it would really be nice to have some criticism from people who know what they are talking about. Strangely enough over at mASF, where there is a much higher concentration of people who have read the RIGHT materials and DO know what they are talking about, nobody is hatin on my post.

I know a lot of people here appreciate my contributions and I am glad to help you guys since this is where I started but if this kind of crap is what I have to contend with from people who don't know SS from Juggler from Gunwitch who STILL want to clown I might just come to the conclusion that some people here are just bound and determined to chase off anyone who can help them and just confine my public posting to mASF where there are many more people than just me who will jump your sh1t for opening your c*cksucker without any regard for what is coming out of it.

I admit, I talked to many women I did not have sex with. Some of them were just for practice of things like amplification, getting them to stop going the opposite direction on the street in the way Juggler suggested which was different than I did prior to the workshop. If your sight is dead set on getting it on with EVERY chick you walk up to, you are a NEWBIE and an RTFM read-the-DJ-Bible A-F-C!

If you know what you are talking about and want to engage in some discussion, lets do this. Also, some feedback on the actual TECHNIQUES rather than taking me to task over my score or rate would be nice. I learned a new way of doing things and I laid a great girl AND I am doing okay back home so far. I am happy with that.

Like I said , I wasn't knocking your game. You say that juggler is not ss but you constintly made remarks refering to mASF, Fast seduction.com, and sarging. Sarging is considered picking up women using seduction techniques and was originally coined by Ross Jeffries, who's primary game is SS. Plus I know you were once a firm advocator of SS and also mentioned that you would throw in some patterns with jugglers technique if you felt you can use them on a particular girl. So thats why I made my statement.

Stop getting so bent out of shape when someone gives an opinion that you don't agree with. This board is about sharing opinions, not kissing someone's ass because they have over 1000 posts. peace
Jan 18, 2003
Reaction score
vectors said i had a point. He said Im right that you tried some women with the intent to have sex with, then got rejected, and kept those events secret from us.

sex pdx also wrote this:

"Never got REJECTED. You don't get this method entirely. The idea is to build rapport and attraction to where SHE is sarging YOU. If you can do that, there is no rejection."

But yet, I look back at an eirlier post by sexPDX, and he admits to one rejection from a girl, and he admits he got rejected hard.

Looks like weve got a big contridiction in what SexPDX says. Once again, sexPDX changes what he says, has no credibility, and is just an obvious lier.

SexPDX, dont even try to tell me any stories, or any kinds of explanations for things, becuase you cant be taken seriously. After all the lies and contridictions and deceit you have given me, (and this board). THeres no way I can tell if what your telling me really is the truth, or just a lie. So far most of the stuff you say is a deception ploy, or a lie. Your full of **** PDX.

also, some guy said im being a hypocrite, and rationalizing for saying the women over here in ATL are hard to get. THats not rationalization, thats statistical fact biotch!!!!! THough, even though they are hard, I still manage to **** 90% of the ones I try.

Oh, and what is the point of success rates? Its a way to measure the skills and ability of your game. If you are asked (weither you ask this of yourself or not) to lay 10 girls in front of you, and you only succeed in laying like 2. THen you have a 20% success rate. Your ability isnt good enough. If you ability and game were good, you would be able to complete 90% of the objective (9 girls).

Why is this important? well, if PDX can only lay 2 out of 10 girls, it means he couldnt lay more than 2 out of 10 if his life depended on it, becuase his game isnt too great.

Its a fact if you have a god like game, you would lay 90-100% of the women you try. the success rate is a measurement of skills and game ability. And weither or not you lay the girl is what constitutes your game. Its easier to kiss a girl or makeout with her than it is to go beyond that. THis is why you measure a success by the lay, not if you make out, or get her number, or get a date, or "build rapport" how PDx refers to his ****. THe lay is what determines success, all of your game is required to pull that off. All of your game is not required to get a number, or a date.

So it makes sense the lay should be what constitutes a success. not if you get to know her or converse, or get a number.

I hope you people can see that a success rate is the measurement of one's ability. And the lay is what constitutes a success within that "test of game".

Its one thing to get a girls number, get to know her, or get a date. But laying her is on a whole different level. In order to do that, you have to get to know her, get her number, and all that stuff anyway, and then some. So weither you lay the girl or not is the ultimate test of your game and ability.

This is why I press PDX on his lay rate, if you cant lay a girl at will, what good are you? sure, you may be good at building rapport, and getting to know a chick, but if your asked to lay a girl, youll have to do that stuff anyway right? so again, the lay is the ultimate test of one's ability. THis is why I stress so much about if a guy can lay 9 out of 10 chicks. Im not stressing it becuase Im a sex addict, and I want to see if other people are just like me. Its a test of ones ability.

And clearly, PDX doesnt even meet up on the 50% mark on his ability. Even if he wanted to, he couldnt lay 5 out of 10 chicks. his ability is too inferior.

Bungo Pony

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2001
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Re: Re: He DOES have a point..

Originally posted by SexPDX
Never got REJECTED. You don't get this method entirely. The idea is to build rapport and attraction to where SHE is sarging YOU. If you can do that, there is no rejection.

This is why I am saying that people got the game wrong with respect to this MO. Every close you attempt you should KNOW you are going to get.
This is usually the goal I try to achieve and I like the challenge of it. This is probably why I enjoyed this post so much. I've discovered that numbers don't mean 5hit unless you've got something backing it.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 30, 2002
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA USA
Originally posted by Drew
Sire, PDX didn't use SS techniques, so why would he be laughed at for something he won't be using? I've never been to Atlanta myself, but I know some PUAs who have, and I didn't hear any complaints from them.
I personally think that alot of PUA's are successful because of there natural charisma and confidence when they are picking up women. I don't think SS really has anything to do with their success.

I don't have a problem here either and I don't use SS. It just takes a different approach. I used to live in NY, and and my game was strong there. In Atlanta its a completly different ballgame and I had to adjust my game greatly to adapt to this place. Alot of things I used to do with success in NY doesn't work for sh!t down here. You have to have a completly different attitude and approach here and it takes living down here to see what I mean.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
This stuff works.

After reading SexPDX's post, I tried just a few of the points highlighted in the post (especially concerning 'hen-pecking', I'm guilty for doing that extremely often, never realized it) and I must say that my game was considerably better today.

Do NOT knock this stuff until you've tried it.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
Reaction score
Re: Re: He DOES have a point..

Originally posted by SexPDX
If I was going after numbers I could have had tons of them. I wasn't doing that. I was going for strong attraction and deep rapport and mutual intent of future contact using new techniques
Ok, I'm beginning to understand more of what you're saying now.. but as far as the rejection goes. There has to be some sort of rejection, unless you're saying that you rejected all of THEM. I mean, did any of them walk away, or laugh, or ignore, etc etc?

And regarding the #'s thing.. well I mean what EXACTLY was your goal here? You mean to say that you were LOOKING to QUALIFY THE PERFECT woman, and ONLY to have a ONS and never see her again? That doesn't sound realistic. You OBVIOUSLY qualified her for what you needed, as soon as you walked up to her. That meaning you LOOKED at her and thought she was ATTRACTIVE so she QUALIFIED. What? You're also looking for a GREAT PERSONALITY and ALL that OTHER stuff because you know that after you LAY her you'll never see her again? What sense does that make? It sounded more like you were just trying to get laid, and that it DID take quite a few attempts, despite your arguments. I'm not saying this to hate..I'm just saying that it WOULD BE GOOD to understand the #'s so that we can see if this is really a success due to SKILL or was it just pure luck due to the numbers game. Cause you're telling us that you sarged 100's of chicks and it took you DAYS to do it, and you only got laid once. NOW your excuse is that it took this many girls and took THIS long was because you're QUALIFYING THEM? What the heck are you looking for? A perfect relationship material woman.. only to not see her ever again? C'mon.. give us the REAL story.

HOWEVER, regarding all the techniques.. I DO think that is good stuff. I'm going to try them out.. I'm just curious in the real #'s to add some reality to what I should be expecting. For example, if I go sarge today and I get rejected by lots of women, I'm going to feel like crap. Why? Because you told me that in YOUR efforts that you didn't get rejected at all and your success rate was 1 in 2 (theoretically). So if I get rejected all day, plus my success rate is 0%, I'm going to feel like crap. I just want to know realistically in comparison to others, what I should be expecting when I try this out.