Master Don Juan
*yawn*Originally posted by ELITE_WOMANIZER_II
sex PDX wrote:
"I don't approach women with immediate intent to have sex with them. I approach them with SERIOUS DOUBT as to whether I would find them all that satisfying to actually have sex with."
give me a break. This is just your way of rationalizing the fact that a girl may be into you enough to talk to you, and give her your number, but not interested in having sex with you. This is you way of rationalizing the rejection from a girl who doesnt want to have sex with you becuase your game isnt exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.
This is what you tell yourself when you approach a girl, becuase you know the chance she doesnt want to have sex with you looms ahead, becuase you are unsure of your own abilitiy. You know that just becuase she gives you her number, you know that doesnt mean shes gonna have sex with you.
Besides, this board teaches people to rationalize rejections with "she failed to recognize you were good material; since she failed to realize that, she doesnt meet your standards, so just move on, and find a girl who does meet your standards". THis is a concept that i see spread around on this board alot. And thats basically what your doing. Using this concept when you say you want to find out if shes worth having sex with.
occording to this concept, a woman being interested in you constitutes when a girl meets a man's standards. And when shes not interested in the guy, it means she is below the standard. RATIONALIZATION, thats all it is, and thats all your doing when you lie to yourself, and say "oh, she doesnt meet my standards for having sex". What you really mean is "I can tell shes not into me sexually, so im just gona lie to myself, and say 'Im not interested in sex' just to make myself feel better.
number 2, you admitted that you tried 2 women with the intent to have sex with, failed one, and succeeded the other. So occording to this, at best, your success was 50%. Though, the reality is, you failed on all those other women, you just lied to yourself in saying "i didnt want sex from them"
You couldnt get se from those other women if you wanted to. with that said, you add those women into the equation, and it goes like this.....had sex with one woman, failed on a big handful of others. Lets face it, you only laid one girl, but you PU attempted many many many others. So that doesnt look to good at all.
number 4, you said all the women were for practic huh, Oh, its funny how all the woman you failed to lay, you call them "practice", but when you lay that one girl you refer to it as "the real deal attempt". Sounds like more rationalizing to me for your rejections. weither it was practice or not, you skills dont look too good. WHAT IF THOSE WOMEN WERE FOR REAL? you still would have failed to have sex with them. you still would have only laid that one girl. Its not like when its the "real deal" your success rate goes up. weither it really was for practice or not, you still failed on all of them, and only layed on girl. ONE GIRL, THATS IT.
at the end of the day, your success rate was low. And painting the picture that jugglers advice helped you is pointless and false. having sex with one girl out of many attempts arent skills to brag about. If you have sex with more than half of those women, then I would see credibilty in juggler's/your skills.
number 5, wheres your crediblility in what you say? you just now come out and say "I admit, I wanted to have sex with that one girl, but I got rejected hard" you also admit to not mentioning this event in the main post. It makes me wonder HOW MANY OTHER WOMEN HAVE YOU FAILED TO MENTION IN YOUR MAIN POST? once again, you lose credibility in what you say, keeping important information from the readers of your post. Who knows what other peices of information you are keeping from us. You keep information from us to make yourself look good. YOUR INTENT WAS TO PAINT A PICTURE THAT JUGGLER'S SKILLS AND YOUR SKILLS ARE AWESOME. but its basically a false image your painting. The only reason why you come out and admit that rejection, is becuase I pressed you for it. Had I not done that, it still would have been a secret to the readers of this post.
So what else are you lying about? what other peices of information ar you keeping from us? what other women did you really want to have sex with, got rejected, and have not yet told about? again, you just lose credibility, and come across as a liar. Im very sure in your reply to this, you will once again release even more information that was kept secret from the readers in an attempt to restore your credibility. And of course, it will be information about the flaws, fualts, and failures of this big report you have posted, stuff you dont feel comfortable of people knowing. of course, you know im right, I can see through the deceit in your "stories". ANd im just showing the readers the reality. So please dont try to tell lies and keep stuff secret from us, just to protect your image.
number 6, I do make conributions to this board. about 90% of my posts are correcting the mistakes of others(this post is an acception;the 10% acception). some guy thought waiting 7 days to call would benefit him, I had to corrrect him. I thoink correcting someone on their mistakes constitutes as a contribution, dont you? I thought so. So you know as well as I do that its a lie that I make no contributions what so ever.
The purpose of this post is to make the people see the truth in your posts. You posted this big story, trying to make it seem like the new **** you learned from juggler is gold, and hes some kind of god. My contribution is that im showing the readers the truth, so they wont be deceived by your exaggerated stories. Im protecting them from your lies. I want them to see the truth for what it really is. THat the methods of juggler's are VERY FLAWED. and that it wont bring them success like your making it seem.
Im showing them the truth. thats my contribution.
Why dont you come down to ATL sexPDX, youll get creamed, Ive read your stuff, And it is lame. And will not work on the women down here. I dont know where your at, but something tells me the women over their are easy as hell.
Nice of you to take the time to write all that sh1t, gomer. I just got back from working the room at Starbucks where I got two phone numbers. I am going to eat some pizza now.