Journal #2: Journal of a Boss


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
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Hello everyone, seeing that I havent been on this site in about 9 months, I think it'd be a good idea to start a new journal.

About Me:
So, I am 16 and a Junior in high school. I would consider myself as a BAFC (slowly building my way up). Im a nerd, big on gaming (and a huge band geek). A lot of girls find me funny (especially the cute ones). Im a little above average height, and really skinny. im not muscular at all, but im working on that. Lacrosse conditioning has started, so starting last week, i workout 4x a week.

Catch Up:
So, I join the DJ forums awhile back, and started a journal that was unsuccessful because I had trouble with internet access. I got everything worked out several months after, but forgot about this site.

Jump ahead to the summer, where I decided to reinvent myself. I found myself (before the summer) getting picked on alot in school, people didnt really care for me, and I was just flat out annoying to most people. I got accepted into this really cool summer program that was like school, but solely based on music. I used this opportunity to make myself socially acceptable (i guess you could say). Basically, I formed a group who everyone wanted to be around, and I was basically the leader. I kept everyone laughing, and it felt awesome. I met a couple of girls who were really cute and they were interested in me, but I lacked the ability to close them, and missed some really good opportunities.

Jump forward to today, where I am no longer badly scarred by social awkwardness, but I do have that bit of negative reputation hanging over my head that I would like to get rid of.

Right Now:
As of right now, I suck at getting digits from girls. I end up doing it through Facebook or Twitter, im tired of it and I want more face-to-face interactions when trying to get a girls #. I also dont know the best way to move from am acquitance, or a friend, to a guy of interest or a boyfriend. Lastly, I still have bad approach anxiety which gets in my way alot

Long Term Goals:
- Get better at closing, and getting a girls digits
- Become a better Conversationalist
- Get rid of approach anxiety completely
- Build Muscles

Short Term Goals
- Approach and close at least 3 girls upon returning to school
- Increase my max weight in the weight room by the end of the week
- Shave a few seconds off my cone shuttle time

I will try to keep this Journal updated every other day and would appreciate all and any help.
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Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
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So I started DJ Bootcamp, and going through the Bible. I havent done much this week, except I went to the mall the past two days establishing eye contact with everyone who passed me.

I havent even worked out (I use our school's weight room and thats closed for the week)

Tomorrow (or the next day) I plan on going to since of the stores that are near me to greet as many people as I can.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
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Here's a redo on day 1
Day #1 5/28
I soaked up a bunch of PUA info last night, and refreshed my memory on some of it this morning. I also started DJ BootCamp and (seeing as how I started before, I read some articles again, and skimmed the longer ones), and got all the things to prepare for week 1.

I have a concert today, so I'll use a good amount of my afternoon preparing for it. But, after school, I'll be going to the green (it is packed with high school students) and start the DJBC exercises. 

Today's Goal:
- Avoid biting my nails
- Say 'hi' to at least 15 strangers
- Spend more time using eye contact during regular conversation
- Spend an hour at the green making eye contact with at least 30 strangers
- Have a successful concert
- Get HB6's email

I'll report back after the concert

So it rained all afternoon so I didn't get to go to the green.
I worked on eye contact during conversation. And I didn't reach my stranger goal (I only got 4). But on the bright side, the concert was a  success. We had a few problems, but we overcame them (and they provided time for some awesome stalling). I didn't get the email either. 

Day #3 5/30

Today went pretty well! I walked around school and greeted 36 people today (that puts me at 40). I got my community service slip so I can start documenting my community service hours. I also started learning and memorizing new scales (I spent about an hour practicing them). I got extra credit today for staying after school and working the light board for a ceremony as well and learned more about the new soundboard we just got. So excited for the weekend, my friend is having a small get together (and she has a few hot friends that she invited). Can't wait!

Goals for tomorrow!
- Get the last 10 greetings, but to girls and do it with a smile
- Try Kino escalation with HB5
- Get a Day2 with HB7
- Finish melody for song


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
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Good start!!

You're keeping the big picture and also the short term in mind. You know your goals (strength, music, charisma) and you have short term goals for all of those. What a good journal so far.

EDIT: Those 36 greetings, all people you don't know? Thats very important.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
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Those were all strangers I had never even seen before. My school's pretty big so I could walk around different areas of the school and find new people to meet anytime I want.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
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Day #6

Well I've been lazy for the past few days. Friday I didn't do much except for practice. Though, I sat down and had a great conversation with a girl I've been crushing on for awhile but never really had the balls to do anything. We talked for about 15 mins (we were at school and I had to leave which ended the conversation). I was proud of myself, I was playing video games and realized that I had an opportunity to talk with, I cut the crap and took a seat next to her. This made me realize that approach isn't even difficult, I just need to learn how to relax and stop overthinking things.

Saturday, I got up and went skating for a little. I fixed the trucks on my board and practiced ollies and pop shuvits until i got too hot to do anything else. I skated to the store and on the way there I greeted 3 women with a smile. But on my way back home, I saw this hot girl (an 8, could be higher or lower but I couldn't see her face) but didn't greet her (partially because she was behind a car and was engrossed in her phone and partially because I chickened out). I also got a lot of practicing in. I memorized majority of all the major scales, now I'm working on minor scales. I'm also killing my sight reading problem.

Today I didn't do anything which I'm pissed at myself for. But I'm not going to dwell on this small hiccup. Tomorrow is my last day for week #1 of DJBC and I'm going to do 7 more greetings.
Goals for the end of week #1
- Finish my greetings, (7 more to go, females only this time)
- Do the eye contact exercises (one at school, one at home)
- Ask for a day 2 face-to-face with HB7 (if I don't complete it tomorrow, then I must move on)
- Go to the green! (either that, or check out the chess club tomorrow and improve social skills)
- Finally, start working on marching music (time to whip out the snare sticks)

Bonus Goal: (if I end up with some extra cash, I NEED to purchase a stickbag and a new pair of snare sticks)


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
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Day #7

Well, I tried Kino escalation on my friend today. I caught her in the hallway and walked her to her class and I tried it on the way there. It works, she couldn't stop smiling (literally, she was still smiling and laughing after I left her at her class). 

I didnt finish my challenges (or most of my goals). But I did have a conversation with one of the hottest girls in my school (and I engaged her). I guess I'll try to complete my goals, but by the looks of it, I'll let them guide me.  I've honestly been focusing on finishing my projects all day. 

I'm gonna start week 2 tomorrow and soak up the articles between today and tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm working lights for the chorus concert, so hopefully that goes well.
- Finish the basis of my song
- Have a conversation with one stranger
- Start (and finish) the lyrics to my project
- Successfully work lights for the concert tomorrow
- Find some time during the day to relax


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
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Day #8 6/4
So I completed all of my goals today! Feels awesome! During class, a teacher took us to the park and got to relax in the quiet park for 30 mins. It made me realize how busy my life is, and it was nice to find some peace (I read a few articles while I was there as well)
The concert went well! The lights didn't bug out like the usually do, and I got time to hand in my leadership application for next year's Band. 
I had a quick conversation with one of the singers from the concert (and yes, she was a stranger). It was short, but it showed me what I needed to work on (using more eye contact, greeting).
On my way home I worked on the lyrics, and I have a few bars for my project.
I also stayed up late and finished my melody and chord progression to my song! And it actually sounds really good. 

Goals for tomorrow
- Have a conversation with (2) random strangers, using eye contact and some sort of formal greeting
- Finish lyrics for the project
- Have some fun in NY! 

Day #9 6/5
I had a great time in NY. I met two new people today (actually four, but only 2 I had a full fledged conversation). One of which was with a girl who was on the same trip as me, and used what I learned in this week's articles. It works, I need to learn how to use it better. 
I was kind of upset with my friends. They rather observe hot girls than approach them. We were in hot babe central, and they want to just watch them. Next time I'm in a situation like that, I'll just do approaches by myself.

Talk to (3) strangers today

Day #10

So today I got out of class to prepare for a performance I had today. I met this cute girl, let's call her HBAsian. Apparently, she broke up with her boyfriend a few days ago. I held a conversation with her for awhile, and then played some piano for her (on her request). I should went for the number close. =/ I'll get it next time I see her
I also met two other girls at lunch while I was taking a break from setup for the performance. Included my 3 friends, I went approached a 7-set (2 guys, 5 girls). My friend is pretty "unique", so he ended being the starting topic of my conversation with HB8 (the cutest girl at the table). I talked to her for a bit and then talked to the girl next to my "unique" friend for a fee minutes. Here I also failed to close, but HB8's # is my new goal. 

The performance went well! Our jazz band got so many compliments. This was actually our last formal performance of the year, but I'll be sure to join the jazz band in my summer program. 

Goals for tomorrow!
- Talk to (4) strangers people

Day #11 6/7
I didn't talk to any new people today, probably because I'm so tired today. But I'll try and finish those articles I haven't read, and get HB8's # from FaceBook.

Goals for tomorrow:
-Finish accompaniment for song
- Finish lyrics
- Meet and converse with (2) girls


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
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Day #20 6/16 (Late Night)

I haven't been keeping track of my progress this week because there hasn't been much. I've had little luck this week, and I'm actually gonna extend this week's exercise for DJBC because I was lacking this week.

I asked out the HB7 that I like so much over text. I basically offered for us to go out for a bite on Friday (I had proposed this Tuesday). She said she would have to see. I didn't hear from her since that interaction until thursday when I told her to meet me after school (this was my way of seeing if she was going to go without my actually asking her if she was going). She told me she was sorry that she didn't let me know earlier, but she couldn't go (she gave no excuses, just said she couldn't go). I told her it was cool and haven't talked since. I refuse to chase a girl who isn't interested, and her denying to meet up with me twice is more than enough to show me she lacks interest in me.

I went sarging Saturday, but did no approaches, pretty much because I made excuses for myself not to approach girls (I saw all of 3 cute girls Saturday, and spoke to none of them). I'm gonna head to the green tomorrow after school, (sun or rain) and sarge.

I tried some FaceBook stuff tonight. I found this post earlier on another forum about good openers and text closes, and I tried one that included poking. So I poked a girl who I share a class with but never actually talked to this is how it went (mind you, my iPod is crap, so all my messages got spammed to her, one of which got sent at least 30 times) (this is also after I poked her once and she poked me back):
Me: Um ... Did you just poke me?
Her: Lol you poked me
Me: Aw cmon now with the lies ;)
(This one was sent a bunch of times)
Sorry apps being glitchy
Her: Haha, it's fine and you did!
Me: Mhmm sure I did. Actually, I hate how this app is acting, gimme your # and I'll argue this over text.
Her: Haha, I actually gtg, but I'll see you tomorrow.
Me: Alright see ya.
Basically the OP had pretty much this exact routine (but lacking the spammed message). But he left off with an "Actually I gtg, but gimme your # ...." I simply improvised and used my bad luck to my advantage.

Should I have pushed for the number even after she said she had to go? Because I'm not sure.

My music has been going really well. I got inducted to the music honor society on Friday (and if I play my cards right, I'll be pretty much running the music wing in our school!). I finished my song late Saturday night (which sounds awesome, if I do say so myself). It took a lot of work, but I got it done (at least for presenting in class, I'll probably continue working on it after I hand it in to my teacher).

That's my run down of my MIA time. I'll be sure not to go MIA longer than 2 days with my journal.

Goals for Monday:
- Go to the green!
- Approach one girl and have a small conversation

Something New
I've noticed that inaction has led to my demise all year. No more of this. I will make sure that as soon as I start feeling like I'm going to push to do something later, I'll get up an do it right then! And that starts right now, so my last goal is to be able to hold this action-plan up all week.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
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Day #21 6/17

I didn't go to the green tuesday, (my parents wouldn't let me go), I ended up stuck in the house (no excuse not to practice right?). I msg'ed one of the girls I met last week during school on FaceBook (no reply).
I talked with HBAsian as well. She was very flirty, running her hands up and down my upper back and saying things like "take me out of the friend zone" half jokingly. Of course i didnt pick up on it until after she left, but its alright.
I also started reading The Game by Neil Strauss (really good book). I haven't been able to put it down and I've learned alot.

Day #23 6/19

I haven't gone sarging all week. Its been hard to get out and do anything (but I'll have a bunch of free time next week to go).

My goals for tomorrow:
• Get HBAsian's # (or attempt k-close)
• Get a day 2 from Tpt.
• Number close the HB7 I met a few weeks ago
- Have a good performance at graduation.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
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So I didn't see HB7 or HBAsian today but I did perform with Tpt. at graduation (which went pretty well, btw). I feel like complete crap because I didnt even get her # let alone ask her out. I had plenty of chances (we basically chatted through the whole performance). Plus, afterwards we talked alone for a bit (where I ran no game whatsoever on her, idk why). So I won't see Tpt. until early mid-July and I have no other way to contact her. Ugh, sticking points, sticking points.

To make myself feel a bit better, I messaged HBAsian letting her know that she was hanging out with me tomorrow afternoon, and she was totally down ("sounds like a plan :D"). So I plan to K-close during my time w/ her which will be my first time attempting a routine of my own. Also, I will use my free time during the school day to hunt down HB7! Because I do want to get her # before school is out.

I'm gonna kill this sticking point:
Today I'm marking it as the day I turn this rAFC crap around! Idc what it takes, I will ignore that stupid gut feeling that I got today with Tpt. And go for it.

So Today June 20th 2013 marks that I pull a 180 and start acting like a real DJ - PUA

Tomorrow's goal -
(Supposedly, I'm working the school store, so hopefully I get an opportunity to meet some new faces)
* Do a good job at the school store
- K-Close HBAsian
- Meet and talk to 2 girls

* Subject to change


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
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Day #28 6/24/13

I haven't been productive at all these past few days. I didn't spend much time with HBAsian, the minute I isolated her, I became completely unnatracted to her. (Could of just been me, or cat string theory, or maybe it was just the giddup she was wearing). I ended flirting with a buddy of mine (last year I playfully teased all year, now she's really flirty). (If you're wondering, she's a solid 8, with the potential to be a 10).
I skated around Friday afternoon, exploring my town for cute girls. I saw 2 and punked out at first. But I came back to them about 5 minutes later and both were gone. I guess it's first shot, or no shot.

I didn't go to the party my friend invited me to Saturday, because parents are the real ****blocks in high school, despite what anyone says.

Yesterday, I tried exploring again, but was completely exhausted and ended up back home, sleeping for a large amount of time.
The only good thing that came out of yesterday was that I finished The Game by Neil Strauss, it was a good book. The ending could have been better, but w.e.

(I'm writing this early this morning).
This'll be my third week trying the same exercise. 3rd times the charm right. I need to do something differently. I'll figure it out.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
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So after a summer without using any sarging, I'm back. School has started and I'm going to give this another shot (especially because I'm now in a place where there are PLENTY of girls to game).

I'm starting week one of bootcamp again as a confidence booster. Once I finish it, and feel as good as I used to (when I left the pua world before summer vacation), I'll take it back from where I left off.

I'll update this thread with all that is going on tomorrow, after I get my grounding.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
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Alright here is a run down of what I've been up to

Recently, I've been starting DJBC again, I need to surround myself in the Dj lifestyle. I have been really AFC, and I'm looking to improve.

Over the summer, it became apparent to me through my friend that I am sort of "slinky". I'm tall and skinny, but I have horrible posture, which makes me look slinky. I tend to hold my head down, and hunch over but I've been working on it. Whenever I catch myself hunching or holding my head down, I force myself to fix my posture and keep that way for as long as I can. It's been helping and Ive been noticing a small difference.

I was pursuing this girl over the summer, but I asked her out 3 times, and all 3 time she flakes last minute so I'm pretty much done.

I got stuck in a class with a girl who friendzoned me in middle school, and I've been trying to switch out of it for awhile, but that's not the only reason I've been trying to get out.

My longterm goals right now:

Learn to stop overbooking myself/biting off more than I can chew
Improve our Drumline at school/improve my skill
Become more muscular/work out more

Short Term Goals:
Plan a sectional for our Drumline earlier in the week
Finish my video's script
Start editing the skating video
Finish week 1 of DJBC
Get my friend's sisters number