I am a former Ben Shapiro and Daily Wire fan. I can't tell if these guys genuinely are ignorant to intersexual dynamics or they just choose to go into denial because it conflicts with their Judeo-Christian values and wouldn't go over well with their audience. But yeah trad cons like Ben annoy me more than your average plugged-in guy. Some things here:
1) No Ben. Basically the only people saying "You're a fool if you get married" are redpilled and divorced men. And anything to do with the red pill is literally the furthest thing from the mainstream. The predominant blue-pill narrative is still "get married" and it's shamelessly pushed on men by traditional conservatives like Ben and his colleagues.
2) Even though "don't get married" isn't what society tells you, he does seem to notice that some people are souring on marriage. Instead of hearing people out on why they want to avoid marriage, they stick their head in the sand and immediately blame it on hookup culture. They don't even consider for a second that those men avoiding marriage are just tired of getting screwed over.
3) The only people that "hookup culture" successfully influences are women. They used to care about their body count, now they don't. Men on the other hand, the exact opposite. My friends and I are pressured to "grow up" and find a wife. Young male virginity has tripled in the past decade, hookup culture my a*s.
4) This is a genuine question: how is male promiscuity encouraged by society? According to trad cons, the culprits are college party life and rap music. I call bs. Every show I watch now, relationships are encouraged (not that there's anything wrong with that). The only promiscuous superhero was Tony Stark for just his first movie, then he became monogamous as part of his "character growth and maturity". Same thing for Lucifer. And Bruce Wayne in the Dark Knight Rises. And Arrow.
5) I am literally in a fraternity (about to graduate next week) and I can assure you hookup culture there is not the Blue Mountain State scene that these guys think it is. Yes, everyone does care a little less about their body count in college, but they do so with the thought in their head that it's nothing more than their temporary "hoe phase" and when they're an upperclassman or graduate they'll finally "grow up and find the right person." Many of my fraternity brothers have or had girlfriends, even the biggest dbags. Here's what really happens: we go to parties/bars to have fun and get hammered. If you meet a girl there and are hitting it off, yeah you'll probably hook up if you choose. If you like her well enough, you start dating her as your official girlfriend. If not, no big deal, move on. That's it. I can't remember the last time I met any guy at college that actually told me he was just trying to hook up because "that's what brings you true happiness and fulfillment" or anything remotely close to that. Nobody had actual plans to actually avoid monogamy, they just simply didn't actively seek it out.