What if the waitress/bartender is working her way through school, or something like that? What if she was writing a book, or doing paintings? Would you avoid them then? It'd be close minded to assign lower class to them in that case. I wouldnt blame anyone for assigning a low class label on anyone, if that was IT, for them. If they had no other ambitions. The point I was trying to make, is people have more than their jobs going for them, and before you assign them a label, you should find out. I guess Im low class, cuz of my occupation. I guess us musicians are all kind of low class in a way anyway, though!
I have nothing against waitresses, but I try to stay away from bartenders, not because of their occupation itself, but what goes along with it.
There is a difference between a loser with no goals or ambitions, and someone who has other dreams, and does whatever to pay the bills until the dream comes alive. A lot of people need freedom. Freedom to travel, move, whatever. People with very solid good paying careers cant do that. I could never have a doctor in my band, for example, cuz they wouldnt be able to go on tour, or even practice a lot. Then again, the reason he's a doctor to begin with, is because medicine IS his passions, and #1 priority, so putting that much into music isnt what drives him anyways.
Unfortunately, for us artist types, extremely hard to make any real money doing what we love, and a lot of it is luck alone. Of course, Im sure its just as hard or harder to get a doctorate degree.
Basically, 'classes' generally kind of stick together, and that's understandible. I'm blue collar proud, but I will start my own company when I find a place to settle down in.
Edger: I've played in numerous punk-rock bands, a classic rock cover band, stoner rock bands. My last band was a unique cross of delta blues, rock, and punk with a touch of country. We'd go from clean finger picking, to Sabbath style metal with slide, and back again in the same song. Never done any major tours, but a couple smaller tours. I've opened up for lots of the bigger underground bands, and I even opened for Quiet Riot with a punkrock band once.Now, Im forming a Prince tribute band. Its not my idea, but Im up for the challenge. He's a pretty gnarly musician actually.