JOAD Clips: The "Hard to Get" Theory


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
**I would like to include the disclaimer that this is only my opinion; a theory based on all of the previous knowledge, personal experience, and observations I've made.**​

My name is Manny. Some of you may know me from my journal, Journey of a Don. I felt that I wanted to post this "essay" of sorts, to provide my thoughts on this particular topic, and to also help out any AFCs searching for the Don's way. Make no mistake; I am still a Don-In-Training myself, however, I still create a few nuggets of wisdom every now and again :D

I thought about the phrase "Playing hard to get" and "I love it when you play hard to get" for a while.

The "Hard to Get" concept should be an idea exclusively catering to a Don Juan, Mack, or someone of that nature. To the AFC, "Playing Hard to Get" denotes some form of attraction that the girl is not showing. He believes that the girl is "Playing Hard to Get" to see if he's really committed to her. He believes that she likes him, but she's just testing him.

Don Juans know that this way of thinking is exclusively reserved to AFCs; in 99.99% of ALL cases (quote me on that number) if a woman is TRULY attracted to you, she will do nothing to push you away.

I instantly related it to the top quality girls, the HB10s and such. But truthfully, it can apply to all girls. However, it is harder to apply the concept to uglier women, since to men, who judge almost instantly and solely on looks, these women appear to have nothing to offer; there is no point to chasing them; they're not worth the trouble. Prettier girls are obviously more worth the trouble; but why? Truly, why?

Playing Hard to Get is not a test at all; while it can be classified as such, it is a poor way of describing it. It is more of a filter, a radar if you will. The AFC will constantly try to appease this woman with gifts and compliments, but to no avail. AFCs will ALWAYS fall under the HTG Radar, or not pass through the HTG Filter. This is because the women are NOT attracted to them; these AFC tactics, when used correctly, ONLY help to SUSTAIN attraction that is already there; trying to CREATE attraction using them is like trying to multiply by zero; you will always end up with nothing.

You may be asking, "Manny, if I have to go through all this trouble to attract the HTG Girl, what is the benefit of having her? There are plenty of other women out there that are easier to get, with the same body parts and emotions and conversation that my AFC soul so desperately craves"

Well, here is where the HTG girl's true beauty lies; even many a true Don Juan will originally fall under her radar; why?

Most HTG girls don't like to chase men. They are mostly beautiful, and detest the idea of searching for a suitable mate. Why? Because they have SO MANY OPTIONS. Picture the most hot girl you know. If she put "Me Want Sex" on FB, Twitter or whatever at 10:01, do you think she'd be home alone at 11? Exactly. To eliminate the process of choosing a selectable mate for herself, she puts up the filter; the HTG Radar. Since she cannot "see" your Don Juan skills, her HTG radar is only set to pick up attractive males. This is often why you see beautiful women constantly in relationships with handsome men.

Now, you may be saying "But Manny, what do I do? I am hideous; my mother doesn't allow me to go outside, and feeds me snickers in the basement in the dark. How do I possibly attract this HTG Girl?"

Calm yourself AFC. There is hope for you yet.

Contd. in next Post.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
mannybinswaggin said:
My name is Manny. Some of you may know me from my journal, Journey of a Don. I felt that I wanted to post this "essay" of sorts, to provide my thoughts on this particular topic, and to also help out any AFCs searching for the Don's way. Make no mistake; I am still a Don-In-Training myself, however, I still create a few nuggets of wisdom every now and again :D

I thought about the phrase "Playing hard to get" and "I love it when you play hard to get" for a while.

The "Hard to Get" concept should be an idea exclusively catering to a Don Juan, Mack, or someone of that nature. To the AFC, "Playing Hard to Get" denotes some form of attraction that the girl is not showing. He believes that the girl is "Playing Hard to Get" to see if he's really committed to her. He believes that she likes him, but she's just testing him.

Don Juans know that this way of thinking is exclusively reserved to AFCs; in 99.99% of ALL cases (quote me on that number) if a woman is TRULY attracted to you, she will do nothing to push you away.

I instantly related it to the top quality girls, the HB10s and such. But truthfully, it can apply to all girls. However, it is harder to apply the concept to uglier women, since to men, who judge almost instantly and solely on looks, these women appear to have nothing to offer; there is no point to chasing them; they're not worth the trouble. Prettier girls are obviously more worth the trouble; but why? Truly, why?

Playing Hard to Get is not a test at all; while it can be classified as such, it is a poor way of describing it. It is more of a filter, a radar if you will. The AFC will constantly try to appease this woman with gifts and compliments, but to no avail. AFCs will ALWAYS fall under the HTG Radar, or not pass through the HTG Filter. This is because the women are NOT attracted to them; these AFC tactics, when used correctly, ONLY help to SUSTAIN attraction that is already there; trying to CREATE attraction using them is like trying to multiply by zero; you will always end up with nothing.

You may be asking, "Manny, if I have to go through all this trouble to attract the HTG Girl, what is the benefit of having her? There are plenty of other women out there that are easier to get, with the same body parts and emotions and conversation that my AFC soul so desperately craves"

Well, here is where the HTG girl's true beauty lies; even many a true Don Juan will originally fall under her radar; why?

Most HTG girls don't like to chase men. They are mostly beautiful, and detest the idea of searching for a suitable mate. Why? Because they have SO MANY OPTIONS. Picture the most hot girl you know. If she put "Me Want Sex" on FB, Twitter or whatever at 10:01, do you think she'd be home alone at 11? Exactly. To eliminate the process of choosing a selectable mate for herself, she puts up the filter; the HTG Radar. Since she cannot "see" your Don Juan skills, her HTG radar is only set to pick up attractive males. This is often why you see beautiful women constantly in relationships with handsome men.Now, you may be saying "But Manny, what do I do? I am hideous; my mother doesn't allow me to go outside, and feeds me snickers in the basement in the dark. How do I possibly attract this HTG Girl?"

Calm yourself AFC. There is hope for you yet.

Contd. in next Post.
on tv yeah, but not around here.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
HTG Theory Contd.

So, how does a man who does not register on the HTG Radar pick up an HTG Girl? Simple: by being a true, Master Don Juan.

Most men will not register on the HTG Filter immediately; this is the entire point of it. Therefore, she has low attraction levels in cold approaches.

To many Don Juans, the cold approach is a lost art; I almost fell into the trap of only applying skills to girls with interest; however, these women are shallow builders of confidence; what is the point of doing a math problem that you can easily solve?

(to get the 'easy A**' of course :up: )

But the true power of the Don comes not from being a master of relationships, but a master of the art of women. A Master Don Juan is aware that where there is not attraction, he can create it. This is the true pinnacle of the Don Juan skill:

Creating attraction where there once was none.

Starting to see how this all ties together? Only a Master Don Juan, or a Master of 'Game' can successfully start and SUSTAIN (key word) a relationship with a HTG girl.

If people are aware of this girl's exclusivity, then your reputation and status can only grow as a true Don Juan; a true master; a true MAN.

Every good man deserves a good woman. While it may not appear so to the petty, the HTG radar is one of the greatest inventions of women yet. It makes them indecipherable to the AFC, yet a beautiful, worthwhile trophy to be won by the Don.

In conclusion, the Hard to Get Theory is simply a way for a girl to say: "My standards are high. Don't approach me if you cannot handle me." It is a test for a true Don Juan to get a girl whom has so much value to others.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
The Pedestal Disclaimer

I would also like to include the fact that in no way should you treat these women differently than any other girl after the successful pickup. They are women like any other. The most important thing you have to remember is NOT TO PUT HER ON A PEDESTAL. This is a common mistake among lucky AFCs (like I used to do :cry: ). Ironically, it is also the most self destructive to the relationship.

HTG Girls can sometimes be hard to keep. They can sometimes require more Don Juan skill than other girls to handle; if she loses interest in you, her HTG Radar shuts down, and she can feel attraction to guys that would normally fly under the Radar. Why? Because you've shut it down. Once you've shut down the radar, she's got the same standards as any other girl. Some lame AFC chump, who's mastered the game for only a moment can whisk her away; even worse, a true Master Don can take her out of the stagnant and boring relationship.

My main point to stress here is to keep your game up, but, under no circumstances, place this woman on a pedestal. She is the same as any other woman, just with higher standards.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
Neat thinking their Manny. I was looking at your bold text.

Creating attraction where there once was none.
Do you mean like...trying to make a girl interested in you, where she once was not?


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
Smock said:
Neat thinking their Manny. I was looking at your bold text.

Do you mean like...trying to make a girl interested in you, where she once was not?
Yes. For some reason, most people treat it like it can't be done; that is very far from the truth. In fact, most of these same Don Juan techniques taught here can be used to create said attraction.

Make no mistake; it is substantially harder to do than approaching a woman who's interested. Here, you're working from scratch. That's why I said it can only be done by more experienced Don Juans. They don't necessarily have to be masters, but they can't be Dons just starting out at the gate as well lol


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
Cool. Let me send you a friend request, we will get a group going :D!