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JLay87's Workout Journal


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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JLay87 said:
Would it be fine for me to just make some kind of chicken/rice/veggie dish and just eat that for 3-4 of my meals? Just wondering because like I said before I don't have a lot of room in my backpack for tupperware and that way I could just throw it all into one container. Wasn't sure if it was good to be eating the same thing for 3-4 meals a day, though. When I'm at home this isn't a problem, which is why I'm already able to plan out my breakfast and dinner. I just have a problem with space in my backpack, which is always full.

Another option would be to bring all my week's food to work on Monday (I work on campus) and stick it in the fridge there, which I guess would solve that problem, but then I would have to cook all my week's food on Sunday. I guess I should be doing that anyways. Maybe this will work best.
I tried to make a post about diet in general just now ...but i think it would of just caused confusion since diet is such a customized thing. Just send me a pm (to save time and your journal space) and I'll get your diet worked out best for you and your lifestyle/goals.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
Wow, haven't posted in here in a while about progress.

Effort was kind enough to help me out with a diet plan:

High Day- Monday, Wed, Fri

Meal 1- 55carbs, 28gprotein
Meal 2- 55carbs, 28gprotein
Meal 3- 55carbs, 28gprotein
Meal 4- 55carbs, 28gprotein
Meal 5- 55carbs, 28gprotein
Meal 6- 55carbs, 28gprotein

(replace one of the meals with your post workout shake, 60g fast carbs and 2scoops of whey protein)

Low- Tue, Thurs, Sat, Sun

Meal 1- 28carbs ,35protein
Meal 2- 28carbs ,35protein
Meal 3- 28carbs ,35protein
Meal 4- 35protein, 20g fat
Meal 5- 35 protein,20g fat
Meal 6- 35 protein, 20g fat

Protein has basically been eggs, whey protein, chicken and beef. Wasn't a problem at all because before I was already eating a ton of eggs and beef. Chicken's easy because you can cook it and it lasts longer than other meats.

Carbs have been oatmeal and brown rice. Probably will get sick of these eventually but until then I'm going to stick to these. Will eventually add rice cakes and mashed sweet potatoes.

Fat has basically been whatever's on the meat (usually for my last few meals on a low carb day I'll have beef which is fattier) plus a little bit of olive oil that it's cooked in. I usually sautee some mushrooms, garlic and onion in olive oil then throw in the steak. It's delicious. :cool:

Postworkout meal is 12 oz of white grape juice (regular grape juice is GROSS) and two scoops of whey protein, as it says above.

That's about it for diet. I've only been on it for three days so far, but I'm going strong. Doesn't really take much effort at all aside from a little bit of extra planning and thinking ahead. Now that the semester is over I have less to worry about in terms of preparing food to take with me, but then again I'll have less structure and therefore be more inclined to cheat. Hah this next month will be interesting. I'm shooting for 8 weeks on this.

Anyways, progress:

Monday 12-7-09
Squat 3x5 @ 205 lb
Bench Press 3x5 @ 125 lb
Deadlift 1x5 @ 150 lb

Wednesday 12-9-09
Gym was closed due to weather emergencies so I couldn't go. :(

Friday 12-11-09
Dropped the ball and got lazy because of finals.

Monday 12-14-09 (Diet started on this day)
Squat 3x5 @ 205 lb
Bench Press 3x5 @ 125 lb
Deadlift 1x5 @ 150 lb

Tuesday 12-15-09
20 minutes on the elliptical. Was shooting for 30 but my legs just couldn't make it. Will get there next time hopefully.

Wednesday 12-16-09
Squat 3x5 @ 215 lb
Press 3x5 @ 75 lb
Power Clean 1x3 @ 115 lb

As you can see I've kind of been dropping the ball and also been apprehensive about starting Workout B because of my previous injury from the Press. Well, today I went to the gym and had absolutely no problem with the press until the end of my last set. This time, though, it was with my left shoulder (the previous injury was with my right) and happened when i was in starting position.

It felt the exact same as when I injured my right shoulder, but this time it didn't feel like an injury (just felt like a nerve was being pinched). When I put the barbell down I stretched my arm and moved it around and it felt fine, so I went on to the Power Clean. And during my first set right as I got into the finishing position (the exact same position as the starting position for the Press) I felt the same thing. So I wasn't able to complete my Power Cleans this time around.

I have the Press down now, though, which is awesome. Also, I figured out that my previous shoulder injury (if you could call it that) was due to having the barbell too far behind me at full extension which caused an eccentricity and tweaked something in my shoulder. I'm sort of baffled as to what I did this time, though.

Taking it as seriously as the last one; icing and resting. Should be good by Friday, but we'll see. Doesn't hurt that bad but you can't always go from that.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
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What do you warmups look like?
I haven't really wrote out any warmups; I just generally do a few sets of what feels heavy enough without being too heavy to affect my work sets.

For the Press today I just started out with the bar, then went up to 65 and then up to 75 and I didn't seem to have any problems.

The power clean I did the bar just to get used to the form then went up to 55 and 75, then did my work set at 115.

My shoulder doesn't hurt at all right now but I'll sleep on it and see how it is. I think I just pinched a nerve like last time by doing something weird with my arms when in that position. I'm going to read SS about these two exercises and do a few reps with just the bar next time to make sure I have form right. Better to learn this stuff before it gets heavy!


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Given your shoulder history I'd drop the cleans and over head presses and alternate between Lateral Raise and the Rear Delt Machine for 1 20rest paused set

To rest pause....pick weight, as many reps, stop 15 breath, as many reps , stop 15 breaths, as many reps, done. Add up the reps from all 3 mini sets and that total should be at 20 or above 20. Pick a weight that you can get more than 20 with the first time trying then you can creep up with the weights over the weeks, your goal is just to use a heavier weight the next time, or get more reps than last time with the same weight. This will build your shoulders fine and save you from hurting your shoulder more in the future.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
EFFORT said:
Given your shoulder history
I don't have a shoulder history. In fact these are the first two shoulder "injuries" I've ever gotten, and they're not even that bad. The first one was healed after a day and this one, while worse, will probably be fine by the end of the weekend. I think it was just a fluke that I got them so close together, and that they were both caused by bad form. I'm going to keep going with my current program but if I continue to have problems I'll take your advice.

Quagmire said:
However for your big lifts you need to be doing warm ups. Here is a great article on what to do:


Also, today was a low carb day. I've been noticing that I've been hungrier on low carb days, particularly later in the day (where I eat no carbs), so I've just increased my protein intake so I'm not hungry.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
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Gah I feel like today is going to fall apart in terms of my diet.

Woke up too late to prepare breakfast/lunch because I had to get to work. So I'm at work and will have to buy something on campus. Will keep it healthy but have a feeling that it won't adhere to my diet.

After work I'm going out for lunch somewhere. Probably going to go somewhere healthy, although again it won't adhere to the diet (probably end up getting a salad with some grilled chicken or something).

Tonight I'm going out to a steakhouse and again I'm going to try to eat healthy but I don't know how that's going to go. After that I'm going to a festivus party which will have a bunch of seasonal alcohol (i.e. Glogg and a few others) plus my friend's home brewed beer. I'm planning on having a little of each but bringing my own alcohol to drink (probably rum and diets).

How do you guys handle days like this?

EDIT: One problem solved. Just got some food on campus: 4 hard boiled eggs and some whole wheat pretzels.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Most people can handle a day like this and still hit their goals, as long as those goals aren't to extreme- say getting to 5% bf.

But, this still requires not going completely out of control. Effort's plan has Friday as a high carb day, so this will make eating out a little easier. Meat sandwiches would be an option for lunch. The steakhouse is perfect; load up on your steak- combine two meals if conveinient. You can maybe even have some chips here but you have to watch this, don't go overboard. Once you are at the party and drinking is the time when food takes a back seat. Personally I try not to really eat when drinking but it depends how much you drink. If you have a couple drinks then you can have a meal a few hours later, if you're getting drunk you really don't want to be eating a whole lot if at all. I've seen it recommended to eat a little to maintain blood sugar levels, but you have to be careful. Eating+drinking= fat storage. Some would argue that if you get drunk you aren't serious about hitting your goals, which is true to an extent, but if it is once a week and you don't get plastered then you'll probably be alright- at least this has been my experience. It is pretty much exponential, the more you drink, the worse the side efffects to your diet/training will be.

So basically, don't go overboard.


Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
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Gah, made a bad decision which led to a series of more bad decisions. Last night drank a ton of PBR because they were cheap and for each PBR you bought you got a raffle ticket for a chance to win a year's supply of the stuff. Then I had a cigarette. Then I ate McDonalds. Bad night, but will correct today. Will edit this post to discuss my progress since I last posted when I get home.

EDIT: I clearly messed up last night. Also, although I have been adhering to the diet part pretty well, I haven't been sticking to the 6 meals a day, particularly because I've been too busy with finals to make food in the morning to take along. However, now with finals over I'm planning on sticking to it much more strictly.

I've also been writing down every time I've "deviated" from my diet, but I think I will be transforming that into just a general food journal of everything that I eat, and then I can just highlight the deviations. I told my parents I want a digital food scale for Christmas, so that should help me get more accurate about my diet, as well.

Also, my gym will be closed for the next week or so (it is opening back up on January 2nd). I'm really pissed about that; college gyms really suck.

I still can't really tell if I've made any progress in terms of losing body fat. My weight has stayed at a solid 170, though it seems that I've built some muscle, so that must mean I've lost some fat. I'm considering going and getting the pinch test so I can document it. Maybe I'll do that after New Years.

Again, will post progress when I get home, as that's where I have it written down. Just wanted to add all this before I forgot to.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Look don't sweat this stuff.

The next week is going to be a difficult period, it is for a lot of people. Go easy on yourself and have cheat meals.

Christmas and New Year's Eve are write off's for more people, and this is fine. Don't go overboard the rest of the days, and then get back into in the new year.

As for fat loss, take a picture of yourself once a month in the same lighting. Measure your waist every two weeks. These are good indicators of how your fat loss is doing.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
Look don't sweat this stuff.
I'm not really sweating it as much as it might seem; it just helps me to take note of every deviation otherwise I will just keep slipping up and eventually just stop adhering to the diet.

Thursday 12-17-09
30 mins elliptical

Friday 12-18-09
Didn't have time to go due to finals week kicking my ass.

Saturday 12-19-09
30 mins elliptical

Monday 12-21-09
Squat 3x5 @ 225 lb
Bench Press 3x5 @ 135 lb
Deadlift 1x5 @ 165 lb

Tuesday 12-22-09
30 min elliptical

Gym is closed from 12-23-09 to 1-2-09

I've noticed that my squat form has been getting worse as I increase the weight; I'm tending to go up on my toes and turn my right knee inwards. Also feels like my back is arching, but I can't really tell. I'm going to buy some tennis shoes and tie them extra tight which will help with the tip toes, and will ask someone about my back next time I lift.

I'm pretty satisfied with the steady progress I've had, though. Hopefully this will continue for a while.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
Ate a pizza today and drank a beer, will be eating a pizza tomorrow, but other than that and maybe champagne on New Years I don't really have plans to even be tempted by bad food. My family gatherings are usually pretty healthy so I should be good.

I'm just upset right now that the gym is closed for the week because I really want to get back in. I've gone from an aversion to an obsession haha. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed it until I haven't been able to go yesterday/today. Guess I'm really excited about getting stronger/bigger. Probably won't update this until the week's over and I'm back in the gym.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
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BTW would it be better to just use Egg Beaters instead of Eggs, to cut out all the fat from the yolks? Also is cereal alright for a source of carbs? I just bought some Cheerio's.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
The yolk is the best part of the egg, fat is not only good, it is neccasary.

Cereal is generally terrible, they refine it to hell and add stuff back in. There are probably some alright one's, but I wouldn't know. You would still need a protein source.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
BTW, I've been at it pretty hard since the beginning of the year. I've also started a diet journal to keep track of what I'm eating and since I just got a food scale I should be able to accurately calculate my calorie/protein/carb/fat intake. I'm only planning on making weekly updates from now on, which I will probably start a new thread for.

Will update Tuesday night.