Jim Belushi book review by pissed off woman


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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This book immediately caught my attention. The title is "Real Men Don't Apologize" and it's written by Jim Belushi. I like Jim's stuff, and the title sounds like the title of the thread you'd find on sosuave. But what absolutely convinced me that I have to go out and buy this book was the review by a woman on Amazon.com (paragraphing mine):


2 of 11 people found the following review helpful:

Let me explain WHY I give it one star...., July 23, 2006

Reviewer: BabyGirl - See all my reviews
Please take this to HEART....

I love Mr. Belushi's acting, he's funny and all...I have nothing against his career and respect him for making all the changes he did in his life...

BUT...I cannot say this louder then this:

I was reading this, I knew what I was to expect...so I went in with SOME knowledge.
I love a real man, I LOVE A REAL MAN!! I am NOT your a-typical woman and I will kill or die trying to remain myself. When ever I see book after book or hear more and more about this ..... I just fume because I will be the FIRST to admit WOMEN'S LIB DESTROYED WOMANHOOD!


I am destroyed by people like Mr. Belushi because THEY think I am one of the group called 'all women' and am judged because I belong to this group.

His book is the most selfish book I have ever read and again, do not get me wrong about being a man, I SUPPORT IT AND CAN'T STAND a man who can't be a man....
for ME, money is NOT status, a career is NOT status and marriage does not complete me! If you fail at making the money you want, I'll encourage you to lift your spirits and NEVER tell you what job to do...if you don't have the money to take me out or buy me anything, I don't judge the quality of who you are, I will enjoy a night in front of the dvd player with you and I'M HAPPY! I don't ask you to call because I'm checking up on YOU, I ask you to call and let me know you're safe....I don't snoop in your stuff because I'm NOSEY, I respect your privacy because I TRUST you - give me reason to stand up and NOT take your crap and I will, but ONLY after I shower you with unconditional love and acceptance because I GIVE IT TO YOU, and if that still hasn't reached you, all I can do is then stand up for myself where my man should be protecting me.

Yes, chivalry IS the key to this girls heart, but you better have a set to back that up too!
Your friends are my friends and I love them because I love you and you love them...nothing more, but they sure do take by destroying us since they don't have the 'us' in their own lives...

I SUPPORT and WISH THERE WERE more real men out there...there are only two wants from this woman to her man 1-don't cheat on me and lie to my face, I NEED THAT SECURITY (pay attention, my security does NOT come from YOUR paycheck, it comes from your arm wrapped around me, PROTECTING me with your love) and 2- it is YOUR job to take care of us and when you can't, I am right there to get your back NOT to get in your way, NOT to diminish you, but to HELP YOU when you say you need my help.
That did not cost you your friends, did not cost a penny and it did not cost you your freedoms as a man. I GIVE FREELY, LOVINGLY, UNCONDITIONALLY and ALWAYS not because of the notches on your bedpost, not because it cost you a dime, not because you did it MY way, not because you gave up one dang thing - I gave you every reason to WANT to give me your arm around me and your WANT to protect me.
Two things is all I need to give you an entire lifetime of love, honor, RESPECT and every ounce of my body to you...FREELY...got it???

I am halfway through the book and realized that yeah, I love one of the biggest jerks out there because of who he's become, I will love him til the day I die and will always and I mean ALWAYS give him that love, RESPECT as a man and honor him as MY man....because 'I' want to change ME to be a better woman, not because he got whipped into what I wanted him to be!

NOT ALL WOMEN FIT THE BILL OF TRUE WAMONHOOD but I sure am dang proud of myself that I strive for it!

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
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Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
That girl is awesome. I want a girl who thinks exactly like that.

But I don't get how that review makes the book worth getting. Is it just because it inspired her to write all that? I guess so.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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But I don't get how that review makes the book worth getting. Is it just because it inspired her to write all that? I guess so.
Don't read her words, read her emotion and the things she's emotionally reacting to. It tells you quite a bit about the book. The book might be humor, it might not be, but I may be able to relate to it more than a lot of other crap books out there.

Also, that chick sounds A LOT like Wyldfire on one of her anti-anti-feminist rants.
May 10, 2006
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please do a review after your done the book and tell us if it's worth the trouble.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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please do a review after your done the book and tell us if it's worth the trouble.
I went to a book store and I actually read about 100 pages of this book. Its a funny book and its not boring. Jim Belushi writes stuff on how to be a "real man" in general and how to pick up women. Alot of what he writes is funny but nothing is groundbreaking or new. His chapters on finding a woman or picking up women are simple and somewhat generic (talks about important of having balls and confidence in approaching women.)

The book itself costs like $30, its not a long book and is found in the humor section of the store. If you want a good chuckle and don't mind spending $30 then go ahead (Its a funny book). If you are looking for groundbreaking stuff to help you with your game or life, then don't buy this book but stick to this forum.

Ironically Jim did mention that when he felt low in his life, it was important for him to find "a support group of men" to help him through the tough times.


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
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That girl would look good on the other side of my bed in the morning. She's class.