Jesse Pinkman's approach/field reports thread.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Well some good news for you is that it wasn't being unemployed that killed me financially, it was the dumb job I took out of desperation from being unemployed that ruined me. I actually didn't spend a lot of money being unemployed despite going on a vacation & having a girlfriend during it. The job was much worse because I had to spend money to get to and back from the job and you are going to stress spend a whole lot more working a dead end shvtty job than being temporarily unemployed.

Do your parents live in a decent city with jobs because you might be better off in Miami than going back to a town off the beaten path? If you don't have any money saved up then you are probably screwed, but if it's you just not wanting to tap into savings then you might want to just bite your tongue lol.
Alright that clears stuff up a bit. I have money saved up and have thought about a potential month to month but today just gave me so much good news. Apparently, one of the companies that earlier in my job hunt told me they had frozen hiring called me and said they want to move fast and resume my process right where it was. So basically, I speak with the hiring manager on Friday.

Still not looking optimistic since I have to restart the whole interview process with most places but keeping my hopes up.


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2022
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Alive, kicking, but man it has been a while for sure. So I didn't get the time to post about this because I had a trip planned and a hurricane had just run through Florida on the last week of September. However, something unexpected happened.

September 30 - An unexpected surprise.

I was packing up for a trip over the weekend where I would be visiting a friend but then noticed that the weather was as clear as day in Miami after the entire state had endured through a nasty hurricane. One of my wings hits me up for Happy Hour and I take him up on it. We go to our usual spot and to say that the place was crawling with dimes was an understatement. I decide to say **** it and just approach like a madman. I had survived a few days of not rubbing one out and I felt like I was not going to be in Miami for a good week so why not.

First two approaches are rejections. Later on, I hit it off well with this two-set and my wing chimes in. My girl is a pale brunette with blue eyes and his is a Latina. We chat for a good amount and I move the set around without much issues, gaining some agreement here. However, I notice that they are with a bigger group which kind of soaks them in since it is mixed with dudes. I end up losing the set because of that.

We keep approaching and approaching but the next 3 are mostly going nowhere. Wing does last long with his girl in one but I don't last that long. Not long after, we approach this blonde two set (mind you it is only 9 PM) and it seems promising. Both are from California and it is a good vibe going overall. I do not remember all of what I said here. The vibe was good and the girls were chill too. My wing had a good thing going with the blonde he was with and I was doing well with my girl too.

However, once again, the groups strike. We find that the two blondes were waiting for a larger group that comes and that kills the approach. It was apparently a bachelor party and I am still trying to learn how to game big groups. Both my wing and I grow frustrated for a moment but have to remind ourself that it is barely 10 right now. We decide to keep at it and the next two approaches are rejections, both sets were blondes. In case you notice a trend, my wing and I love blonde girls lol.

We keep at it and then hit a two-set where one girl is this short but slim brunette with freckles and icy blue eyes. The other girl is this tall blonde who is sexy as h3ll. Wing hits it off with the blonde who is from Toronto (uh oh!) and I hit it off well with the short brunette who is from.........Long Island! Two game h3lls but I think nothing of it and go with the flow. We get a good vibe going with the girls and try to move them to the Marina area of the bar. I have my hands around the brunette's waist without any resistance while blonde puts her hands on my wing's shoulders.

Funny thing is that some random dude from our pickup group actually tries to open the blonde and says "hey nice dress" and she immediately goes "not interested". It was hilarious and even the brunette smirked a bit. We get a view of the Marina and things are going well overall. Bartender knows me and fist bumps me along the way so minor social proof there. Brunette asks me how I know him and I told her I just know people. She probes and I say "alright officer, I used to come here a lot!".

We feel a light drizzle which annoys the girls and they said they do not know where they want to go. I tell them about the area I am in and how it is more indoor ****tail bars, they say they would love that. Unfortunately for me, it is a 25 min Uber and I know @SW15 has told me that this is not ideal for logistics. However, blonde said she always wanted to explore the area more and so we go there.

Blonde saved it but in the Uber, me and brunette have intimate talks. Blonde and wing are behind us in the seat and they are having fun it seems. I pull the brunette close to me and playfully tease her about her favorite drink (Moscow Mule), jokingly telling her she doesn't care about Ukraine. At this point I am having fun with it and even kissing her a bit behind the ears as I tease her.

We arrive at the bar itself and it wasn't a bad drive at all. However, the bar itself was loud as f-ck inside and crawling with thirsty dudes. As soon as we step into it, random dudes are approaching the girls we came with and trying to sleaze on them. We get a drink and immediately as we are in our area of the bar drinking, two random dudes try to hit on blonde who ignores them. Well, one of them walks away calling all of us "f-ggts!" and we ignored him. I joke and say "yeah I am so gay" while kissing the brunette who laughs about it. Brunette squeezes my lower back too which makes me moan a bit in relief, she told me she was a masseuse.

Blonde doesn't like the vibe and I am afraid that I have sinked this set because I never knew this bar was so bad. However, she is so into my wing and the brunette is into me that I think this can be saved. We go to the outdoor area and talk about a small world, I see my neighbor there who is this sexy Latina. She talks me up and talks about how I workout and lift heavy (LMFAO I ain't built like that girl!). Brunette gets touchy with me and then Latina talks about where we live and how it has pool and everything.

BBBRRRUUUHHHH, God Bless ya Mamacita!

Latina hypes up our apartment, especially the pool tables we have and the floor full of them, so much that now the blonde and brunette want to go there. I uber them there and it is like a 5 minute Uber. We get there, my favorite receptionist is there. However, I see the sexual tension between me and the brunette dying down.

We go to the room with the pool tables and play some pool together. It was a close one with me and the brunette on the team along with blonde and wing. We barely scrape by and I sink wing's final ball. Brunette jumps in excitement and I pick her up and swing her around, groaned a bit too.

Everyone seems thirsty but there were only two water bottles in that area in the refrigerator, apartment leaves them there for guests. I tell wing and blonde to get them and I tell brunette I know where she can go for water bottles herself. Take her right up to my apartment and she loves how it looks. We look each other in the eyes momentarily and start making out, she is really down.

Stripped her down slowly, ate her out, and then even let her massage me a bit as we were nude. After that, I smashed and that was that. On NoFap so bringing up the details will make me break it. We did it about three different times that night and I made her *** about twice.

I thought we would get text from wing and the blonde but nah. Come to find a day later, receptionist at apartment desk tells me "man, ya boy was really getting down with blondie haha! I mean I got this on camera and she was fine as heck but bro your boy was really getting down to business". Thank god management at the apartment is laid back and let us get away with my wing screwing the blonde in one of the recreational areas.

Both of these girls were well above average.
Nice, epic bro. Sometimes the stars align after a long break


Sep 10, 2014
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Alright that clears stuff up a bit. I have money saved up and have thought about a potential month to month but today just gave me so much good news. Apparently, one of the companies that earlier in my job hunt told me they had frozen hiring called me and said they want to move fast and resume my process right where it was. So basically, I speak with the hiring manager on Friday.

Still not looking optimistic since I have to restart the whole interview process with most places but keeping my hopes up.
One reason why I am happy I am in the field I am in. Software engineers aren't out of work for long no matter what the economy is like.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Well, looks like with the way things are shaping up that I am going to have to solo some nightgame tomorrow which I am not much of a fan of. However, I think tomorrow is going to be pure warm ups for me to talk to women and implement a new system as I have been watching some of John Anthony Lifestyle's stuff. Not too optimistic as my wing was the one that practically saved me and led me to getting laid. For those of you such as @BackInTheGame78 who want to know what happened, the girls were actually visiting the city and flew back to Long Island yesterday.

Not too optimistic about nightgaming tomorrow but I will try to see how things shape up. Will just use it as a warm up to get back into the groove, same with daygame this coming weekend. Eitherways, I am back game wise.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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As for life in general, I had yet another interview today that went well. So far, I have had some setbacks in the job hunt as the economy is really wonky right now. However, I am confident that with the way things are progressing, I should have a job offer by end of month. My biggest issue has been that I have been in an unproductive rut all week just sleeping in, wasting time, fapping, and not getting as much done. Today, I cleaned the heck out of my room and did the dishes and all. Even changed my bed sheets and pillow covers along with doing laundry. Somehow, made me feel like I was being productive.

All I have done workout wise is go for a run once this week but outside of that, been eating unhealthy stuff.

Slowly getting back to a productive enough lifestyle yet again. The trip to another city for a week has had me using this week to readjust my sleep schedule and just get back into the swing of things.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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One reason why I am happy I am in the field I am in. Software engineers aren't out of work for long no matter what the economy is like.
Accounting is safer imo. There's been no Accounting Revolution like there's been a Tech revolution. And revolutions usually involve correction. No one's complaining about excessive accounting these days.


Sep 10, 2014
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Accounting is safer imo. There's been no Accounting Revolution like there's been a Tech revolution. And revolutions usually involve correction. No one's complaining about excessive accounting these days.
The only correction is needing more and more software engineers. There are tens of thousands of more jobs than there are engineers. And then when you consider the low percentage of ones that are actually any good, jobs are pretty safe if you demonstrate any skills whatsoever
Mar 9, 2021
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The only correction is needing more and more software engineers. There are tens of thousands of more jobs than there are engineers. And then when you consider the low percentage of ones that are actually any good, jobs are pretty safe if you demonstrate any skills whatsoever
I wish I didn’t fvck around in school and did STEM :(


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Well, looks like with the way things are shaping up that I am going to have to solo some nightgame tomorrow which I am not much of a fan of. However, I think tomorrow is going to be pure warm ups for me to talk to women and implement a new system as I have been watching some of John Anthony Lifestyle's stuff.
You don't need to go out on a Friday night. Every John Paycheck beta male goes out to bars on Friday and Saturday nights looking to get laid. Most end up just getting too drunk and not getting laid. Women are more serious about meeting men on off nights. If a woman is in a bar at 11 PM on a Tuesday night, she is serious about meeting men. 11 PM on a Tuesday night is a much different crowd than a 11 PM on a Friday night.

Bars are better on non-Friday and non-Saturday later nights (after 8 PM) and during weeknight Happy Hours (5-8 PM).

I wish I didn’t fvck around in school and did STEM :(
Accounting is safer imo. There's been no Accounting Revolution like there's been a Tech revolution. And revolutions usually involve correction. No one's complaining about excessive accounting these days.
Same here. STEM occupations are better than business occupations. Sales and Marketing occupations are at the bottom of the barrel in business since they are the most layoff prone disciplines within business. Accounting is one of the better business disciplines. It is boring and challenging, but the layoff risk is less.
Mar 9, 2021
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You don't need to go out on a Friday night. Every John Paycheck beta male goes out to bars on Friday and Saturday nights looking to get laid. Most end up just getting too drunk and not getting laid.
I hate going out on Fridays mainly because of this and I’m exhausted from the work week.

Same here. STEM occupations are better than business occupations. Sales and Marketing occupations are at the bottom of the barrel in business since they are the most layoff prone disciplines within business. Accounting is one of the better business disciplines. It is boring and challenging, but the layoff risk is less.
The girl im talking to is in STEM and envied my job because I don’t have to work as hard and I make decent money. I had to tell her that I always have to be ready for the rug to be pulled from underneath me and constantly play politics at my job.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I hate going out on Fridays mainly because of this and I’m exhausted from the work week.
Yes, that's you. A lot of men, especially beta males, are out on Friday nights because of no work the next day and they think women are waiting to get wild and have sex.

The girl im talking to is in STEM and envied my job because I don’t have to work as hard and I make decent money. I had to tell her that I always have to be ready for the rug to be pulled from underneath me and constantly play politics at my job.

You didn't major in STEM because you were pursuing college sex at a Sun Belt university with attractive women.

Many men spend 4 years pursuing college sex with hotties at large public universities. These men are usually non-STEM majors. Business and liberal arts disciplines are the common majors. These non-STEM major males then spend the following 30-40 years in insecure jobs playing office politics.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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@Jesse Pinkman 13 days now no fap. Feel more of a man. More of a lion. Feel in a much more dominant mood. Woman's asses are looking much more juicier...
Alrighty, challenge accepted on my end as well now. Already fapped this morning but I want to see if I can make it to 14 days. Longest I have made it to is about 6 days. Dear lord I have such an active imagination as well as memories of past lays, it's not even the freaking porn. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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@SW15 and @Jake_Gyllenhaal69

I get where you guys are coming from but Miami has one of the worst weekday nightlife scenes out there. Brickell has this bar called Blackbird (pretty sure that @eli77 and @IKO69 can speak to it) which has Lady's Night like every Tuesday but every time I have gone, the quality has been barf-worthy. So many whales, so many ratchets, and maybe 4 or 5 girls that look good but get an inflated ego as a result. There really isn't a weekday scene in Miami where you will find a lot of hot girls at night.

I mean you can go to the nightclubs but that is too much for me. A while ago I tried Wynnwood but man the quality was just god awful outside of one or two tourists here and there. It got real bad, I mean even worse than Atlanta.

The reason I want to go out tonight, even if solo, is because I desperately want to get back to game. I want to quickly get back to approaching and warming up my game as I plan to daygame all weekend. It is about time I got back into it as I have been in a rut. Don't expect anything to happen though.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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STEM should really by TE. If you want to do anything with a life sciences major or a Math major, you better have a masters or specialize in it. I used to feel the same way about being a software engineer too but I just knew that I would be drained from the work. At one point, I tried to go to one of those coding bootcamps but before I did it, I did some trials online myself. All of that coding and that work made my eyes bleed. Mad respect for dudes who have the brains and discipline to do coding right but I couldn't do it.
Mar 9, 2021
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@SW15 and @Jake_Gyllenhaal69

I get where you guys are coming from but Miami has one of the worst weekday nightlife scenes out there. Brickell has this bar called Blackbird (pretty sure that @eli77 and @IKO69 can speak to it) which has Lady's Night like every Tuesday but every time I have gone, the quality has been barf-worthy. So many whales, so many ratchets, and maybe 4 or 5 girls that look good but get an inflated ego as a result. There really isn't a weekday scene in Miami where you will find a lot of hot girls at night.
lol and y'all wonder how I put up with the BS on the apps. I'd rather deal with that BS than go out on Friday nights to crowded bars now lol. I used to be able to do it when I was younger, but I just can't now haha.

STEM should really by TE. If you want to do anything with a life sciences major or a Math major, you better have a masters or specialize in it. I used to feel the same way about being a software engineer too but I just knew that I would be drained from the work. At one point, I tried to go to one of those coding bootcamps but before I did it, I did some trials online myself. All of that coding and that work made my eyes bleed. Mad respect for dudes who have the brains and discipline to do coding right but I couldn't do it.
Yeah, the job is harder, but you don't have that constant stress of job searching or knowing corporate America can always pull the rug away from you at any given moment. I've seen Chads get owned, I've seen the glorified LGBT person get owned, I've seen women get owned, I've seen Stacies get owned....No one is safe in corporate America lol.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Yeah, the job is harder, but you don't have that constant stress of job searching or knowing corporate America can always pull the rug away from you at any given moment. I've seen Chads get owned, I've seen the glorified LGBT person get owned, I've seen women get owned, I've seen Stacies get owned....No one is safe in corporate America lol.
I mean I hate going out on Fridays too but then again, I am like what else is there to do lol.

As for the people getting owned, most of the times they have it coming. All of these types act entitled and feel like the world owes them crap and then when they get the hammer, they are shocked because some dude outworked them.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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lol and y'all wonder how I put up with the BS on the apps. I'd rather deal with that BS than go out on Friday nights to crowded bars now lol. I used to be able to do it when I was younger, but I just can't now haha.
You're only 29, you are not old at all.

You are 12% body fat. Do you post shirtless pics on apps? That body fat percentage is good enough for shirtless pics and tons of right swipes.

I get where you guys are coming from but Miami has one of the worst weekday nightlife scenes out there.
Interesting point

The reason I want to go out tonight, even if solo, is because I desperately want to get back to game. I want to quickly get back to approaching and warming up my game as I plan to daygame all weekend. It is about time I got back into it as I have been in a rut. Don't expect anything to happen though.
Night game and day game are different languages. If you don't expect anything to happen, that's not an ideal attitude for starting the night.
Mar 9, 2021
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You are 12% body fat. Do you post shirtless pics on apps? That body fat percentage is good enough for shirtless pics and tons of right swipes.
I use the beach pics my ex took of me lol. In regards, the mirror selfie shvt won’t fly on hinge/bumble because women wil see you as a fvck boy and the picture usually gets deleted. You can on tinder though, but I don’t use tinder.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I use the beach pics my ex took of me lol. In regards, the mirror selfie shvt won’t fly on hinge/bumble because women wil see you as a fvck boy and the picture usually gets deleted.
That's interesting to know that you are a Hinge/Bumble guy. Hinge and Bumble are more relationship oriented than Tinder.

The beach pics at least show you shirtless so that's good and would help with getting more right swipes.