So glad that after an entire weekend last weekend spent not gaming at all, that I could finally get out there. The group I am a part of had a new member join who also moved from NYC not that long ago, we had connected early on in the week in terms of what he is looking for with game. I arrive at the bar at around 8 and then shortly after that he arrives, he is this tall Russian looking white guy (6'3) who has just finished Med School. We catch up a bit but immediately, I notice he opens this one blonde girl.
I didn't write down my approaches but we do a few.
Blonde two-set.
I open this blonde two-set and boy was my game a bit rusty after being out lol. These two are sorority girls at The U and they were surprisingly down to earth despite being kinda hot. However, my game was SUPER OFF due to all of the rust. I was asking too many questions and then come to find that their crew was right behind them. One guy literally asks one of the blondes to hold his drink for him while my wing is chatting her up.
TBH, I kind of admire the coolness that Miami dudes have lol. If I had done this back at my old school (Georgia), dudes would have immediately tried to confront us. These guys were very chill and didn't bother us at all, I respect that. Shows a special type of Alpha Male confidence that you don't normally see. I chat with one of the blondes about Chicago since I will be going there soon and she gives me the low down. It is going well but after a solid 10 or so minutes of talking, I insta close her since it seems like my wing is struggling. A few minutes later they head off. That set lasted a lot longer than I thought.
Two set latinas
I open these two Latinas with the "you all have such a Brazilian vibe about you" line. Come to find, one gets real offended and says she is Colombian. Friend was very receptive but the other Latina was super pissed. We kind of end the set there.
Three set
I open this 3-set with a really hot blonde and a cute brunette along with a cute redhead. Open them with the "you all are definitely not ending your night at this bar" line which goes over well. Wing chats up the really hot blonde who was actually from Boston and Italian. Wing tells her "yeah you have a Boston accent", she gets really offended at that. Does not go over well at all. However, she is also cool as heck about it and doesn't get angry at him. Meanwhile, I have a really cool vibe going with these two girls I am talking to who are from, you guess it
@SW15, your city of Dallas.
One goes to UT and is visiting and the other goes to the U. We have a great fun vibe going for a bit but the brunette moves over to her crew right next to us. Meanwhile, they notice the blonde walk away from my wing and I wish the redhead well. They were cool girls but my wing really screwed it up when he told a girl she had a Boston accent, especially when she didn't

Random girl standing by herself.
One girl is on the phone and then gets off. Some other girl leaves a can of beer on the top of some restaurant food stand. Random girl then picks it up and throws it away for the guy. I open her with "you win the Ms Responsible badge for that", she laughs but then is on the phone again. Darn.
Girl in red dress.
I see a girl standing around in a red dress and compliment her, tell her "fine I'll take your photo". She laughs it off and then we get into some short banter. She says she is waiting for her friends who come in soon. Wing joins in as the girl in question is Ukrainian descent and my wing is actually Ukrainian. I take the two friends while wing talks to the girl. It goes somewhat alright except my wing kind of screws it up with the girl to some degree.
Two-set in a cute dress.
We see these two girls in nice dresses and I open up. Wing takes the tall blonde with the cute green dress and I take the brunette in the red one. This set had a ton of potential as the brunette I was talking to was visiting from Tampa. They did not know where to go and LIV didn't open till 12. I was seriously thinking of isolating and getting them to come to a bar nearby where I live. However, wing seriously screws it up with the blonde in the green dress because she wanted to leave. I get the Insta of the brunette but how much does that mean lol, she leaves Sunday. She never followed me back either.
Two-set with closed off brunette.
We open another two-set nearby us and then soon, realize that the brunette is really closed off. She is of Greek background but from Ohio while the blonde is open and bubbly. I try to handle the brunette all I could but she was super icy. Not common that I meet a brunette that is icy, usually it's the blonde but the brunette was of Greek background so
@BillyPilgrim and his theory may come into play here. Set ends, wing was doing well with the blonde.
Wing on fire and the losers from our pickup group shows up.
Wing somehow, someway, goes on a hot streak. I see him have two sets which each lasted for over 20 minutes and both ended in number closes. Dude is definitely on a roll and I respect that. As it gets closer to midnight, I notice that the dudes from the pickup group I am a part of show up. Most of these dudes are weirdos, leeches, and a waste of time to be around. One guy who tries to act like a group leader acts smug and is out by himself. The other two guys, well, more on that in the next set.
****/bondage girl.
Wing is on a roll and approaches a two-set, one girl is insanely tall (like 6'3). Wing talks to her and I take the friend who is from Boston. Come to find, they are not even friends but the girl I was talking to was bi and trying to game the really tall girl. We are having a fun conversation and this girl is into stuff like **** which my wing seems to know a lot about. Wing is talking to her more than I am.
Then, I notice that two guys from our pickup group are walking near us and standing right next to us. I found it weird but whatever. We keep talking to the girl and it went for a good bit but she was with her friends who she had to see. Insta close and that was about it for the most part. Didn't make much more of that. Around this time, the quality at the bar also dies down as it is mostly dudes and hardly as many approachable girls.
Walk by and see the two guys from our pickup group talking to landwhales.
I avoided talking to these dudes since they have left me out to dry many times and hardly put in much quality work, often choosing to stand around and gossip about the group while I am the only one doing approaches.