Sammi is not BPD, she is simply the typical girl of our times aged 18-30 and possibly similar to our cougars, too.
She is selfish, egotistical, self-centered, *****y, faultless, immature, cold, spiteful, vindictive, heartless, and all around a poor example of a Girlfriend.

I've watched the show on and off since S1.
I was initially sucked in because it was like watching a train wreck. JS is entirely offensive to the sensibilities. I find the bigger issue, than the stupid drama, or the fact that this is one of the first "reality" shows (it's not real anymore), where the actors/people earn significant sums of money, are comped while on the show and claim to be 'real.' They aren't.
1) They aren't men and the women are sluts. The 'lessons' and ideas being thrown around are watering down people's concepts of relationships. Everyone is entirely disposable, fits into a certain idea (grenade, etc) and the guys use 'em and lose 'em.
2) You become numb to what you see. It's just...'accepted,' that this is what they do. This is what our generation does at clubs and bars - get drunk, dress like idiots, hookup and find another person. How do you differentiate meaning amongst the masses of asses?
With that said, at the end of S1, ron and sammi broke up during the 'live reunion.' I do not recall the circumstances, but essentially Sammi ditched ron and I recall him walking off. When s2 came, he went in with the mantra "you don't come to JS with a bf/gf." He didn't view what they had as a 'relationship,' even if she did. He wasn't at fault...
they weren't together.
Sammi never locked him back down, nor apologized for what occurred and Ron went into it with a chip on his shoulder. He had given up a part of his life, youth and likely 'fame,' for this girl to be branded as the weakest guy of all of the men (ala Melinda and Danny from Real World/Road Rules and the Boston/Texas deal).
I believe this 'situation' happens more than men want to admit, because it was a grey area. Even though the s2 previews showed Sammi and Ron 'getting back,' they weren't and he likely had some pent up issues with her. She isn't a strong enough woman to be firm in her words, actions or decisions, so she accepted it. She's of weak character and comparable to women of prior generations, she's barely a little girl.
So during s2, he did no wrong. This reminds me of Ross and Rachel..."we were on a break!, " as he proclaims his innocence of meeting someone new, if only being during the short-term. During the latest season of JS, it hit a head b/c neither were strong enough to focus on the NOW and see how infective their behaviors have become.
The fact you're on TV making thousands/episode and possibly locking down endoresements MEANS you focus on the show and get paid! This is there 15 minutes of fame! I am sure they will bank alot of money (sadly) the next few years, from the show, endorsements and appearance fees, on top of stupid spin offs, but this is our sad, decaying culture...
I'd hardly think you can label her BPD, because you'd be apt to do that on a more widespread basis and not handle normal chicks. Often times in very emotionally extreme circumstances people do very odd things. But know that there are women and men that act even worse and it's doing their victims a disservice by saying she's BPD...Ronnie has long chosen to be with her and deal with her crap. She never forced him and there's no kid at play here, so there's no reason he could not have manned up and ditched her.