Seems like everyone is going crazy with those "Looks," Threads haha crazy.
Well whatever onto my FR.
Lets start with the gym girl...
I get to the gym and its the girl I got a kiss from

HER: hey
ME: Hellooooo
HER:hehe what you been up to?
ME:Trying to see if I've been with any other girls huh could have been more subtle you know
HER:Oh yes I'm soooooo jealous
ME:I could tell haha
HER: Shut up
ME: shut up! Fine dont talk to me until you apologize and who knows I might get some girl in here to work out with me now since I wanted you to workout with me.
I walk off. While I was working out I could see she would check what I was doing every now and then haha funny. Mmmm around maybe 30 minutes go by till she walks up to me while I'm working out.
ME: yes ready to apologize?
HER: yes im sorry for telling you to shut up(she did that dumb sigh that girls do when they apologize)
I give her a big fat hug while I'm all sweaty and spin her around while other people are working out haha.
HER: Eww your all sweaty
ME: you know you like it
HER: so your not mad anymore?
ME: No I could neve rbe mad at you( I put my arms on her waist)
HER: Good cause I want you to come to my kids birthday next week, I dont know how you did it but my kids keep asking about you.
ME: No duh! Did you see that dinosaur I made with the playdoh they were stunned!
HER: will you come?
ME: Hmm I will think about it..I'll tell you before I leave ok.
HER: Ok I'll be in front doing paperwork
34 minutes later
HER: So you coming
ME: I dont know your kids are cool and all but I care more about the mommy so if I get some quality time with their mommy then I will definitely be their.
HER: mmm(Smirk) I'll have to think about that
ME: When you decide call me bye!
I wave and leave...she texted me yesterday saying she would have some alone time after her kids here's hoping she's good.
I was in the library on Friday at campus and while I was reading some booooooooooring history book I saw this girl in front of me...mmm creamy legs and nice hest but uuuuuugly face ugh!!! I decide to have fun and go old school.
I write down on a piece of paper
"I think your cute, lets go to a movie saturday." yes no
She laughed and said she had some dumb party to go to for her brother..but she gave me her number..I called even though she was at her bros and we talked for a while...she told me she had a kid (What the hell is up with everyone fvucking without rubers!!) but she still wants to talk cause she is a "Friendly," Girl...sounds like a FB. She is coming over Friday night.
I was at Target checking out the BluRay movies when I saw this girl with such a huge butttt I just gravitated towards it must have had it's own gravitational pull....huge butt no boobs decent face.
ME: Wow I just had to come over here and meet you
HER: oh hello
ME: You are the cutest dressed girl I have seen in this target today and ive bee here for 5 minutes
HER: haha I dont know if I should take that as a compliment or not
I decided I was already bored for some reason so I just escalated till I either burned out or got somwhere
ME: Take it either way but I need to know what your doing tonight because I need to make you my wife
HER: WOW that is something you dont hear that often
ME: Well you are so extremelly cute!! I could hug you all day! hahaha
HER: haha well I dont know you so I dont think we should get married just yet.
ME: How bout I buy a movie and you come over, i'll cook and you do the dishes sound good?
HER: So you want our first date to be at your place and I HAVE to do the dishes?
ME: finnnnnnnnnnnnne I'LL do the dishes you just need to do two things for me
HER: Oh and whats that?
ME: You need to wear something skimpy preferably a skirt and you would need to give me incentive on WHY I did the dishes.
HER: I'm sorry but if your asking me to have sex with you just because you did yoru own dishes then im sorry ou need to stop talking to me..
ME: (Yawn) oh well your boring and you just lost out on watching hellboy on Bluray in a cool house with parmasean chicken as dinner...have fun doing whatever boooooooring thing your doing tonight bye

Her face was funny and the best part is I was in the next aisle looking at the bluray movies so I could still see her hahah.
While I was paying some old lady was taking forever with her stupid coupons when the cashier was talking to her...ehhh just a fvck was talking about how she wanted a guy that was tall since she was short.
Cashier: yeah I want a tall guy since I'm so short and muscular
Old lady: Why would you want a muscular guy they go after all the girls
Cashier: Yeah but they are cute
My turn to pay
ME: well im pretty muscular and i'm taller then what you doing tonight when you get off wokr?
Cashier(Blush): but I dont know you
Me: Which is why I want to know what your doing after work duhh dummy
Cashier: well i'm working till 12 so I don
ME: (I cut her off) well give me your number and I'll call you so we can do something...i'm sure I'm the guy you've been waiting for haha
I get her number and was
texting with her on Saturday...names mary.
Well I didnt get any so gayyyyyyyyyyyyyy! oh well
Hope you guys have better luck then I do.