i've swallowed the pill now what?


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
I've been around the block.

I've been in several relationships with very sexy girls.

I've banged girls with boyfriends. Hell, I've banged women with husbands.

I can say that if I went out on a weekend to the clubs near my school, I could damn well pickup any chick I wanted to.

The whole point is not to brag, but to lay down the law first that I know what women are really like. I don't need any flak about people telling me what I already know. They are Emotional creatures who will cheat on their man at a whim, as long as their emotions go with it.

I've been there, done that, done f*cked up things, had *cked up things done to me.

The question is, where do I go from here? I thoroughly enjoy the company of women. Hell, I'll admit it; having one woman around who gives me constant sex is satisfying. I don't have to go out at night and "try" to bring girls home, cause I've got an amazing one for myself.

And it seems like when you've got her, f*cking her 3 times a day, she decides she wants more. And she f*cks someone else, and of course denies it.

How do I deal with this? Do I just take it for what it is and keep chilling with her? Do I just forget her, even though I enjoy my time with her? And it's not just one woman, it seems like every woman. Maybe half of it is the fact that they don't trust me, since I have a track record here for being a player.

But really, how can a man even think about settling down with a woman when they are cheating animals? And if they don't cheat on their men, they are usually just using them for emotional support, only to next them a year or so down the road. What a giant waste of time.

I've got this ex who I've been off and on with for 2 years now. We both love each other. Our sexual chemistry is through the roof. She texts me in the morning, "hey can you do me a favor and come over here and f*ck the sh!t out of me?"

But it seems like whenever I start seeing her more often, she loses interest--even if we are having sex 3x a day.

But then if I stop talking to her so much and start talking to other women, she gets mad and won't chill with me.

WHAT THE HELL am I supposed to do? It's like a lose-lose situation. She's got other dudes on tap, but none of them are of my calibur. It seems like whenever shes done sucking them up, she dumps them and comes back to me. And then she comes back shortly telling me that no one f*cks her like I do and makes her feel like I do, blah blah blah. She ims her friends and asks for advice, telling them that she doesn't love anyone like me, but she can't trust me due to my past. Of course her friends say, "forget him! he's a player!"

I turn her away for weeks, sometimes months, but somehow she sneaks in and I end up starting the sick cycle over again.

And I have 2 other girls JUST like this.

I'm tired of picking up different girls, I just want to settle down and have constant sex from one. It seems almost impossible, however without getting the negatives that come with the territory.

Is the only happy relationship an OPEN relationship in which we can just f*ck whoever we want, knowing we can come back to eachtoher any time we'd like?


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
What do you expect to get from hors?

From my experience... a relationship that doesnt start out with just sex. Lasts longer and has more joy in it.

Most relationships that start out with fvcking is only based on fvcking. They usually don't last.

Remember, This is just my opinion and from my experience.

Maybe, your just basing relationships off sex. So, women may love what you give em in bed. But, they arent getting the need of a boyfriend with it.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
I didn't have sex with my ex until a month chilling with her, so I do believe some other type of attract was there.

But yes, I have changed my person since then.

Instead of being that guy on the end giving the emotional support, I've changed to that guy giving them sex while some other dude gives them emotional support.

In my experience, sex is the most important thing that determines whether a relationship is bound to last or burn to the ground. If the sex isn't there, the woman will only stay for so long, before finding someone else who can satisfy them.

I just don't understand how women can be so greedy.. it's like they want 10 d1cks in their holes at all the times, just to be happy. Again, maybe this isn't all women, but at a basic human level, a lot of women really do want this, whether they admit it to society or not.

All I need is 1 vagina, and I'm happy. I'm not greedy. Maybe I am just dealing with too many wh0res. But wouldn't you agree most women are the same?


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
I'd say alot of women are greedy. But, when you make a balance with emotional support and sex you get a woman who only wants that man.

I'm not saying be the nice guy who see's her all the time, does everything for her and ect.

But, when you got a girlfriend its like a companion. You do things together and have fun together. Watch tv together, walk in the park together, take her out every once in awhile, watch movies, take her to come shoping with you, go to a party... things like that. Make her feel special here n there compliment here once in awhile. WHILE, you can fvck her good. If you dont over due the examples I give above you are the boyfriend she dreams of who knows how to lay pipe...

So, her needs are filled and she doesn't have to find another person to fill more of them.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2008
Reaction score
You're acting AFC. When she calls and says come over and **** me, pass it up... say you have stuff to do. If shes ****ing other guys and you're not comfortable with it, next her.

The trick to get a girl to "love" you is to keep her hot and cold the whole way. Be part of her life on a daily regular basis. If she does something you dont like, punish her for it.
If you are a serious part of her life and you dont call/text for a few days you can bet she will have you in her mind 24/7 until she either contacts you or you call her.

I recon shes taken you for granted now and chances are you've blown it.

But remember, you're the prize, not her. :up:


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
pingpongz said:
You're acting AFC. When she calls and says come over and **** me, pass it up... say you have stuff to do. If shes ****ing other guys and you're not comfortable with it, next her.
I wouldnt call that acting AFC, but he is letting her sucker play him. If you have a lot of options, you shouldnt be torturing yourself by playing your ex's games. I've been there. I dumped my cheating ex over three years ago, and about once a year, I will break down and bang her for a month or so, cuz the sex we had, was the best ever, for both of us. Why should I deny myself that? As long as I dont fall for her shyt, its OK.

You've got it easier than most guys. You have many options. Sooner or later, you will find one thats quality. I think you need to set your standards a little higher. What kind of girls are you going for? What are the age ranges? If youre going for college age club hoppers, youre probably not gonna find one thats quality. Party age girls, are generally out to just have fun, and not get serious.