Here is how you can up your percentages:
1. only approach if they are interested in you.
2. how do you tell? I got this in a email news letter:
I'm going to give you a stupid-proof formula
for knowing whether or not a woman is interested
in you.
Here it is:
1) You engage her.
2) She engages you back.
Yes, that's it. Please stop the applause long
enough that I can finish. You can clap later.
I know that this sounds a little "Duh-ish", but
stay with me here.
If I walk into a restaurant, and the hostess
asks me how many are in my party, and I answer
with "Well, there are three of us. I guess there
will be FOUR if YOU join us..." and she laughs at
my joke, then IT'S ON!
If I'm standing at the bar, and the woman next
to me bumps into my arm, and I turn and say "Hey,
watch it, OK? Keep some space here, I need at
least a foot of room..." in a serious tone of
voice... and she starts playing along by smiling
and moving away from me then back again playfully,
then IT'S ON!
This is compiled from another posting site:
Ho’s Choosing Signals
From a distance, before contact:
1. Occasionally looking in your direction or throwing yo ass a sideways glance.
2. Briefly holding your gaze then moving her eyes downwards and aways.
3. Smoothing her clothes or ****ing with her hair after you’ve caught her ass looking at you.
4. Turning her body toward you and smiling.
5. Adopting the same posture as you.
6. Accentuating her breasts. You know sticking out the forillas.
7. Seeming to appear by chance in the same ****ing vicinity as you-check it when she moves to another spot and after you’ve moved their. She appears like a ****ing ghost doing what Da Kidd and Paradise called perimeter breaches.
8. Accidentally bumping into you.
9. Touching you while she passes. This is a strong choosing signal.
10. Seeming to hang about in your area for no apparent reason as if she is waiting for you to be a got dam man and step up to her ass.
Close Up, while your in convo with the biatch:
Her eyes:
1. She holds your eye contact for long periods.
2. She starts blinking as if she is trying to bat her eyelashes at yo ass.
3. She starts raising and lowering her got dam eyebrow and then smiling at you. Take a brick in the head if you don’t get it.
4. Check her pupils and see if they are dilated or larger than normal. This means she is getting horny for you.
Her Hair or head area:
1. She starts playing with her hair, stroking it or curling it around her fingers. You’ve all see them do this shyt.
2. Occasionally throwing her hair back from her shoulders.
3. Tilting her head while she talks to you.
Her face and mouth area:
1. Occasionally licker her lips as if you’re a barbeque rib, or running her tongue around her lips.
2. Biting her lips.
3. Occasionally touching her cheek or chin, even though she isn’t hiding her face.
4. Laughing with you and smiling at you.
5. If she’s a stupid smoker then blowing smoke straight at you.
Her skin:
1. Check to see if her cheeks get flushed.
2. Check the neck area also for flushing. These are signs of sexual interest.
Her Hands:
1. Look to see if she is exposing her palms and inner wrist towards you. Since these are vulnerable areas in usually means she is opening up to you.
1. Touching any part of your body. Ie…your hands, arms , shoulders, or even you’r legs.
2. Fondling objects like her glass, rubbing it like a **** with a caressing or pulling motion.
3. Sliding her hands or fingers up and down long objects like a candlestick or back to the glass thing.
Her clothes:
1. Check to see if she starts straightening her clothes out, by smoothing & patting them.
2. Notice if she starts undoing a button on her blouse or shirt, or starts loosening anything up.
Her Voice:
1. Notice if she starts matching your voice.
2. Notice if she starts pacing your convo.
Her sitting Posture:
1. Notice if she is turning and facing you in her chair
2. Allowing the hem to slide up her leg, trying to expose some thigh flesh for you without trying to pull it back down. Women are aware of everything they do!
3. Is she starting to touch herself gently, especially one of her breasts?
4. Has she started leaning in towards you?
5. Is she starting to copy your body language and posture?
6. Lowers her glass to avoid putting a barrier between the two of you?
7. Check it if she starts gradually assuming a more open and inviting posture.
Her Legs:
1. Notice if she starts rubbing her legs against each other.
2. Or rubbing one leg against the leg of a chair or table.
3. Look to see if she starts crossing or uncrossing her legs and pointing the upper leg towards your pimpin ass.
4. Is she sitting with crossed legs and rocking her upper leg back and forth towards you? Yeah you got it.
5. How about if she is sitting with her legs open towards you. Need I say more?
6. Or if she is dangling a shoe on her toe.
When the ho’ is standing:
1. Is she standing with her head ****ed slightly at an angle, one foot behind the other, with her hips thrust slightly forward?
2. When she moves into your personal body space.
Rhythmic Movments:
1. She starts moving to the music while she is in convo with you.
2. She is rocking while sitting or standing during your convo.
If she is in a group:
1. If she is giving you her total attention and speaking only to you.
2. When she moves away from the group as though giving you an opportunity to holla at her in private, especially if she glances back at you after moving away. This is a private invite into her.
What she spits:
1. Notice if she starts paying you compliments, especially over shyt that seems petty.
2. If she disagrees with you she does it laughingly.