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I've had it, this is bunch of BS


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score
I am so frustrated, i don't know what the hell is wrong with me! Everyone says i have great looks, friends are suprised when i tell them i dont get much girls.. Why is that? because im too ***** to approach them, yes will approach them have a convo with few but never ask for their #, and im pretty sure if i would of asked half of the time i would of gotten their digits.

My brain just can not comprehend that im losing time being 21 yrs old and i should have as much fun as i can in college.. I know i have a stupid ass mentality because im good looking that girls will approach, yes few have done it, but who cares this has gotten me nowhere and im still stuck in the same road as when i was 17 or 18...

Did little self evaluation and why do i have this problem? Approaching them and i found following.

1) I can have great convos, with alot of laughter but problem is approaching the person and starting it, what the hell do i say to a stranger?

2) Sometimes i get excited and say tommorow i will talk to alot of girls, and then when time comes i run scared go to class and run back home, and dwell on it on what kind of moron i was that day.

So i dont know ive read the bible, it still doesnt get through me, and it is very frustrating. I just dont know what to do, and convince myself to JUST DO IT.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Dude seems like you just need to GROW SOME BALLS.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2002
Reaction score
Just convince yourself that if you don't approach a girl, then your going to fail college. You have the advantage because of the way you describe your looks. TAKE ADVANTAGE.

Oh and read the bible again. This time, carefully and understand it.

John Juan

Don Juan
Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
only way to get over the jitters is to just do it. that's how you get balls. i was in the same boat as you six months ago. i had and am still struggling with cold approaches/ different situations, but its slowly getting easier, and i learn every time. and the best part is, i'm keeping a busy schedule for my efforts. so trust me, it'll work for you, especially if you're good looking. you already have a quarter of what you need to get a favorable response covered. good luck, have fun, ditch jesus.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Baby steps!

Start small. One approach a day or something along those lines.

Slowly confidence will build and you can take bigger steps.

Patience. This confidence thing can take years.

What about one of these Boot Camps to whip your a$$ into shape?

Don't worry about wasted time in college you have your whole life to pu chicks

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by yankees13

So i dont know ive read the bible, it still doesnt get through me, and it is very frustrating. I just dont know what to do, and convince myself to JUST DO IT.
Ok, here is an approach that is not difficult.

DJ:Hi, my name is ________. (Do not shake hands, it's scarey since they do not know you)
HB:Hi ______.
DJ:Look, a lot of people let opportunities pass them by without even knowing it. I'm not like that, I think you are very appealing.
HB::D Thank you :D

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by yankees13

So i dont know ive read the bible, it still doesnt get through me, and it is very frustrating. I just dont know what to do, and convince myself to JUST DO IT.
Ok, here is an approach I learned a while back that is not difficult.

DJ:Hi, my name is ________. (Do not shake hands, it's scary since they do not know you)
HB:Hi ______.
DJ:Look, a lot of people let opportunities pass them by without even knowing it. I'm not like that, I think you are very appealing.
HB::D Thank you :D
DJ:Before I even bother, are you single? I will be surprised if someone as pretty as you were.

If she isn't single say this:
DJ:Well that's alright, I'm glad that I asked.

HB: :D Thanks, yeah I'm single, why?
DJ:I'd like to take you out for coffee sometime.
HB:I don't really go out with strangers but you seem ok.
DJ:Great, I'm tied up this week so lets exchange numbers and I'll give you a ring.
HB:Alright, do you have something to write on?
DJ:No, I don't even have a pen. (Never seem TOO prepared, it takes away from your air of spontaneity).
HB:That's alright I have one, here you go.
DJ: (Looking at paper)Trisha huh? I like that name, its very ________. Here's my number. Well it was nice meeting you, talk to you later.
HB:Ok, it was nice meeting you!
DJ:The pleasure was all mine.

It's not 100% by any means, but if there is a little chemistry during this initial meeting, the percentage is very high.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
3rd rock from the sun
You have great looks and no girlfriend?

Maybe your gay...:(

Just j/k, you show a desire to be in a straight relationship so I know you won't be a regular on the tv show queer eye for the straight guy.

The way how you conquer your fear of talking with beautiful girls is to not approach them in a needy manner. Realize the beautiful girl you want to speak with is just one of many...think real long and hard about should speak with her not with the mentality of she is the one to give eternal happiness but with the attitude of wanting to get aquainted with 'all' single beautiful girl in your vicinity. It doesn't mean much when a beautiful girl refuse to go on a date with you, your personality and body might not please her at the monent. Now all beautiful girls don't think the same, the next one you speak with might like you for who you are not what you are not/what you can become.

The point is...

Don't fear being in the presence of that which is beautiful. Be strong willed. Improve yourself. Get all the beautiful girls and when your finish with them give your fellow DJ's a hook up.

The Real Deal

Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
Reaction score
State of Intoxica
Not bad Francisco, but maybe a little too nice/polite?


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
Franscisco..does that approach work?

I have never been the type .. to engage in conversation .. and introduce myself in such a formal/polite manner..

The way I do look for a particularity around the room..or about her...then I'll go up and make a comment

i.e. at a beach

"Hey cool shirt! I have one just like that, did you get it from Saks 5th av?"

Her: "No..blah blah blah"

Me: My name is Starman btw..and <follow up question>

to Yankees..

I was just like you..but I didnt have this great site to help me out..I would always wait for girls to approach me..or wait on the sidelines while all my friends hooked up..

but at some point in my life (maybe the anger, the frustration, finally "getting it")

I just got sick of being a spectator..and just got into the game...maybe its the same with you..sure you can begin to develop your game..but for some just doesnt "click"

maybe its the fear of "time running out" who knows


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2003
Reaction score
dont be sad. you are not alone. it dont know what the girls want. i dont get it. :(


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score
Yea Starman, the frustration is really start to kick in.. Thursday and Monday are last days of school... So basically in about a month i will start fresh with new school yea


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
USA, Graduated Already - old screen name!
It seems like your confidence level is very low. Somehow you are turning women off.

What are you weaknesses, specifically? (you don't have to answer that here)


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score

I really dont have weaknesses, well i do if i didnt i wouldnt be here but it seems like im shy, although when i get to know the person i loosen up alot, and i have problems approaching chicks, if they approach me, or we somehow end up talking by accident, there are no problems the convo is flowing.

My strengths: Well my biggest strength in my opinion is im good looking, i know hard to believe.. I've had girls show obvious signs
that they like me etc but i never approached them i figured hey u want me so much why dont ur ass get up and start a convo for once (I know thats a bad trait)

Last semester had a girl smiling at me whole time in class, then couple of days later ive seen her in hall got the nerve to walk up to her started talking, and i choked big time talked for less then 2 minutes, got her to laugh a little but my speaking skills werent working so well, so i just said i had to go and said bye bye...

Other strength i would say is that people say im very funny i often make them laugh so much they often tell me that im crazy in a good way, and i had couple of people almost pi from laugther....Another time i started talking to this girl, and she asked if i had a girl i was like no, and she tells me " ok we gotta talk later" obvious a clear sign she interested but we never ended up talking about it, or on Monday ive seen her and she goes " damn u look tired, i know you've been partying i gotta chill with you or something" Now this girl im not very interested in but i wouldnt mind chilling, going to movies or something

Opinion: I think if i started approaching girls and having convos, and asking for #'s, i would say i would be able to get the # 60 % of the time, PROBLEM is getting the BALLS/courage to go to a stranger and start talking.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score

Last semester, in my Accounting class, i found out from this girl (yes dont trust a girl) but she is a childhood friend she overheard a convo...That like 4 girls liked me, ive had no clue.. So i was like why didnt they say hi or something or anything,her response was "well they were saying how you look little bit conceited, and they know that I know that i look good" blah blah, so they didnt bother... Its frustrating i have girls check me out damn say hi or something, im not conceided by a long shot if you start a convo with me ill talk to you i wont blow u off, unless u really dumb or something


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
USA, Graduated Already - old screen name!
Haha, I asked you to consider your weaknesses because you mentioned your strengths in your opening post! If a man mentions that he's strong at a skill but then complains about failure, people assume he is externalizing his problems!

You mentioned that you "really don't have weaknesses." WRONG. EVERYONE has a weakness. I read your posts and realized that you might have an issue with IDENTIFYING what you need to improve upon. If a person ever says he doesn't have a weakness, then his weakness is that he can't give an honest assessment of himself (basically, my advice is never say you don't have a weakness).

Back to the specifics, you mentioned you were shy. Most men are shy with women. Most of my friends are inexperienced with women. It's a common issue. I won't try to summarize the Bible - look for points about getting over shyness and Execute.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
USA, Graduated Already - old screen name!
I just read your 2nd reply. You may be a little arrogant. I doubt the girls made that up out of thin air. You also focus on your strengths, which is another sign.

Another point, women do not approach! It is not their role in most cultures. It is a MISTAKE to ever desire for a women to approach you. They won't do it, and well, they shouldn't. It's the man's job. Get better at that job or get fired and live off welfare!


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
3rd rock from the sun
Yankees13, have you ever considered being a model?

I think you have a fear of's either that or your gay...


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score

Well yea if i had to pick biggest weaknesses it would be little too shy, but the biggest one i would say is walking to a complete stranger having convo, closing the deal with #.


Fear of success, i dont know, i think the lack of confidence maybe because of bad experiences in junior high yea long time ago but i got turned down a few times, and i feel maybe that is back in my mind alittle, like i said long time ago jr high-and college but it can have some effect.. As for being a model funny you mentioned, i actuallly did photo shoot for Tommy clothing couple of years ago for their catalog... BUT WHO CARES that catalog is not gonna get me more girls lol.