I know how you feel, I'm kind of the same way. I've been on this site for awhile and it has definitely helped, but my social progress has been slow. I read post after post on theory, technique, philosophy, mindset, body language, conversation, motivation, etc. I absorbed a ton of great information, and began to see things differently. I became familiar with the proper mindstate. I learned how attraction worked, I learned how I should talk and act, what to do and what not to do, and I kept saying "pretty soon it's gonna click."
Yet months later I still seem to be more or less where I started when it comes to girls, and this is where the frustration kicks in. Why? Why is nothing different?
The simple answer is social inaction. You can work out and improve your body, you can gain goals and direction, you can improve your self esteem and change your priorities so girls come after your own passions. But this is only the foundation. There is more to the picture!
Doing these things increases your value, but these in themselves do nothing for your social life. The bottom line is, you have to push your social limits. Your social limits aren't real; they are part of your mind, they are there because you believe they are. However, believing they aren't real doesn't automatically dissolve them either.
In The Matrix, recall when Neo first had to jump across the building gap. Neo saw it as impossible, Morpheus told him he could do it if he believed, and even showed him by doing it himself. Did this change it at all, make it look any less impossible? No. What it did do was motivate him to TRY it, something that he never would have done otherwise. And while he wasn't instantly successful that time, neither did the attempt kill him like he feared. And it was by attempting it that he pushed through that mental barrier and was later able to succeed.
You have to test your limits, show yourself that they aren't real. Take it one step at a time. I'm sure you've had opportunities to do so, and you can often feel it strongly when they happen.
You're in class and a HB is sitting next to you. She looks bored. You make eye contact, and time seems to stop as you're presented with your options. This is an opportunity to push a limit, to start a convo, make a social connection. Will you take it? I've found the best way to force myself to is to look a little ahead in the future; whenever I miss an opportunity like this because I hesitate or rationalize or whatever, I instantly feel like shìt. However, if I take the opportunity, regardless of the outcome/response, I feel awesome for just having done it.
There are countless opportunities like this. If you take them, your social limits will fall away one at a time. And when you are confident, you can make your own opportunities instead of waiting for the situation to offer you one. Take risks! Boldness is very attractive and will greatly speed up your progress.
There's a saying that's something like "You can make more friends in a week by talking to people than you could in a year by waiting for people to talk to you." The sad truth is, most people don't challenge their social limits. They have their own little cliques because these people are known, safe, comfortable. They don't usually make an effort to talk to new people, except through others (friends by association). If you want to meet people, then YOU have to be the one to start talking to THEM. And most people are receptive and friendly, or at least civil, to new people, because they don't yet know your value. They might even be a little intimidated, because you catch them off guard. When you initiate, you usually start off with the upper hand; they don't know yet what to think about you, and because you're confident enough to calmly approach them they assume that you have value.
Talk to people! Don't worry about the response, just feel good about making progress and doing something you feared. Mindset is important, but it's through action that you progress.