T|CK said:
You guys are absolutely right. She has taken the lead.
This is true,but you can't blame her for this.
Somebody has to lead in the relationship,and to be honest,the woman
actually does want the guy to take the leadership role. But if he doesn't,then she'll do it because she doesn't have any choice. It falls into her lap by default.
TlCK said:
Last night she texted me when I got home and ignored it just to keep her on her toes and guessing.
Things like this are pretty good to do from time to time. Like you said,it keeps her on her toes.
TlCK said:
Anyway, it seems like every time I get involved, it's always on the woman's terms and every relationship has consequently failed. What can I do to change this with the women in my future?
Well,for one,you need to take control from the beginning. If you don't,the longer things go on with her in the driver's seat,the harder it will be for you to take back control.
This is actually a loaded question. I can give you a couple of things to do,but the problem is being a man isn't something you do or some "technique",it's what you are. Well anyway,here are a few things to get you started:
Number 1:
ABOVE ALL ELSE,remember that women are EMOTIONAL. Keep this is mind. In fact,if you had been aware or had this in mind when she first asked you what you had planned for New Years,you probably wouldn't be in this situation right now. Just remember that women follow their feelings.
Number 2: Don't be afraid to say no. I repeat: Do not be afraid to tell her no sometimes. It shows her that you're confident,and aslo that you have boundries. Oh yeah,another thing:Unfortunately,every now and then you have to treat women like children(hence,the saying no thing). You have to be willing to dish out consequences for direspectful behavior from women. If you have a date planned for a certain time,like for 4:00pm,then you show up like 3:55,then only wait like 20 to 25 minutes,then leave.
AND DON'T TRY TO CALL HER TO FIND OUT WHERE SHE'S AT,OR WHAT HAPPENED. You know why I say this? Because if you're still there waiting for her when she's 30 to 45 minutes late,all you're doing (by your actions) is teaching her that she can disrespect your time,and that you'll be there no matter what time she shows up. Then the next time you have a date,she show up ever later. You know what I believe? I believe if a woman can show up to her job everyday
on time,then she can she up to a date
that she agreed to,once or twice a week. If she can call her employer to let him know she's goiing to be late to work,then if she has a date with you and she's going to be late,she can call you instead of letting you show up at the meeting place and waiting not knowing what's going on.
3:When you set up a date,do it own
your time and terms. In other words,then next time you ask her out,don't say,"So what are you doing on "so and so night? Instead of asking her when she's free,tell her when
you're free. Something like,"I have to work on Friday,but I should be finished by 7:00,come to "so and so place" with me. You see how this works? You're setting up meetings on your schedule,therefore you're leading. Instead of her telling you when she's going to be free,and having you meet up with her on her timetable.
Like I said,this is a loaded question. These few suggestions are only the tip of the iceberg. If I were to go through everything in my head about you leading,I'd be here typing all day. Just start with these,but you'll need to impliment them as soon as possible. Because if you don't lead,she'll find someone who will.