This thread taught me what a concern troll is, and it's good to know that there's a term to describe the dynamic that's in play here.
With that in mind, it would be incredibly naive at this point to think the self-serving bias behind Wyld's advice (under the guise of "geared more toward LTRs") isn't pre-meditated. It's faulty advice at best and flame-baiting at worst.
The 20% close rate of her threads provided by Latinoman is compelling, but misleading because it doesn't take into account all the healthy discussions that were derailed and/or closed by strongly worded opinions which implicitly undermine the common values shared by the more evolved contingent of this forum. Adjusted for derailment and counter-productive discussion, this figure is likely somewhere between 30-40%.
The declaration of herself as "different from other women" because of her unusual capacity for logical reasoning is smart marketing. Were it congruent to the content of her posts, I'd imagine she would be one of the most popular posters here. In the same mold, the PM testimonials (the examples posted here are off-the-charts chumpish sounding) are as convincing as a low-budget late-night infomercial.
Although there is no doubt a concern troll dynamic is in play here, I honestly don't think she does it as a deliberate effort to sabotage the forum. I think it's more a case of denial, where Wyld honestly believes her life experience and opinions are a superior barometer to the experiences of the men here. Whether or not she craves the drama, no one will ever know.
But how relevant is motive for a conviction in this case? The facts are the facts - she's not going to change, the forum isn't going to "come around" and start accepting her version of reality as convincing, and she'll continue to be lauded by less experienced members for dishing out the basics. Most importantly, productive threads will continue to get derailed or shut down entirely when Wyldfire's contribution incites chaos and starts arguments.
Despite some of her positive contributions, this forum can no longer continue to stand by and tolerate the erosion of its utility under these conditions.
Motion to ban granted.