Would you get mad at a kitten? Probably not, because that would be silly.
A kitten is not a free moral agent. It lives mostly by instinct and programming. Nothing is expected of it beyond its programming.
Women, however, are free moral agents. They are and should be expected to conduct themselves in a civilized, respectful manner.
Here’s how I know they are capable of this to a degree: They hold their jobs. In the workplace, they by and large live up to the expectations of their boss. They refrain from hissy-fits, bouts of crying, and nasty, disrespectful behavior for 8 hours a day because there are REPERCUSSIONS for bad behavior.
When they leave work and come back to their husbands and boyfriends, they become intolerable brats and babies because they are allowed to. Because there are no longer repercussions for their behavior.
Prior to the 1960s, women faced repercussions and the rejection of men, hence they displayed a degree of respect and that they had somewhat of a moral code. The same thing they display (imperfectly) these days at work. In the 60s, our forefathers became pvssies, afraid to offend and afraid to correct women. It has been a runaway declination ever since.
SITUATIONAL anger at women can work against a man, but the more steady, ambient anger that many of us feel, SHOULD be felt, and it should be channeled toward correcting women and holding them accountable.
The pure function and purpose of anger is that it is a motivator toward action. To sublimate it is to wear out and erode from within.
We men should do less talking about how “wrong” our anger is, and more talking about how we can constructively channel our anger for positive change.
No, I hold no anger toward a misbehaving kitten. It is incapable of moderating its behavior. However, I can in fact hold anger toward women’s behavior, since they prove every day that they can temporarily pull themselves to a higher standard in the workplace. If they can CHOOSE decent behavior in the workplace, then they can choose decent behavior with their husbands/boyfriends. They don’t do that because they don’t have to do that. They don’t do that because men are afraid of their own anger and they therefore sublimate it and instead make excuses for women’s behavior.
Funny how unlike most of you, I hold them accountable and correct them when they anger me, and what I get in return is respect and good behavior. Do I rage at them and show investment in them? No. I rationally embarrass them through conversation, turn my back on them, etc.
What they feel from that is dominance. What is the strongest drug for women? Male dominance.
Anger is not in and of itself a bad thing. It is a man’s motivating force. The trick is to channel it, harness it, and use it for constructive purposes.
I am convinced that women deeply desire a man who she believes is better than and higher than her. The wise man uses anger to enforce expectations he has of others. What most men don’t get is that men have every right to enforce expectations of women’s behaviors, just like a boss does in the workplace.