It's hard to ignore all the Bullshyte isn't it.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
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Aristippus said:
I always thought that people who cared so much about celebrities must have a boring life and nothing very interesting going on upstairs. I still have no clue why Angelina Jolie is so famous. I've never seen a movie she starred in that I liked. The only movie she was ever in that I thought was halfway decent was The Bone Collector, but Denzel Washington was in it too.
Wanted was decent, if only at the end because Morgan Freeman says "Shoot this mother****a!" Cracks me up every time.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Aristippus said:
I always thought that people who cared so much about celebrities must have a boring life and nothing very interesting going on upstairs. I still have no clue why Angelina Jolie is so famous. I've never seen a movie she starred in that I liked. The only movie she was ever in that I thought was halfway decent was The Bone Collector, but Denzel Washington was in it too.

Any movies where she was the main "star" were usually crap and I AVOID movies that I know she plays in. They normally lack storyline, substance, and her acting ability is mediocre at best. The only thing I care about when it comes to actors is whether or not they can act and if the actor plays in entertaining movies. I really don't care what your hobbies are, what kind of car you drive or who you marry or sleep with.

Actors, while entertaining, don't really do anything that deserves the attention they get. Someone like Norman Borlaug saved around 1 billion lives yet gets almost no media attention whatsoever.
I've never seen the Bone Collectior. is it worth renting/ buying?


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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backbreaker said:
I've never seen the Bone Collectior. is it worth renting/ buying?
Hey Backbreaker,

It's worth watching if you haven't seen it. It has a decent storyline and I like Denzel Washington's character in it. It's a good movie in spite of the fact that Angelina Jolie is in it. As you can see, I'm not a big fan of hers.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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MaddXMan said:
Wanted was decent, if only at the end because Morgan Freeman says "Shoot this mother****a!" Cracks me up every time.
I like Morgan Freeman too. (Picture someone who stole the white off of rice doing a bad Morgan Freeman impersonation) ::In a fake Morgan Freeman voice:: "I'm Morgan Freeman. Into the Warm-hole. I was in the Shaaawshank Redemption. I'm Morgan Freeman."


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2012
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Zunder said:
It is the prominence that these things are given in the media that mystifies me. Someone assumed I was from America -- I am not. The country I am from had the Jolie thing as the LEADING item on its 6 o'clock TV news.

I kid you not.

When a story about an attention horing B-grade Actress with BPD makes the news for chopping off her teets when she did NOT have cancer is deemed SO IMPORTANT it is your fecking LEADING news item, then there is something very wrong-- and then this stupid bytch is touted as some brave leading light for women -- sorry it makes me sick, and is a slap in the face to the truly good women out there.

I am neither left nor right politically, but what I notice is some truly unimportant issues with a feminine centric are treated as oh-so important by the media. I mean, jeezuz, even the military now seems to only make the news when things like the decision allowing women into front line action was made.

Anyway -- just be yourself, open doors for women, and wear a pink tshirt and your life will be sweet.
Man.. Your life sounds pretty depressing. This is the mature man forum, mind you. Stop letting the media get to you- like some celebrity having surgery (preventative at that) really affects you? No. Exactly.

Times have changed man. Get with the program.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
GhengisT said:
Man.. Your life sounds pretty depressing. This is the mature man forum, mind you. Stop letting the media get to you- like some celebrity having surgery (preventative at that) really affects you? No. Exactly.

Times have changed man. Get with the program.
nice touch on the subtle inflammatory opening..leading into the didactic shaming straight out of feminism 101....thats generally how women operate.

your trolling is too obvious

get with the program

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
GhengisT said:
Man.. Your life sounds pretty depressing. This is the mature man forum, mind you. Stop letting the media get to you- like some celebrity having surgery (preventative at that) really affects you? No. Exactly.

Times have changed man. Get with the program.
Besides the angelina jolie thing which I don't know enough about nor care to know what was wrong with Zunders post that would would warrant such a mid 40's ex carouselor-esque type shaming response?

What "program" do you wish him to get with and why?


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
( . )( . ) said:
Besides the angelina jolie thing which I don't know enough about nor care to know what was wrong with Zunders post that would would warrant such a mid 40's ex carouselor-esque type shaming response?

What "program" do you wish him to get with and why?

silly boy!!! its the 'man up' program fgs! ;)