It's All About Athletic Girls


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
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Vancouver, BC
All you need for a girlfriend/wife is an athletic girl. When a girl is athletic EVERYTHING falls into place:

-She'll have a good body
-She'll be confident with herself
-She'll have ambition in other areas of her life
-She'll obviously want to improve herself
-She'll look good alot longer than unathletic girls
-She won't have to put on tonnes of make-up to cover up her double chin

All these aspects are what I want in a girl. I'm sick of the "Paris Hiltony" pretty girls who spend 2 hours putting on their make-up when they could have gone out for a run, played a sport or lifted some weights in that amount of time. Ambition is more of a turn-on than any set of fake eye lashes. Don't these girls get it??... :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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New York
I think there's insight in there.

But I do know plenty of fit airheads who would only be good for one thing...

Captain AFC

Don Juan
Jan 17, 2006
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I think this is just one aspect of finding a good partner. While it's a definite plus in a number of departments, no amount of confidence, self-esteem, and good looks will make up for a bad attitude, a penchant for misunderstanding their partners, or selfishness that goes unchecked or unrealized.

If athletic girls really were the way to go, then all the hot college beauties I see in the gym should be married off, early in fact, by now, and few of us would be here seeking advice about how to recover from our AFC ways. :D


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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Wheelin' is on to something there. This gal I've been dating off and on for a little while enjoys biking, working out, running, etc., the first gal I've dated in a long time who wanted to do that stuff. She also has a fine body because of this.

While they don't have to be jocks, there is something to be said about a person who values fitness. Studies show girls and women who compete in athletics in high school and college have lower rates of unwanted pregnanices, drug abuse, anorexia, alcohol abuse and various other problems.

Let's face it, a lot of gals you meet in clubs are taking the first steps to being unhealthy down the road: beer and fried food in your's 20's equals serious weight gain in your 30's ... and I've seen plenty of those hot clubbers a decade later. It's not usually pretty.

While I'm not against non-athletic gals, I'd prefer to date one. Plus, I love sports, participating and watching, so that also helps in my book.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Not necessarily, there are athletic girls who participate in a lot of physical exercise to make up for their manly mug. While she may have a good body, her personality weighs a lot more - I just want a girl attractive and good looking enough for myself and that typically is a girl who is slim or athletic, average size girls are okay I guess but my body type would do better with thinner girls.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2006
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personality in a girl will also make a girl want to work out and be athletic..... like you think a girl who goes to clubs and drinks and all that will have the same personality as a girl who would go out on a run or go to the gym or a walk


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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The city that sleeps. Sometimes.

in a way I agree. Being athletic does contribute some to one's saneness and self esteem and attitude and all that.

Its also great to know that there is a better chance she won't turn into a HOG after a few years. Plus people who work out usually develop more of a respect for their body, as long as it doesn't become an addiction.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I agree about the benefits of athleticism in a woman, but imo it conflicts with my concept of a woman as being soft and feminine. Tits and ass are fat, and we like them. Lean girls look better, but the pudgy ones are more comfortable.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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A little wisdom from the life of Tomassi here:
Eversince I began bodybuilding back in my 20's I noticed the difference between the girls I could work in a club versus the girls I knew at the gym. There is a subconscious recognition between women (and men) who take care of themselves physically and those who don't. Besides the obvious differences in appearance, we naturally pick up cues to a persons character from the confidence and bearing with which they attend themselves. Beyond this there is the subconscious communication that staying in shape (particularly peak shape) takes effort and our interpretation of that person is influenced by this.

Mrs. Tomassi is at the gym religiously and is only ever in a bad mood when she misses a work out due to something unavoidable. When she is "feeling sexy" the sex is fan-fukken-tastic and this is invaribly when she's working out regularly. Men are less burdened with this self-consciousness (i.e. we don't have to 'feel' sexy to want to get after it), but we should take efforts to strive for physical perfection (however unrealistic this may be). After almost 10 years of marriage I can honestly say I WANT to bang my wife more often than she is in the mood and she is still very much arousing to me because she and I stay in top physical shape. I swear this is a cornerstone of a successful marriage.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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Rollo Tomassi said:
A little wisdom from the life of Tomassi here:
Eversince I began bodybuilding back in my 20's I noticed the difference between the girls I could work in a club versus the girls I knew at the gym. There is a subconscious recognition between women (and men) who take care of themselves physically and those who don't. Besides the obvious differences in appearance, we naturally pick up cues to a persons character from the confidence and bearing with which they attend themselves. Beyond this there is the subconscious communication that staying in shape (particularly peak shape) takes effort and our interpretation of that person is influenced by this.

Mrs. Tomassi is at the gym religiously and is only ever in a bad mood when she misses a work out due to something unavoidable. When she is "feeling sexy" the sex is fan-fukken-tastic and this is invaribly when she's working out regularly. Men are less burdened with this self-consciousness (i.e. we don't have to 'feel' sexy to want to get after it), but we should take efforts to strive for physical perfection (however unrealistic this may be). After almost 10 years of marriage I can honestly say I WANT to bang my wife more often than she is in the mood and she is still very much arousing to me because she and I stay in top physical shape. I swear this is a cornerstone of a successful marriage.
And that's why YOU, my friend, get a :up: A+

Athletic chicks are the truth.


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
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Vancouver, BC
If you think of all girls as drug addicts.. lol ;) . And all activities as drugs (e.g. drinking, smoking, working out, eating fast food... etc). All girls want to get high it's just that some take different routes to get there. I'll choose the athletic junkies.

Bible_Belt said:
I agree about the benefits of athleticism in a woman, but imo it conflicts with my concept of a woman as being soft and feminine. Tits and ass are fat, and we like them. Lean girls look better, but the pudgy ones are more comfortable.
Have you ever seen the a$$ of a girl who squats?? ...:up:

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
wheelin&dealin said:
All you need for a girlfriend/wife is an athletic girl. When a girl is athletic EVERYTHING falls into place:

-She'll have a good body
-She'll be confident with herself
-She'll have ambition in other areas of her life
-She'll obviously want to improve herself
-She'll look good alot longer than unathletic girls
-She won't have to put on tonnes of make-up to cover up her double chin

All these aspects are what I want in a girl. I'm sick of the "Paris Hiltony" pretty girls who spend 2 hours putting on their make-up when they could have gone out for a run, played a sport or lifted some weights in that amount of time. Ambition is more of a turn-on than any set of fake eye lashes. Don't these girls get it??... :rolleyes:
D@mn skippy!!! :rockon: (thats old school). Give me a woman who not only works out but also plays sports. I've met some of the coolest, most attractive women in Colorado. They rock climb, mountain bike, kayak, ski you name it! And these women age gracefully! I'm telling you, those girls are a blast!

Friendly Otter

Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
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I have always told my girlfriends that a girl cannot change her IQ, or the shape of her skull, but she can change her fitness. That really, whether a stomach is flat or fat is the greatest factor in whether she is sexy or not. So if she wants to be kind to a guy (e.g. me), she should keep her stomach flat.

Ouch, how many feministas would hate to hear that. But they are never my girlfriends. Of course, I also keep so-so in shape, to make it more satisfying for a girl to be with me.

One summer I had sex with two girls, A and B, who were both very good in bed, but B was the best I have ever been with - an expert. However, B was overweight. A was petite, slim, curvy. I have found that when I think back on them, the one that awakes more desire in me is A.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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Friendly Otter said:
One summer I had sex with two girls, A and B, who were both very good in bed, but B was the best I have ever been with - an expert. However, B was overweight. A was petite, slim, curvy. I have found that when I think back on them, the one that awakes more desire in me is A.
So B was the best you ever had, yet... A... awoke... more... desire... in... you??? :nervous:


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2006
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Dating an athletic girl is easier said than done.

1) You better be athletic and decent looking. They put the time in to look good and respect guys who do the same. You don't have to be from the cover of Men's Health but you *do* have to look like you go to a gym.
2) They are not that common. It is easy to find a girl who goes to a gym but to find one who is truly athletic is harder. So the only place to see them regularly is the gym and those girls *hate* getting hit on at the gym because they take it seriously.
3) They are probably competitive in spirit, Type A. After all, they are dedicated to the gym and disciplined.

Trust me, from experience, it is great in many ways but far from perfect.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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hadoken said:
Dating an athletic girl is easier said than done.

1) You better be athletic and decent looking. They put the time in to look good and respect guys who do the same. You don't have to be from the cover of Men's Health but you *do* have to look like you go to a gym.
2) They are not that common. It is easy to find a girl who goes to a gym but to find one who is truly athletic is harder. So the only place to see them regularly is the gym and those girls *hate* getting hit on at the gym because they take it seriously.
3) They are probably competitive in spirit, Type A. After all, they are dedicated to the gym and disciplined.

Trust me, from experience, it is great in many ways but far from perfect.

Depends on your definition of athletic. You're talking about the world class type athletic chicks. Who seem like they have nothing better to do BUT work out.

Overall, a chick who's well balanced, but who DOES make it a priority to stay in shape, for LIFESTYLE reasons, not for vanity purposes, is the type of chick to get with. One who plays basketball with the boys and still competes, yet still has that natural beauty about her that exudes femininity. Who can work out with you, and won't whine about the workload. And still isn't so "competitive" that you start to wonder if her 'organs' are bigger than yours.

These chicks, are not... hard... to... find. ;)

And if you think they are, then, just like you said... you'd better get to work on your chubby azz belly.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
hadoken said:
Dating an athletic girl is easier said than done.

1) You better be athletic and decent looking. They put the time in to look good and respect guys who do the same. You don't have to be from the cover of Men's Health but you *do* have to look like you go to a gym.
2) They are not that common. It is easy to find a girl who goes to a gym but to find one who is truly athletic is harder. So the only place to see them regularly is the gym and those girls *hate* getting hit on at the gym because they take it seriously.
3) They are probably competitive in spirit, Type A. After all, they are dedicated to the gym and disciplined.

Trust me, from experience, it is great in many ways but far from perfect.
I don't think that guys who can't hold their own will attempt to sarge truly athletic women. Like you said, if a person is going to put forth the time and effort to keep themselves fit, more times than not they will not give much attention (dating wise) to those who don't.

And athletic certainly doesn't just mean going to the gym. I see so many people who go to gyms for the sake of saying so. You'd think that they'd realize that they were doing something wrong because they've made little or no improvements.

This is why I pay attention if the woman is actually on a team or is into a sport where you can't be a weekend gym rat. Swimmers, tennis players, cyclist (not bikers) triathletes, marathoners and fitness trainers top my list. These women usually have it going on over those who bowl, play golf or play softball. The majority of these women tend to be on the thick side.

It's not really difficult to meet up with truly athletic women if you are athletic yourself. You can find them competing in events, at health food stores, at the gym and clubs for their particular sport. But this brings me back to my original statement. Guys who aren't athletic themselves will seldom sarge these types of women because they don't hang out in places where athletic women frequent.