It's About Having fun!!!!


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
hello DJ's I'm new to the forum but most of the principles are exactly what i beleive in. Girls think different than guys do, it's simple sience i won't give you a big sientific lecture but here is what's going on.

1- girls have different levels of hormones which secretions are controled by the pituitary gland 1- estrogen 2-progesteron they also produce prolactin
,and at lower level than us they produce testosterone (testosteron gives males their phisical and sexual characteristics while estrogen gives females theirs) as we all know testosterone gives us a higher sex drive and the macho things we do can be blamed on it. now don't get me wrong Girls like and talk about sex as much and even more than we do (i have heard it and experienced it first hand) but they dont act on it as much as we do because our bodies need it more. (this is all simple truth you probably heard of time and time again but jut a reminder for those who apply the golden rule "do on to others as you would like them do unto you")

because you see with girls it doesn't work like that with girls is "do unto girls as THEY would like to be done on to them"
sience again can give you the answer. who gets penetrated during sex? who is the receiver? who will carry the offspring? you see this is why girls have to be picky on who they chose. they have more to lose or gain depends how they make their decision. OUR JOB is to look for the prey and hunt them down (so to speak) the job of the pray is not to get hunted (in this case though the pray wants to get hunted and taken but which hunter will they make it easier for? that is the question)

NOW that is why we are here, either looking for answers, looking for tips that might make it easier or just to talk about (exagerate, elevate our egos sitting infront of a computer and lying on how good we are) but the results really depend on how much effort you put in to. and what your intentions are.

FIRST of all we have to have a goal!!!! what do i want? what I'm i looking for? first off truly answer that question, do i want to get any random punanni or do i want to party? do i want to feel attractive? do i want to get over rejection? do i want to gain confidence? do i want to get a mate and reproduce?
because our goal subcousiously or consiously will determine what type of girl or what type of things we do. and start small, one step at a time. be patient.
and reward yourself. after every little victory

first of all everything takes a little getting use to and step by step you need to get use to it (i read a lot of confidence, style, rules and sh*t but really if you are here is because you dont have that yet, you can work on it and it takes a while to fulfill but even with all that you still need to get use to the game) here are some guidelines and its very basic

first of all just do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! second of all just ask!!!!!!!!!! third dont read any lines don't think about conversations!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT ANALYSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT OVERTHINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the most important thing is learn to MOVE ON TO THE NEXT GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!! LEARN TO LET IT GO!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT TAKE REJECTION PERSONALY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT FIX IT ON A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!
but seriously never violate this rules. i will explain one by one

1- JUST DO IT= you see a girl you like, you are thinking of the three second rule, you are thinking of a conversation starter, you are thinking of eyecontact, body language, what if? what if? but if i? but if she?
TAKE A DEEP BREATH and just go ahead and do it walk towards her (f*ck it, it doesnt matter if 3.5235 seconds have passed now just keep walking, your legs will start to shake your hands get cold, you heart feels like it's jumping out of you chest) just keep walking and say "hi" (so you got nothing else in mind because you are so nervous right, so you ask to yourself now what?)
then say "what is your name?" if you still cant get a convo started it doesnt matter, YOU AVER OVER THE FIRST STEP, "THE APPROACH" but i don't want to leave you standing there like a dumb*ss sweting and shaking looking like you just saw a ghost. so for starters and when i just have nothing i go back to being honest, i don't need a pick up line.
" nice to meet you Michelle" " you my name is KrasnyiLion"
" I couldn't help cheking you out and you are cute" " i'd like to get to know you but i kinda have to go now so give me your number and ill call you some time" (random, honest and well really if you have nothing to say YOU REALLY HAVE TO GO AFTER GETTING OR NOT GETTING THE NUMBER)
but you got over the first step, this is a great victory and you need to celebrate.

to be honest with you it will help you more to get rejected, than to get the number. you learn more, you get more motivated and well you learn to take rejection. so if you are really committed go do this 20 or more times and you will get rejected most of the time ( or at least i do, im serious i despite being my cute, charming, funny and wonderful me, i still get rejecteda a heck of a lot more than i get the numbers (specially in cold approaches as you call them) but "cold approaches teach you a lot".

i will go more into detail on the other priciples as on my next posts


Don Juan
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
Wow - ok, good, but nothing new really. Good title though - It should all just be about having fun.

Btw - not a big thing but could you please use the appropriate capital letters, paragraphing, punctuation, etc. Makes it a lot more legible.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
i don't claim to be an expert, i am no casanova, but feel im confident enough to get numbers and dates, so i wanted to share something with people who want to have a guideline to follow,

by your sarcastic, skeptic response i believe you dont need it.


Don Juan
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
I thought my post was quite civil. Pointing out the positives isn't generally seen as bad is it?

Everyone can benefit from advice - I don't claim any degree of amazing success. I thought you might benefit from my point of view on this post.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Don't get me wrong Krasny, but I agree with Jezz on this one. Your advice would be more readily accepted if the punctuation and capitalization were there. Tight writing is highly valued.


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
MASSVE POST!!! This DJ is one to watch out for...Breakthrough materia

you got the animal nature **** down like gold brotha
