Italian Teacher Part 2 (3 year in the making)


Nov 5, 2005
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FR: Italian Teacher Part 2 (3 year in the making)

Some of you may remember my LR about My Italian Teacher

I always thought that one day I would see her again; I even rehearsed what I would say on that day but the years slowly passed stealing away the image of her face that I held so dear, the scent of her hair and the hypnotic sirens call that was her voice. I lost all hope I thought I would never see her again, the only woman I ever come close to having feelings beyond those animalistic urges to release sexual tension that we as men all share. The first woman that made me feel like a MAN…………….

My Italian Teacher

Then yesterday by the grace of some higher power my workplace got shutdown (naughty manager don’t follow safety rules) Started at 9am finished at 11am.

“What should I do with this free time I have ever so luckily acquired?” I asked myself.

The answer hit me like a bolt of lightning “GO SHOPPING”

Here is the good part I am cursing the isles of my supermarket, I needed to restock my condom supplies and word from the front was that I was running low on shaving cream to. Leisurely walking around the labyrinth that is a modern supermarket looking for shaving cream I saw her!

More beautiful than ever she was in the vegetable section shuffling through tomatoes.

I walk up beside her and….

Me: (I pick up a tomato, hold it up in front of me as if I am examining it) Now this is a perfect tomato, firm to hold, nice coloration, smooth skin, alluring smell, flawlessly ripe in fact I’d say it is a perfect tomato. (drop the tomato into her plastic bag).

Now I’ve changed a lot since high school 2 and a half more years of growing combined with a gained knowledge of fashion and a new haircut. So it took her a few seconds to notice exactly who I was.

Her: (Staring at me with a look of confusion on her face, her eyes slowly began to light up, jaw drops) Oh my god (puts her hands on my shoulders kisses my cheek) Hiiiiiii

Me: Hey

Her: What are you doing here?

Me: (hold up my box of condoms and give a sly kind of smile)

Her: (pushes me) I see nothing has changed

Me: (smile again) How about you?

Her: (Holds up a tomato)

Me: No… has anything changed?

Her: Mmmmmm not realy……… Oh im single now

Me: I heard

Her: hahahaha you did How?

Me: (I pick up a plum and wipe it on my shirt) taste this

Her: nooooo I don’t want to get kicked out

Me: (I put the plumb near her mouth) Bite! (I move it closer and she bites into it)

It was one of the sexiest things I ever seen the juices from the fruit ran down her chin and her sexy neck because her head was tilted back. It is indescribable how sexy it looked. Women love it when men feed them.

Her: (giggles and covers her mouth)

Anyway blah blah blah I finish the plum and I ask her what she is doing after if she wanted to get a coffee and she said yes.

During coffee I asked for her number and said I’d take her out tomorrow night. She loved the idea and gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug when we parted.

I’m about to call now!

She looked so beautiful I thought in looks she was a HB8 before but now I’d say HB9.5.

Anyway I’ll post up what happens tonight with her tomorrow.

AngelusPUA AKA Leviathan
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Nov 5, 2005
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I just got back I had the msot perfect evening. Tell you guys the story when i wake up.

AngelusPUA going to sleep :yawn:


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
I've loved your posts ever since I noticed you. Tell us more about you man. What do you do for a living etc?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2004
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I rarely post, but I thought that was an AWESOME attitute and approach so I'm letting you know!


Nov 5, 2005
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Thanks Eulogy

SamePendo I actually don't have a career since I finished school 3 years ago I've worked about 20 jobs. The thing with me is I get bored of staying at any one job for too long. That’s why I need to find an obscure, rare and fun job. I've always wanted to be a seduction coach or a professional con man.

"Tell us more about you man" what a hard question. What to tell oh ok I'm moving to L.A soon when I get some money saved up. I figure most of the world’s rich people get rich in America not Australia. I also heard the most beautiful women from all across the world flock to L.A to be movie stars. So it’s all about Women, money and a crazy lifestyle.

Other than that I’m just an average looking guy, I drive a average car, I have a average salary but I’m not and average guy (if that makes any sense at all)

I like to work the whole mysterious angel with women. I like to keep women thinking and on the edge of their toes, I love taking them to out of the way unknown places like small restaurants hidden in back streets or small hidden parks with a crazy view of Sydney harbor. You could say I’m a helpless romantic

Anyway now to last night, I call her up we have a short convo on the phone nothing came up about the ONS we had 3 years ago. It was great with most girls after a ONS there is some kind of tension when you talk to them. She was great the conversation just flowed perfectly. I told her I want to take her out and she said she’d love to so it was on.

I drive to her house to pick her up, I jump out my car knock on the door it opens and my jaw dropped I couldn’t believe how hot astonishingly hot she was. I’m think to myself “look where I am most guys dream about this stuff and I’m here”. I told her to dress nice she was in this black dress that floated on the contours of her body, it looked so classy she made me feel underdressed. Anyway we decide to take her car because it’s a Porsche a classic Porsche courtesy of her Ex fiancé. I love those old classic Porsche’s. SHE WONT LET ME DRIVE IT THOUGH. A woman the can drive a manual car is soooo hot.

Anyway I ended up taking her to this restaurant it’s on a back street of the Italian district of Sydney. It’s basically a house turned into a small restaurant hidden away amongst other houses. Nobody was there honestly I have no idea how they keep this restaurant running it always empty but the ambience and the food is magnificent.

The night was great we ate reminisced on old times a lot of kino and laughing. After that I took her to this place that specializes in chocolate. I got strawberries with melted chocolate on the side. We sat there, me feeding her strawberries dipped in chocolate, we were both laughing uncontrollably. All the guys in the room had their eyes on us and the girls to.

We left the chocolate place and I took her to this secluded park surrounded by rich people penthouse apartments. It’s a park that has a beautiful view of the harbor we sat their talking and I put my arm around her. She snuggles up close (it was kind of cold) we just sat there talking and then we shared our first kiss in almost 3 years. I wanted to sleep with her so badly but I thought it’s better that we didn’t after a wile of sitting, kissing and watching the view she drove home.

We stood at the front door talking a little she didn’t ask me to come in but I knew if I wanted to she wouldn’t hesitate. Anyway we parted with a small kiss and a hug and so ended my best date ever.

Beats clubbing any day.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Lev you and me have to hook up at some point... The whole Italian teacher threads got me thinking I could learn a lot from ya.




Don Juan
Oct 3, 2004
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sounds fake to me lol :moon:

prove me wrong ;] :up:


Nov 5, 2005
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yeh it's fake man... making FR's to seek approval from other PUA's

YOU CAUGHT ME!! lol :rolleyes:

Thing is boys she's a teacher and since I have previously posted I slept with her at my school formal if I put her pic up there is a very remote possibility that it could lead back to her and I’m not about to get her in trouble. No matter how small the chance is, it's her career not something to **** around with.

Just be happy a fellow PUA is dating a hot older woman :cool:

Yeh Amethyst if you ever come to Australia give me a shout.

I'm going to travel Euroupe next year who knows might drop by Scotland...... is it worth going?


Nov 5, 2005
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She just sent me a text message.......

"Hey, how are you? I had a great time last night I can't remember the last time I had so much fun or the last time I ate so much :p. We should do it again call me :D"

Damn I'm good.