It works,no questions asked. Just approach.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
skip2mylou781 said:
wats my point? my point is i never forgot to compliment them, but i never said it in a needy way, and instead all my compliments were delivered with sexuality and true boldness.

yes, theres been maybe....2 or 3 girls that i got by bein all mysteriosu and shyt and never complimenting them and a challenge.....but when it all comes down to it, if u make the girl feel like GOLD, and u show her that u urself ARE GOLD TOO, then it all works out
Gee, do I have to neg or not compliment? :crazy:

Well, actually you can do either or or any combination. As I've already taught before, the key is that you must end up with slightly higher value than her.

So, if you neg when she's already too far below you or compliment when she's above you - then those will only backfire. Problem is many of you guys have the tools here, but don't really know what the fvck they're for or how to use them.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Fuzzy logic

Espi said:
Sounds good...know your audience...I get that, but why do you view woman as being 'below' or 'above' you? I don't get that. You mean in looks?
Well, more like how she views herself and you. YES, people think they are superior or inferior to you for mating! For example, a snotty girl who turns her nose up at you...thinks she's "better," by whatever standard she's using. Looks may be a big part of this, or various other benchmarks.

Then again, a few girls might even date "down" in the hopes of getting treated better or tooling you...

Thing is, there's so many unknown variables, you have to stay flexible and natural to adapt to each unique situation. Cuz, there's probably exceptions to every rule, since the rule is never 100% comprehensive. That's why it's better to know the intent of the law, then trying to blindly apply the letter of it everywhere.