stop masterbating
i no pretty much all of u guys masterbate, so did i half a year ago. and i no most of u think its fine, u read some "positives" about baiting and u no longer feel guilty about it
but after quiting for half a year i feel like i shud share the amazing benefits of NOT keeping ur hand to urself
1. more awake/ alot more energy- I generally feel about 3 times more awake now then i did when i baited, it helped me with basicly everything. In school i could pay attention better and i could focus alot easier. Also i think my eyesight slightly improved but im not sure.
2. personality changed- I became ALOT more aggresive. if your one of those afcs who get bullied or something then you should DEFINITLY stop. After i stoped i basicly stoped taking **** from anyone. This is probably my favorite benefit. I went from a boy to a man
3. Hornyness- This is the common and most talked about benefit. You get alot more horny when you dont bait. This led me to approach and date alot more girls.
4. Confidence- Your generally alot more confident, knowing that you conquered one of the hardest habits in the world to defeat just makes you feel like you can do anything lol. Its just like accomplishing any other goal.
5. Working out- After i stoped baiting i had ALOT more tension. The great thing about it was that it made working out FUN, it felt freaking amazing to get rid of all the stress and tension. You HAVEEE to work out or have sex alot after you stop baiting, you just have too. So if u want another motivation to hit the gym heres one.
How to stop-
Stoping isn't easy. I used to bait every day before i tried to quit. What helped me out the most was GOING OUT, ALOT. When you go out ur incapable of baiting, and you'll probably not even think about it anyway.
Over the winter break I promised my self i would go out every day. that was about 9 days of going out and 9 days of no baiting. After, i actually went out ALOT more in general because you seriously get addicted to it after awile. Anyway i suggest making this sorta promise for yourselfs. In the end you will become alot more social and it will provide a good distraction for your new goal

Other tips- The first 21 days are the hardest so avoid the following untill you have good control and the habit goes away.
1. Dont play video games, i found that when i did i got hornier.
2. dont be idle for a long time. Sitting down on the computer all day will make you wanna bait like no other.
3. Avoid all contact with pictures of hot women. you may think "il just look, i wont bait" but the truth the chances of you giving in are pretty high. So just avoid it all together. no baiting with out ejaculation or porn!
4. Ok this is a weird tip but i swear it works wonders. If you feel the urge coming on, stand up and go to the bathroom and pee. The urge should lesson. Also try to go do something else while your up and when u sit back down begin some sort of distraction.
Anyway if you want to feel alive, Dont grab whats inbetween your thighs

(ya trying to ryme lol)