It seems so far away!!!!!!!


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2005
Reaction score
I know it can be difficult, when you've had a past that's made you socially inept or so that's what it sounds like!

Objectively, try to read what you posted. If you sound that way around girls & even when you do develop the confidence to approach more girls, they'll probably be turned off. All I understood from all your posts in this thread is that you're blaming outside circumstances rather than taking the responsibility yourself. Most girls are looking for a MAN who has some control! Things happen to everyone, & hoping there's a magic technique/pill that will help you get over it is unrealistic. So what if you have a nice as$ car & make a lot of money? Truth is there are other guys out there(the true DJs) who have all that or maybe more PLUS having the ability to take responsiblity & action in their own lives!

Of course, there are guys that don't have your materialistic possessions, but as long as they own up for their own lives & where it's headed, most girls will see/feel that confidence by the way they talk/walk/etc... & trust these guys to lead them. If you haven't already, read some of Pook's post or read the DJ Bible again & again!

Like some other posters have said, you have to take action. Yes. It's difficult approaching girls, but you have to do it more. Even the best DJs/PUAs have been rejected before, but they still go at it! So what if you get stuck on what to say? If you keep being afraid or whatever it is that's keeping you from approaching/talking to more girls, you'll never gain that confidence to be around them!


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Women are always as far away as your choice to pursue them. I know you feel sorry for yourself because you feel powerless. But women are always as far as your choice to pursue them. Everything is in your hands, the ball is always yours to play. You can choose to approach a girl or not.

A girl has to just sit there and wait. She has the right to blame the universe for her looks. You can only blame yourself.

I know that's not very comforting. Everybody has to choose to act, from the lowliest chump to the most seasoned DJ. Every time a chick walks by, everybody goes through the same battle with themselves. You're not alone. I know it seems like everybody else gets over it. No. People only get over it by choosing to.

Only tip: learn to laugh. Learn to make fun of yourself in a non-bitter way. Learn to feel better. That is not a lack of self-confidence.


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2006
Reaction score
izza said:
Women are always as far away as your choice to pursue them. I know you feel sorry for yourself because you feel powerless. But women are always as far as your choice to pursue them. Everything is in your hands, the ball is always yours to play. You can choose to approach a girl or not.

A girl has to just sit there and wait. She has the right to blame the universe for her looks. You can only blame yourself.

I know that's not very comforting. Everybody has to choose to act, from the lowliest chump to the most seasoned DJ. Every time a chick walks by, everybody goes through the same battle with themselves. You're not alone. I know it seems like everybody else gets over it. No. People only get over it by choosing to.

Only tip: learn to laugh. Learn to make fun of yourself in a non-bitter way. Learn to feel better. That is not a lack of self-confidence.
great advice!


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
Your perception is wrong.

Ask yourself some questions;

What do I really want?

Do I care what girls think or if they want me?

If so, why?

Do I want to care?

What do I want to be?

What do I see myself as?

What makes you inexpierenced and anti-social?

And last, but most importantly, what can I do to improve?

Focus on that.