With a secure income in 6 figures, if you know what to do, the world is your oyster and there are ways to start with nothing and have that income (while doing very little work yourself) in 3-4 years.
For instance, if you have nothing but your health and time, you can hire on with Sneider trucking. If you will contract with them to drive for nobody but them for a year, they will pay for the (4k) 18 wheeler school. Then they will work your butt off for a year, paying you 50k gross instead of the 70k that they'd have to be pay an experienced driver. You'll clear 35k, and if you save nearly all of that and know what to do, you can buy your own (used) truck and trailer.
If you know how to get the right co-driver, you can clear 80 the next year, and use that to buy 2 more trucks and put male-female driving teams in them. Each truck will clear 40k per year for you, if you know what to do with it. Now you are clearing 120k a year and all you have to do is occasionally monitor the truck's actions on your laptop, and arrange for loads, like 6 loads per week, as all 3 trucks x the US both ways in a week. Next year, buy 2-3 more trucks, and so on.
If you know how to get the right co-driver, you can clear 80 the next year, and use that to buy 2 more trucks and put male-female driving teams in them. Each truck will clear 40k per year for you, if you know what to do with it. Now you are clearing 120k a year and all you have to do is occasionally monitor the truck's actions on your laptop, and arrange for loads, like 6 loads per week, as all 3 trucks x the US both ways in a week. Next year, buy 2-3 more trucks, and so on.