Is this you?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Is this you?

When you first found SoSuave, you thought you were just "unlucky" with women, or women just didn't like you or something. Your AFC attempts to win girls over with flowers and attention and other niceties always seemed to fail miserably. Maybe you got a kiss here and there, but not much past that.

When you first started reading seduction-based material, it turned your world upside-down. You learned to stop supplicating and started believing that you, too, could be a Don Juan.

As you began to apply the things you learned online, you found your luck wtih women changing. You actually started getting phone numbers..and the women ANSWERED. You started gettign dates regularly. Women WANTED to sleep with you and WANTED to be around you more and more. You had at least 2 or 3 girls on speed-dial, with a new set of digits every weekend. You started moving from the 6s up to the 7s and 8s. Maybe got that "bragging number" from a stripper or bartender or some other highly-prized woman.

Soon you found yourself elevated in status...on the forums, you knew all the answers and helped the "noobs" find their way to the success that you enjoyed. You may have had one or two "DJ Bible" worthy write-ups. Everyone started IMing you and PMing you for advice with their "latest situation", which was no different than every other.

Slowly, though, something started changing.

As you gained a more thorough and complete understanding of the system, your level of proficiency seemed to fall off. At first you kidded yourself and said, "I'm just not trying as hard". Yet your success rate began to fall off. First girls would answer your calls, but decline to set up dates. Then they stopped answering entirely. They started dodging you. New girls were harder and harder to come by. You thought to yourself, "I'm a Don Juan, this can't be MY fault. The good women are all disappearing." Yet you see people hooking up all the time. It defies's as if the system just doesn't WORK like it used to. You still know all the answers to the questions, but they don't seem to help you.

You become the MFC...the Master Frustrated Chump, the man who knows everything there is to know about women, but for some reason has lost the "edge" to apply it, has lost the "flow", the "game", and can't for the life of him figure out what went wrong. You've got the've got it DOWN. It's YOUR system...why can't you apply it? Why doesn't it generate results lke it used to?? How did you fall so far off??

Is this you?


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Thunder Bay Ontario
Nope, yet I make my self look like fool on the boards every so often. I do have a lot of knowledge. About hooking up with women. It just gets harder and harder to explain. Plus I need to refer to the manual for short forms all the time but none-the-less I try to give good advice.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
you intriged me. I am not at the level of getting a lot of girls yet. But why would some who knows the 'game' stop getting girls. What the heck????


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Thunder Bay Ontario
hope7 said:
you intriged me. I am not at the level of getting a lot of girls yet. But why would some who knows the 'game' stop getting girls. What the heck????
Simple, they get ****y and arrogant. Not to mention iggnorant.


Don Juan
Mar 6, 2007
Reaction score
yea , thats like
almost exactly what happened to me
but the only difference is that im slowly getting back to tha norm, but i still feel like im not what i used to be


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2006
Reaction score
honestly, no matter what confidence you have Woman are always going to be hard work and things change after you sleep with a girl and it can get odd and really make you ask is it all worth it?, I'm in my 30's and I did alright in my 20's, lots of girlfriends, relationships, one night stands, cheating, affairs etc...i'm not really proud of the cheating but it's all experience right?

Anyway sorry for rambling, but these days I just don't have the patience or really the urge anymore, I feel like I have done it already and it wasn't that exciting, I cringe when I hear couples talk in baby talk to each and other and talk in that silly small talk they do...often about nothing.

There is a girl I have my eye on, but I just can't be bothered these days, am I a sad old dude or am I just taking a break?.

I guess what I'm really trying to say is until I meet that girl where there just doesn't seem to be so much effort then I will change my mind, Woman hurt you, lie to you, manipulate you and try and change you I would love to find one that doesn't.


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2007
Reaction score
back to the fold

basically i learnt the entire sosuave, fast seduction, pick up guide, askmen that i was soo gd from 2002 till 2005 when i just snapped got bored with the women and their little games that doesnt seem to interest me anymore that it has become a part of me. for 2006 i accumulated numbers but made no effort to am back from the gutters but still playing the gals but the one year break really took me under so now i seek a stable gal but with the ONS, and have to re-fresh my mind, read the S.S again...we all study how to pick the babes but not how to maintain a stable relationship nevertheless i'll never be satisfied with one woman, thus will have couple of ONS if am to remain sane and prevent that hollow feeling of something awry somewhere and stick to ma woman. Squirrels your not alone on this playas take this seriously...lest you plummet hard from your Coveted Dj paradise. Any ideas on how to bounce back to game fully ?:wave:


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2006
Reaction score

Squirrels – interesting topic.

Maybe some people loose their passion for DJing. Or they finally come to the realization that there is more to life than just woman. When you start to figure out/ find your true passion and deepest purpose in life, woman can be a small part of that but not majority. Constantly ‘working the crowd’ doesn’t cut it any more. It’s a farce, its acting. You realize that if you want happiness and woman in your life then you have to develop your deepest purpose – even if no one realizes or cares what you are doing. When you do this, I guarantee that the good quality woman will notice and become intrigued with who you are and they will flock to you. They will almost beg you to open them up – all you have to do is decide if you want to or not.

Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
I think blueblue hit the nail on the head. When people first find sosuave/fastseduction/MM/GWM/whatever is popular this minute, they apply themselves to learning it entirely and applying it. After they fix the "girls" portion of their life, they realize that there's more to it than just that. And then they still have the mindset of "let's go and just get girls" but they also know, at least subconsciously, that they need more.

Also, I think some people on here burn themselves out. Anything you do intensely for an extensive period, will end up burning you. Heck, it's even one of the principles we learn in here: if you're always with a girl she'll get tired of you. If you constantly sarge, you'll get tired of it eventually.

And, finally, there's the social robots, but I think Style/Neil Strauss had the best description. For those who haven't read his book, basically social robots are people who know the game, but have no social skills. They can get women in bed, but they can't hold a conversation beyond their routines. They're basically the opposite of naturals.

Anyway, I'm not like what the OP posted, but I can definately see how people on here would become so.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
I don't know. Every time I've went out within the last 2 months I was down a girl's pants..there is usually at least one girl that wants me anywhere I go, usually I think every girl is somewhat attracted..or curious, that is because I am curious myself in almost every single woman.

However, I am asking myself why do I want to go out? Why do I want to go mingle? I want to get the money and success..and this seems like its taking me away from this.

On the flip side, I know that I am in my prime - 22, surrounded by chicks at my school, and if now is not the time, when? Does sitting in a room reading 7 days a week constitute going for your dreams? Is there a formula that tells you how often you should go out based on your skill level/ asipriations in life?

To be honest, even with all my success I am still working on getting down the 9-10's. I am still somewhat insecure around them because I've always thought they were better...that is something i just have to eliminate from my mind.. like the girl last night was amazing and she was with me and she loved me.. so it's all in my head... stupid head

is that you squ? did you get ****y and may be too ****y that now you seem too fast too soon?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Oxide said:
is that you squ? did you get ****y and may be too ****y that now you seem too fast too soon?
Me? I've just lost faith in humankind in general. I'm looking for inspiration, for someone who can inspire me to take the next step in life, and all I find, in people in general but especially with women, is people who are at a LOWER level of consciousness than myself.

I still want the sex...I just don't feel like doing the work. Honestly...I have no desire to "sarge". It's not enjoyable to me at all...these women all expect to be entertained and they themselves have no value beyond looking good and feeling nice on my cawk.

And the 9s and 10s...heh, I think they're so f'd in the head you CAN'T charm them. They know every guy who comes up to them is after the coochie. Even if you play hard to get, she KNOWS you're after it. You can neg her, ignore her, whatever...she STILL KNOWS you're after it. You could outright refuse it when she offers it to you, and she STILL KNOWS you want it.

9s and 10s f*ck when they get horny. That's about the size of that...they pick a random suitor who looks like a good f*ck and bang him, then drop him the next day. The only way you hold down one of them is money...lots of money...and I don't even WANT a relationship based on that sh!t.

I dunno what I'm doing right now. I'm starting to come to the conclusion that there just isn't a woman who can satisfy me, who can offer me everything I want without dumping all kinds of bullsh!t on my lap. I don't think women REACH that level of consciousness where they do what they WANT to do instead of what they're SUPPOSED to do...maybe that's a domain restricted to the male of the species. But it makes me totally incompatible with them.

I can get women...I know that. I just don't feel like putting forth any effort any more. But I still question myself, I still ask myself, "Am I just afraid? Have I gotten soft? Am I REALLY not interested or am I making excuses?" I don't know the answer any more.


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Squrriel, you post some awesome stuff. Maybe it's not about the game anymore for you. You want the next level, someone attainable, and the pitfalls beforehand are discouraging you from looking.

You won't find what you're looking for by NOT doing anything, not meeting anyone. Stay with it, and try adjusting from sex-drive to having a good time with whoever you meet?


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
I bet you are full of shiit. So here is what you do:

go out this weekend, and get a girl to come back to your place/her place. I want you to at least get to the point where you are making out with your hands in her pants.

I dont care what you did in the past.. this is what you do this weekend.

Accomplish this and we will go to the next step, but you MUST do this.

Sun Tzu

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score

You're in a good place. I'm pretty sure that what is happening is that you're maturing.

As one of the granddaddies on this forum, I often shake my head in disbelief regarding the games most of the younger guys seem to have to play with women. I understand that you are forced to. I've been there myself.

It finally dawned on me that the reason that many of you guys have to contend with so much drama is because of the CALIBER of women you are going after. I mean, come on...when you're going after a quick lay, you're going to be dealing with immature, confused hors, plain & simple. And this kind of company you keep WILL slowly erode your self-respect. Only 25% of men ever become aware of that, unfortunately.

Here's the good news, guys: When you get older, it gets A LOT easier. After a couple of decades of life slapping them around, they start to straighten out and they develop some humility. It's even easy to get them to respect you on a deep level that they can't even comprehend.

Don't get me wrong...Women will always be a lot of work & aggravation, but trust me...They start to develop at least a smattering of sense as they get a little older.

I really, genuinely feel sorry for you guys who are dealing with women in their teens and twenties. At that age, they have their heads completely up their asses and you are compelled to find strategies to deal with that.

When you get to the ripe old age of 49, like old Sun Tzu, you will be delighted to find that YOU run the show with very little manipulation and effort. In my experience, women tend to grow tired of living with their heads up their asses, and once they do they become extremely easy to tame. Edit: Change that "extremely easy" to "A lot easier to tame".

You should see me operate with a woman with feminist leanings, for example. I will destroy her arguments with a full frontal assault on her "logic", and you can practically see the little cartoon hearts flying out of her head. Why? Because never in her life has she experienced a man standing up to her before, and she logically doesn't know what to make of it. But mother nature sees to it that her attraction level goes through the roof.

Hmmm... I'm all over the place with this post tonight (sorry) but my main point is that perhaps Squirrels is questioning the caliber of girl he's been dealing with and is relatively unaware that there really are higher caliber women out there that are considerably less work (although ALL women do require a considerable amount of work).

Imagine that you have a closet full of your favorite chocolate cookies. They are cheap, "dime-a-dozen" cookies and you have an unlimited supply. For days you're content and happy munching away, but in time you WILL grow to despise them and will long for something better, something that will stick to those chubby little ribs of yours.

You have been gorging on empty calories. But maybe it's time now for some of you to get out of the pantry and savor a nice steak dinner.

Let he who has an ear, hear.

Sun Tzu


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, I forgot to mention this - but there are women out there who are cool fun AND hot. But you wont find them untill you approach dozens of BEAUTIFUL women.

as for Sun, dude at 49 women better be real.. because I don't want her when she is old, I want her when she is 22.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Oxide said:
Yeah, I forgot to mention this - but there are women out there who are cool fun AND hot. But you wont find them untill you approach dozens of BEAUTIFUL women.

as for Sun, dude at 49 women better be real.. because I don't want her when she is old, I want her when she is 22.
That's WHY women at 49 are so easy. The looks are almost gone at that age, with 99.9% of women, so they can't play the BS games any more. The women who used to KNOW all men wanted the 'nani now KNOW those men do NOT want it. So they have to drop the "I am God" routine and become normal human beings. At that point, most men have already surpassed them. Not to mention the fact that at 49, a woman may as well give up at having healthy children.

Any woman who's "cool, fun, and hot" is virtually unobtainable. Like I said, if she's all three of those, she KNOWS it. And she's getting pulled in so many directions by so many high-caliber guys and wanna-be-high-caliber guys, that she doesn't even F with most of them unless she happens to be in a horny mood. They see ANYTHING you do as an act to get in her pants, even if you're GENUINELY NOT interested. The ONLY way you get them is to have enough money to fund their ridiculousness. And like I said, I don't want that in my life. If I want to pay for affection, I'll do it outright at the Bunny Ranch or something.

I dunno...I think society has just gone out of its way to F women in the head. And I KNOW that deep down inside they want to break out...I just can't manage to develop a frame stronger than years and years of social conditioning. I can't make bring out their desire to be good, natural human beings.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
I don't agree with the whole idea about 10s who will see everything that you do as you hitting on her.
If you stick to use pu tricks then sure she will, but if you start genuinily commanding respect than things will change.

It's all about who's reality is going to dominate.
If you let her reality dominate, it will.

Focus on getting QUALITY woman.

You'll get that which you want, when you start looking for it.
But you have start focus on exactly that which you want in a woman, instead of focussing on about how immature and low-concious they are.
I agree that there are a lot of low-concious people out there, but there also healthy ones and you can find them if start focussing on that.