is this true?


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2005
Reaction score
First of all, you should all know that I am a a girl, asking you guys a question.
There is this guy that said that he liked me, and he knows that i like him. But he hasnt asked me out yet. He suggested things to do, but never really asked.
A few times he has asked if i was working the next day, or when my next day off was. At that time, i had to work alot, so didnt know when my next day off would be, and thats what i told him. He has asked two times when i would have a day off. He has also wanted to know when i would be closing where i work by myself, so he could come see me. I told him i didnt know., cuz i really didnt know my schedule then.
A few times he has also asked me to come visit him, at his work i guess.
But if he really liked me, wouldnt he want to come visit ME?
Since he asked when i would be working by myself, and said he wanted to come visit me, does that really mean he is interested? Would a guy say stuff like, "whens the next time you have off" "or when do you work so i can come visit" and not really mean it?
I dont know if i should tell him when i work bymyself, or when i have off, just yet. I think im kinda waiting for him to ask again. But then i think about how i said "i dont know when my next day off is" and how he asked me to let him know when i was working, and i havent let him know yet, and now he probably thinks im not interested anymore...
Should i tell him when i have off and/or when i work by myself, or not?
I dont wanna seem desperate, and then realized that he doesnt really care and was just saying those thigns cuz he had nothing better to say, but he DID ask....
Any thoughts, guys?


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
lol, you know something ? Your situation sounds EXACTLY like mine. Honestly If I were you. Tell him when you're working next. Maybe he'll show up. I know I probally would as a suprise and try to get the girl to go to lunch or dinner Q_Q. I know you're busy working, but have you gave this guy decent attention to let him know some interest, or you're trying to see if you will break him with games?


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2005
Reaction score
State College, PA
Ask yourself, why shouldn't I tell him when I get off or when I am working by myself?

Chances are he is asking because he wants to get you away from work, because he has respect for you enough to not bother you AT work (and besides, most bosses really dislike on the job flirtation,unless you work at hooters).

Besides, if the guy said he likes ya and you are thinking about playing head games with him (IE., "I won't tell him when I work, make him come and figure it out"), you will lose him. Just say, next time you talk to him, WITHOUT HIM ASKING, the next day you are off. This will let HIM know you are still VERY interested in him. Hopefully he hasn't nexted ya yet.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
That sounds like good advice, just give him a nudge or may say hey you wanna hang out on so and so I am free ....etc.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2005
Reaction score
He KNOWS im interested. I told him that i liked him, and after i told him, he told me that he liked me too, and that he had for a while, but because i had worked for him (i dont anymore) he was too scared to make a move. And we have talked on the phone for and hour and a half, we did that several times, and sometimes i txt him just to say hi when im bored. so yea, he knows im interested.. im just hoping that he is really asking me when i have off or when im working cuz he genuinely wants to know, so if i do tell him, i dont look retarted, lol...


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
lol, I'm sure things will fall into place, now that you have the right advice.


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
Québec, Canada
My advice

Don't wait for him to ask you again. He has given you more than one opportunity to meet with him and you didn't give him any other option when you couldn't. A lot of men would have nexted you by now (I would).

If you want something to happen, it's you're move. Stop dilly dallying. Call him and tell him the next time that you are off even if you have only 12 hours notice. You'll see how he answers and if he still wants to give you the time of day. If you don't have his telephone number, next time that you see him, ask him. BUT, after you have it give him a call to follow up because if you don't, the chances are good that he will next you.

On the other hand, if you continue with all your hesitations and continuous insecurities and questions, you will probably kill any chance of anything good happening. If this guy or any other guy which appeals to you ask's you out, say YES_ if you want to give it a chance.

Good luck


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2005
Reaction score
since he had asked before for me to tell him when i am working by myself so he could come visit me, i think im finally gunna tell him. Im just gunna txt him and be like "you should come tuesday and visit me if your not working" and just see what he says. but it sucks cuz i dont know when my next full day off is gunna be, i know when i have the day off, but i have class at night...oh well. i'll just see if he comes.