so damn BETA said:
A short film called "Dennis"
The guy is a monster bodybuilder but STILL carries himself as an ultimate beta...the guy bombs with women and even skinny slacker-looking guys don't seem to respect him.
Isn't lifting weights and developing a good physique integral to carrying yourself with alpha confidence?
If something like what you see here can happen to a massive real bodybuilder, then how can us regular guys be sure to carry ourselves well should we get into good shape (not even bodybuilder massive)?
I haven't posted here for quite sometimes now but your recent postings:
thread 1 ,
thread 2, and now this one demand a respond. It seems deep inside, you have an idea of what or who you would like to be around this time of your life (at 40 yrs old) but you are not willing to work for it. Or at least do not have the will power to work for it. Let's take your current work situations for example. As you mentioned in your other posts, you have been doing the same hourly job for the past 8 years while your college degree is sitting somewhere collecting dusts. Granted, not all college graduates are guaranteed their dream jobs but most that try to make their hard-earned degrees worthwhile make it useful. You on the other hand can't even get promoted at a job you have been doing for 8 years and your boss would rather hire an outsider to fill a vacant position than to promote you. See where I am going? This is not to demean you or your job but it is for you to take a hard look at yourself and your lifestyles. It all boils down to the way you internalize things.
In one of your earlier
posts , AAAgents, post #19, gave some solid examples or reasons of why it is important to work on your inner self. He even suggest book for you to take a look at (read) which can be obtained free of charge with a few google search. Yet you seemed more concerned with those that gave you a constructive criticism. My suggestions to you is to go back to that post, read/re-read what AAAgent's posted and try to soak in what he said. There are no experts on here on any particular topic. We are all here to brainstorm ideas. Take what you like and ignore others based on a common sense approach.
Regarding the youtube video, Dennis had the courage to call the girl. Went on a date, even though his mother did not want him to. He biked to the date. Took the girl to a pizza restaurant. Went with girl to meet her friend. And more importantly, he left the house when he wanted to. The question is: would you rather be Dennis or so_damn_BETA? Do you have the courage to do what you want to do without feeling sorry for yourself or others? Do you have what it takes to go back in time, get that guitar and resume playing like you did several years ago?