Master Don Juan
It's been a very long time since i've started a thread on this site. I've been browsing for the last few months, and really not posting that much.
In any case, here I am looking for a little insight as to what other ppl think about my relationship with my girlfriend, (there have been numerous posts about her before) to give input where it is needed and to really help take my head outta my ass in regards to the question we must all ask ourselves oneday:
"Is it really worth continuing my relationship with my girlfriend?"
I don't need to give u guys that much detail or background info about my past with this chick. We've had our differences over an array of subjects, but conceivably it's one theme that seems to keep on rearing its ugly head in the relationship. Its one thing that's manifesting itself over and over again and its the one thing that led me to break up with her bout 4 months ago. She begged me to come back, citing 'everything' would change, and I did...overall, the first 3 weeks were heaven, then it kinda felt nothing really changed (which I knew would happen...but i still wanted to provide that chance)...we've been going out for one year and five months now, something I thought I'd never achieve in this life time...
keep in mind my questions would probably be better answered pondering what i want out of my life in a dank quiet corner alone or something...but I felt it would also be kinda fun to post something again.
When we broke up, it was really because I couldn't stand the double standards she was imposing on our relationship. In a nutshell, she would get angry/upset over something I would do (or more in her case, the things I would not do...she complained relentlessly that I kept on disappointing her; which really meant she didnt like it when i didnt do something she wanted me to do) meanwhile exhibiting the EXACT behaviour she herself stated she hated to see in me. She wanted to have her cake and it eat it too and by the end I was sick and tired of her nagging and her chastising while I felt I was making genuine efforts for the wellbeing of 'us' while she herself was on the verge (IMO) of taking me for granted..arguments often ensued like this one:
"JB, I can't believe you're not hanging out with me tonight (tears welling up in the eyes) . You're diappointing me again..why do you make me cry?
"Babe, you nag and harrass me so much, but take a look at yourself...WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY? Only, I don't complain about it (probably because i tend to depend on myself for my entertainment)..why are u so selfish?"
Ahhh, see, communication apparently was not our strongest attribute. Crying would ALWAYS ensue after this classic argument and I would always be accused of making her feel like shyt, unloved, and even 'hated' (if u can believe that one) when all along i'm trying to explain to her, (sometimes in shouting matches) just trying to make her see..."HEY, DON'T YOU KNOW, YOU'RE BRINGING THIS ALL ON YOURSELF!?" Long story short, I got sick and tired of "disappointing her" while she sat back and did shyt all for the relationship (with slightly disrespectful actions sprinkled along the way), and I wanted out. The situation was so weird because we both thought of eachother as completely selfish and self interested..surely not many relationships exist where both parties think the exact same thing of the other...who was right?
I didn't try to answer that question, so i left. That was beg. november 2005.
1 week of begging and pleading later, I go back with her. Why? Because I cared..because she seemed so hellbent on being the woman I wanted her to be that I wanted to give her that chance. Shyt was good for awhile and for the first time in awhile we were both putting heaps of effort in this, knowing the other would do the same and be ultra grateful for it. Reciprocity is a wondeful thing.
Then, a new trend started forming. She would do certain things I would consider to be fvcking direspectful (blowing off new years plans with me because she got invited to a once in life time mtv new years eve party...ok ok...it wasnt a direct blowoff but the way she let me know of her change of plans was imo completely uncool) ..she once withheld sex from me for 3 weeks because she was on anti biotics and couldnt take the pill all the while knowing perfectly she had condoms in her bedside drawer...anyways..shyt like this and more of it. The way I handled it was very wrong and I would let myself get mad instead of remaing aloof and indifferent. Fights would again ensue and i would again be accused of making her feel like shyt (as in, "a good boyfriend would never make his girlfriend feel as shytty as you do sometimes jb" ...
It's been a very long time since i've started a thread on this site. I've been browsing for the last few months, and really not posting that much.
In any case, here I am looking for a little insight as to what other ppl think about my relationship with my girlfriend, (there have been numerous posts about her before) to give input where it is needed and to really help take my head outta my ass in regards to the question we must all ask ourselves oneday:
"Is it really worth continuing my relationship with my girlfriend?"
I don't need to give u guys that much detail or background info about my past with this chick. We've had our differences over an array of subjects, but conceivably it's one theme that seems to keep on rearing its ugly head in the relationship. Its one thing that's manifesting itself over and over again and its the one thing that led me to break up with her bout 4 months ago. She begged me to come back, citing 'everything' would change, and I did...overall, the first 3 weeks were heaven, then it kinda felt nothing really changed (which I knew would happen...but i still wanted to provide that chance)...we've been going out for one year and five months now, something I thought I'd never achieve in this life time...
keep in mind my questions would probably be better answered pondering what i want out of my life in a dank quiet corner alone or something...but I felt it would also be kinda fun to post something again.
When we broke up, it was really because I couldn't stand the double standards she was imposing on our relationship. In a nutshell, she would get angry/upset over something I would do (or more in her case, the things I would not do...she complained relentlessly that I kept on disappointing her; which really meant she didnt like it when i didnt do something she wanted me to do) meanwhile exhibiting the EXACT behaviour she herself stated she hated to see in me. She wanted to have her cake and it eat it too and by the end I was sick and tired of her nagging and her chastising while I felt I was making genuine efforts for the wellbeing of 'us' while she herself was on the verge (IMO) of taking me for granted..arguments often ensued like this one:
"JB, I can't believe you're not hanging out with me tonight (tears welling up in the eyes) . You're diappointing me again..why do you make me cry?
"Babe, you nag and harrass me so much, but take a look at yourself...WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY? Only, I don't complain about it (probably because i tend to depend on myself for my entertainment)..why are u so selfish?"
Ahhh, see, communication apparently was not our strongest attribute. Crying would ALWAYS ensue after this classic argument and I would always be accused of making her feel like shyt, unloved, and even 'hated' (if u can believe that one) when all along i'm trying to explain to her, (sometimes in shouting matches) just trying to make her see..."HEY, DON'T YOU KNOW, YOU'RE BRINGING THIS ALL ON YOURSELF!?" Long story short, I got sick and tired of "disappointing her" while she sat back and did shyt all for the relationship (with slightly disrespectful actions sprinkled along the way), and I wanted out. The situation was so weird because we both thought of eachother as completely selfish and self interested..surely not many relationships exist where both parties think the exact same thing of the other...who was right?
I didn't try to answer that question, so i left. That was beg. november 2005.
1 week of begging and pleading later, I go back with her. Why? Because I cared..because she seemed so hellbent on being the woman I wanted her to be that I wanted to give her that chance. Shyt was good for awhile and for the first time in awhile we were both putting heaps of effort in this, knowing the other would do the same and be ultra grateful for it. Reciprocity is a wondeful thing.
Then, a new trend started forming. She would do certain things I would consider to be fvcking direspectful (blowing off new years plans with me because she got invited to a once in life time mtv new years eve party...ok ok...it wasnt a direct blowoff but the way she let me know of her change of plans was imo completely uncool) ..she once withheld sex from me for 3 weeks because she was on anti biotics and couldnt take the pill all the while knowing perfectly she had condoms in her bedside drawer...anyways..shyt like this and more of it. The way I handled it was very wrong and I would let myself get mad instead of remaing aloof and indifferent. Fights would again ensue and i would again be accused of making her feel like shyt (as in, "a good boyfriend would never make his girlfriend feel as shytty as you do sometimes jb" ...